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Anat Shep And Kangal


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does anyone know,

Anatolian Shepherd and a Kangal Dog are they the same breed ?, and what name are they shown under and what group - working ??

and if so what s the difference ??

thanks gandalf

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[Print A4 PDF of Breed Standard] [print page]

Anatolian Shepherd Dog

Group: Group 6 (Utility)


General Appearance: Large, upstanding, tall, powerfully built, livestock guarding dog with broad strong head and dense double coat. Must have size and stamina. Capable of great speed.

Important Proportions: Foreface slightly shorter than skull.

Characteristics: An active breed originally used as a guard dog for sheep; hard working; capable of enduring extremes of heat and cold.

Temperament: Steady and bold without aggression, naturally independent, very intelligent and tractable. Proud and confident. Loyal and affectionate to owners, but wary of strangers when mature.

Head And Skull: Skull: Large, but in proportion to body, broad between ears, slightly domed, with slight stop. Mature males have broader head than females.

Foreface: Seen from above almost rectangular. Profile blunt, tapering very slightly to end.

Nose: Black, except in livers, where it is brown.

Lips: Very slightly pendulous, black-edged. Edge of upper lip not lower than the profile of the underjaw. Tight lip-corners.

Eyes: Rather small in proportion to size of skull, set well apart, deep set, showing no haw. Golden to brown in colour according to coat colour. Eye rims black except in livers.

Ears: Medium sized, triangular in shape, rounded at tip, pendant with front edge close to cheek, higher when alert.

Mouth: Teeth strong, with a perfect scissor bite, i.e. the upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaw. Complete dentition.

Neck: Slightly arched, powerful, muscular, moderate in length, rather thick. Slight dewlap.

Forequarters: Shoulders: Well muscled, oblique.

Forelegs: Set well apart, straight and well boned; of good length.

Elbows: Close to sides, free moving.

Pasterns: Strong, slightly sloping when viewed from side.

Body: Powerful, well muscled, never fat.

Topline: Rather short in proportion to leg length, horizontal, slightly arched over loins.

Underline: With the belly well tucked up.

Chest: Deep to point of elbow, ribs well sprung, ribcage sufficiently long.

Hindquarters: Powerful, not overloaded with muscles. Hindlegs vertical when seen from rear.

Thighs: Long.

Stifle: Good turn of stifle.

Feet: Strong, with thick pads and well arched toes. Nails short.

Tail: Long, reaching to hock, set on rather high, when relaxed carried low with slight curl; when alert carried high and curled over back, especially by males.

Gait/Movement: Very noticeable level line of body, head and neck when walking; movement even, supple and long reaching, giving impression of stalking, with great power. Pacing acceptable at slow speed. Mincing or hackney action highly undesirable.

Coat: Hair: Short or mid-length, dense, with thick undercoat. Great variations in length according to climate. Longer and thicker at neck, shoulders and thighs. The coat tends to be longer in winter.

Colour: All colours acceptable.

Sizes: Height:

Dogs 74-81 cm (29-32 ins) at the shoulders

Bitches 71-79 cm (28-31 ins) at the shoulders


Mature dogs 50-65 kg (110-145 lbs)

Mature bitches 40-55 kg (85-120 lbs)

Faults: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.

Notes: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

Last Updated: 2 Jul 2009

Copyright © 2010 Australian National Kennel Council


Kangal Dog

[Print A4 PDF of Breed Standard] [print page]

[Click to view breed extension PDF]

Group: Group 6 (Utility)


General Appearance: It is renowned for its size, courage and mastiff-like appearance. It invariably has a black mask on a massive head (karabash) and short, dense hair ranging in colour from dun to steel grey.

Characteristics: An active working breed used to guard sheep and livestock. Steady and bold without undue aggression, independent, hardy, very trainable.

Temperament: The Kangal Dog possesses the classic livestock guardian dog temperament; a temperament characterised by a calm, alert and independent demeanour. Possessing a natural protective instinct, he is loyal, bold and courageous without showing undue aggression. Moreover the Kangal Dog is sensitive and his responses to individual situations clearly demonstrate his intelligence and sensitivity.

Head And Skull: Large and broad between the ears with moderate stop. Foreface slightly more than 1/3 of total head length. Slightly pendulous black lips. Square profile. Nose black.

Eyes: Rather small in proportion to the skull, set well apart and deep, somewhat round in shape, showing no haw. Colour from golden to brown. Eye rims black.

Ears: Medium sized, triangular in shape, rounded at the tip, flat to the skull and carried pendant.

