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Possible Hernia - Female Pom, Entire


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Hello all,

I have just noticed a small lump on my new Pomeranian girl - It is in her groin area situated to one side of her lower abdomen and just next to her leg joint/hip?? Sorry I am very bad at explaining exactly where it is so I hope that makes sense - I have spoken to a few breeders and they are pretty convinced it is a groin hernia caused by trauma. The lump was not apparent when I got her a few weeks back, but I have only just noticed it now! She is happy and well in herself and is running around like normal and eating normally. There appears to be no pain or discomfort when I touch it or gently push it - it does not feel hot or inflamed - I did get told to push on it to see if it retreats which it does and then it pops out again so we are all thinking it is a hernia.

I have rung my vet and have an appointment next week or maybe tomorrow if he can fit me in, so I have come on here to get others advise as firstly I have bought this girl from another breeder (reg breeder) in early february this year as a brood girl. Obviously my first concerns are her health. Secondly because I have bought her as a brood, has anyone else experienced this sort of situation and after diagnosis and treatment were they able to be breed from the girl once making a full recovery.

I have done some research into hernias and understand that congenital hernias are no good when it comes to breeding so any dog/bitch with a hernia that is thought to be inherit should be desexed and never bred from - I also understand that umbilical hernias are thought to be inherit and the same applies with these.

I will of course know more once proper diagnosis has been given, but in talking to another pom breeder and talking to the vet quickly over the phone they seems to think that it is more then likely caused by trauma given the girls age and that she has had litters already.

The girl is 5 years old and has had 3 litters - Generally with my own girls I try to limit them to 2-3 litters and then retire them - desexing them and keeping them here or re-homing them. But this girl has bloodlines that are very, very hard to come by (imp parti lines) so I bought her with the intent of having one litter from her and hopefully getting a girl to move forward with and then desexing her.....

So I am worried that I have bought and paid for a girl for breeding and because of this it may be too risky to breed her again....

Would love to hear your thoughts as I am a little concerned about everything at the moment and the wait is killing me so would love to know what I am in for and ease my mind if possible.

Thank you in advance.

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First things first. there are lots of things that could cause a lump there, from hernias to a lipoma to a mammary mass.

You need to get a proper diagnosis as to what the lump is before you worry about the future implications of it.

Off to your vet :(

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oh yes most certainly - my guess is hernia - but it could very well be something else as you say.

I did not manage to get an appointment until Monday - but the wait is killing me and I am very worried about everything - her health firstly, then of course everything else!

Thank you anyways - hopefully we get some news soon, and hopefully it is something minor and I am worrying over nothing - :) but until then I just keep n worrying - poor girl - but she seems ok at the moment - doesn't bother her at all...



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