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Is His Coat Letting Him Down?


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My dogue is currently 9 months old and we have just started showing, a late run I know but it just turned out this way. He stands well in the ring, runs well and is well behaved for the judge. He has won all his classes but constantly loses the challenge to a younger dogue bitch. To me he is going through his lanky teens with more skin to fill out and not much muscle definition but I thought a judge would take this into consideration. The other thing is he still seems to have his puppy coat where as the bitch has her nice short adult coat.

Any pointers?

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My dogue is currently 9 months old and we have just started showing, a late run I know but it just turned out this way. He stands well in the ring, runs well and is well behaved for the judge. He has won all his classes but constantly loses the challenge to a younger dogue bitch. To me he is going through his lanky teens with more skin to fill out and not much muscle definition but I thought a judge would take this into consideration. The other thing is he still seems to have his puppy coat where as the bitch has her nice short adult coat.

Any pointers?

I'll give you some advice I was given HD. Wait for the Group to finish and politely ask the judge. Say that you're looking for some constructive criticism and ask if there's a reason they prefer the bitch. Hard to say without seeing your boy but he may lack maturity in comparison to the bitch or there may be another issue you haven't considered.

I'd say time will be your ally.. he will need to mature. The boys are usually at a disadvantage in that department for a while.

Edited by poodlefan
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9 months of age can be awkward for some breeds (lines even). I took my whippet out of the show ring for a while. He looked like a gangly, awkward teenager at 9-10mths of age. He is starting to get it together now. You don't do the dog any favors showing them when they are going through "the uglies".

If it is grooming well I can't say anything unless I see the dog, at least a pic anyway.

Ask for some advice ringside and maybe take him out of the ring to he matures some more.

Edited by whippets
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9 months of age can be awkward for some breeds (lines even). I took my whippet out of the show ring for a while. He looked like a gangly, awkward teenager at 9-10mths of age. He is starting to get it together now. You don't do the dog any favors showing them when they are going through "the uglies".

If it is grooming well I can't say anything unless I see the dog, at least a pic anyway.

Ask for some advice ringside and maybe take him out of the ring to he matures some more.



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To me he is going through his lanky teens with more skin to fill out and not much muscle definition but I thought a judge would take this into consideration. The other thing is he still seems to have his puppy coat where as the bitch has her nice short adult coat.

Any pointers?

The best dog on the day is the one that is going to win. Judges don't and shouldn't take into account age as who knows how the dog is going to develop. Many a promising puppy has been an ugly adult so the judges have to judge what is in front of them.

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