Mouth: Lips black. Level or scissor bite

Neck: Slightly arched, powerful and muscular, moderate in length and rather thick. Some dewlap.

Forequarters: Forelegs set well apart, straight and well-boned, of good length, with strong pasterns. Elbows close to sides. Shoulders well-muscled.

Body: Chest deep to point of elbow, ribs well-sprung. Body powerful and well-muscled, never fat. Back rather short in proportion to leg length, slight arch over the loins with moderate tuck-up.

Hindquarters: Powerful, not as heavy as forequarters. Rear pasterns moderately straight.

Feet: Good strong feet with well-arched toes. Nails blunt, grey or black depending on coat colour.

Tail: Long bone reaching at least to hock joint. Set on rather high. When relaxed, carried low with slight curl; when alert, carried high with end curled over back.

Gait/Movement: Relaxed even gait. Noticeable straight line of body, head and neck; alert when walking. Pacing acceptable.

Coat: Short and dense with thick undercoat. Slightly longer at neck and shoulders.

Colour: The head invariably has a black mask. Body colour ranges from dun to steel grey. A white chest blaze may be present. The Kangal Dog is never white or spotted.

Sizes: Males: Weight 50 , 63.5 kg [110 , 140 lbs]

Height 76 , 81.5 cm [30 , 32 ins]

Bitches Weight 41 , 59 kg [90 , 130 lbs]

Height 71 , 78.5 cm [28 , 31 ins]

Faults: Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.

Notes: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

Last Updated: N/A

Copyright © 2010 Australian National Kennel Council

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does anyone know,

Anatolian Shepherd and a Kangal Dog are they the same breed ?, and what name are they shown under and what group - working ??

and if so what s the difference ??

thanks gandalf

This has been discussed here on Dol before somewhere.

At the ANKC conf late last year this was bought up.

2.3 Kangal Dog and Anatolian Shepherd Dog

Delegates resolved that the ANKC try to resolve the situation with the Kangal Dog and the

Anatolian Shepherd Dog by sending a letter to all registered Kangal Dog and Anatolian

Shepherd Dog owners outlining the following:

6.1 The ANKC resolve to have all Kangal Dogs DNA tested to ascertain if it is a

separate breed to the Anatolian Shepherd Dog. If the DNA test shows that the

Kangal Dog and the Anatolian Shepherd Dog are the same breed, the ANKC resolve

to declare that the Kangal Dog and the Anatolian Shepherd Dog are the same

breed. All Kangal Dogs to be re-registered as Anatolian Shepherd Dog and

recognised as a single breed (not even as two varieties of the same breed) and

treated as a single from 1 January 2010. The standard for the breed, to be the

current Anatolian Shepherd Dog standard.

6.2 The two breeds to remain as two [2] separate breeds. Should the DNA test show

significant differences between the two breeds, then the ANKC resolve to declare

that the Kangal Dog and the Anatolian Shepherd Dog are two [2] separate breeds

with no inter breeding between the two breeds. To resolve that a moratorium of five

[5] years be declared before this policy can be reconsidered.

Kangal breeders are to be advised that failure to respond by 30 June 2010 may result in the

Kangal Dog no longer being an ANKC recognised breed.

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thankyou, so by mid year, there will be one or two breeds, if 2 maybe the ant shep will go into working group

i find it weird that this stock guardian is not in the working group like the other stock guardians and is in utility.

thanks for your help


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thankyou, so by mid year, there will be one or two breeds, if 2 maybe the ant shep will go into working group

i find it weird that this stock guardian is not in the working group like the other stock guardians and is in utility.

thanks for your help


They put mine in Utility as well, I think its just the place where all those that dont fit directly ( according to who ?? I dont know) go! Overseas countries have the luxury of more groups!


Maybe it would be best to email some breeders here they would know what the go is with the ANKC workings.

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does anyone know,

Anatolian Shepherd and a Kangal Dog are they the same breed ?, and what name are they shown under and what group - working ??

and if so what s the difference ??

thanks gandalf

ooh contentious topic! :rofl::)

ASD and KDs are currently shown in Group 6, Utility.

When ASDs and KDs were the one breed

and when they were called Anatolian Karabash

they were in Group 5, Working.

The powers that be group ASD/KDs as a 'terrain breed'

so they like to have them with the Bernese, Pyrenean, Leonberger et al.

The Central Asian is also in Group 6, Utility.

Dont know why, I think ASD/KDs and CAOs belong with the Maremma in Group 5.

Edited by lilli
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