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The Wearing Of Dog Collars


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I don't have a collar on Zero when I'm not at home. I doesn't do anything other than sleep during the day anyway but I worry about him getting it caught.

Zero is another dog that has 2 microchips. The one that was implanted first is now in his back leg and is often missed by the scanner so I had another one put in. It seems to have stayed put between his shoulder blades now though he is a lot thinner and well muscled than he was when I got him so I wonder if that's what's held it in place!

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Funny thing was that they told me they took her to the vet to get her scanned for a chip and the vet DIDN'T FIND THE CHIP! I know for a fact she has one because she's escaped a couple of times from my parents place and they've scanned her and found the chip and as far as I know it's just in the usual spot on the neck between the shoulderblades.

So even though my lot are all chipped I am a bit worried that the chip may be missed :)

Like anything there is no perfect solution I suppose but I try to minimise the hazards around the house when it comes to objects they could get snagged on.

My girls first chip no longer works so she had a 2nd one done.

I've been meaning to take her back to them and get them to rescan her, but the time this happened she had been scanned only a few days prior because she escaped from my parents place (that's one of the reasons I took her on for a while) and the pound had scanned her and found the chip.

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I definitely would not say you are doing the wrong thing by leaving collars on your dogs! Having easily accessible and readable info attached to your dog can only be a good thing, IMO.

I would however suggest getting a break-away collar, or leaving a flat collar loose enough that it may slip over the dog's head if they were to get it caught on something.

The malinut wears a thin nylon slip collar (locked off with a clip) when he is at home, so I have something to catch him by if needed. I should really also work on getting some form of ID and phone number attached to it, but I don't want a metal tag that will rattle and make noise, and I'm not sure where to get custom plastic ones :)

I've seen the silent customiseable ones a Pet Stock and Pet Barn, you customise them yourself.

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I recently found out that in our council area you have to have a coller and Id tag on your dog even though they are microchiped and registered. If your dog gets out you can be fined for the dog not wearing a collar. Personally I think this is a stupid ruling as I thought that is what microchip was brought in for.

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I wonder what the rules are for the City of Wanneroo - I must go look. I have both mine in collars but they are inside. The younger one likes to hang off the older ones collar sometimes which irritates me more than it does him. After reading this though, I have taken the collars off and just put them on for walks. I do worry though, as when I get a dog door installed and they can go out and in during the day, I'd prefer them to have ID on them besides their chips.... hmmm what to do, eh?


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It's a good point and a conundrum I have recently had to sort out for myself. In the past I've been quite adamant that my dogs wear collars with ID at all times because you don't know when someone is going to leave a door or gate open. They wore breakaway collars. When I got Erik I got him a breakaway collar as well, but it was coming off ALL the time. It came off at home quite regularly when the boys were playing, and it came off when we were out and about quite regularly too. In the end I decided to abandon the collars. They wear impossible to escape from harnesses when they are out with us, so they have ID tags on their harnesses and they have collars with ID tags for times when they aren't wearing their harness for whatever reason. And at home they now go nakey. I can't say I'm happy with it, but it's the best I feel I can do. If I didn't have dogs that play all the time and frequently bite at each other's necks they would still be wearing some kind of collar.

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