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Ideas For Ways To Bond More With My Dog


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As for the beach side well it wouldnt worry me if a dog was enjoying being a dog after all it is a dog

I agree. I don't see depriving a dog of all other enjoyment as an acceptable price for more attention to me. It's the Stockholm Syndrome approach and its one I'm no fan of.

That's interesting, I don't remember typing that I deprive my dogs of all other enjoyment, but hey ... :thumbsup:

My comment wasn't directed at you Mrs D.. and if you don't deprive your dogs of all stimultation not derived from you (and this does happen) then my comment is not relevant to your practices anyway! :rofl:

And for what it's worth I agree that there's a balance to be struck between letting your dog run free with others and regaining its attention when training. A very highly aroused dog will maintain its adrenalin levels for hours or days.. not a state you want a dog in for effective training.

I thought it was directed at me. My mistake, sorry PF.

Fran, no problems, you weren't disrespectful :rofl: .

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Sorry, I haven't read the whole thread so it may have been said already... Are you comparing her to Atlas? When we got Ivan I didn't realise just how aloof he was until we got Angel a few months later. Bull breeds want to be with you and doing what you're doing. Maybe Lappies are more independent?

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FWIW, out of all the dogs I've ever owned my kelpie boy who was a rescue & that I got at 1 year old is by miles the most devoted & bonded to me. He would follow me to the ends of the earth & walk across hot coals if I asked him to, his loyalty & devotion knows no bounds but without being clingy or being anxious if he's separated from me. So it just proves that bonding with a dog doesn't have to occur when they are a young puppy :thumbsup: .

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Sorry, I haven't read the whole thread so it may have been said already... Are you comparing her to Atlas? When we got Ivan I didn't realise just how aloof he was until we got Angel a few months later. Bull breeds want to be with you and doing what you're doing. Maybe Lappies are more independent?

Yep, that was definitely mentioned and is very true. I think I underestimated how different they'd be, and I don't think that's 'bad', just different, and I need to continue to embrace her awesomeness.

Being away from Atlas has been hard so maybe that's also contributing?

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With my BCs the bitches are always far more independent than the dogs. My boys have always wanted to be as close to me as possible but the girls are happy to amuse themselves for much of the time. This independence is very important when they whelp. There are exceptions and btiches that are too clingy with their owners have trouble coping with motherhood. They are torn between wanting to follow the owner around and staying with their new babies and it can be very stressful for them.

Again as a general rule, male dogs tend to bond more closely to female owners and bitches tend to bond more to male owners.

So your girl is perfectly normal. Remember all dogs have different temperaments and personalities, even within the same breed, even within the same litter. You should not expect any two dogs to relate to you the same way or you are going to be disapointed.

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This topic has been a really interesting read!! When I first got Lottie she was very similar - and I definately think it's mainly to do with her personality!! She's such a confident, outgoing girl who loves to be in all the action!! She would often come and say hello, but then go outside and lay on the concrete (she finds the coolest spots to sleep!!). She's just very content being on her own, and I must admit, i'm so grateful for having a dog that's so easy going!!! I can leave her with my parents and know she's very happy to sleep around all day, but she sounds very similar to your girl Fran - she's very obedient, loves all other dogs and people, and has cuddles if she wants them, but saying that you can definately tell she's my dog - she barely listens to anyone else (we're working on this!!) and if I leave a room she's right there with me. Lottie's around 7 months now and I feel she's slowly coming out of the wanting to play 24/7 with other dogs, and calming down a little...

I have a friend who has a border collie bitch who is so utterly obsessed with owner it's insane!!!! Like never ever ever ever ever takes her eyes off her if she is in sight. I felt the same way Fran, was a little disheartened as to how aloof she was when she was a puppy, yet when she was with other dogs you could see just how happy she was!! But doing lots of one on one things with her, having lots of fun, taking her to obedience etc we've definately now got a very strong and close bond :thumbsup: . Also, when something scares Lottie she'll come running to me and hide behind my legs - the first time she did that I was with a massive group of people and that made me feel loved, haha. Your girl sounds gorgeous (and very similiar to Lottie) and I'm sure you'll have a wonderful life together!!!!!!

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Having a dog that wants to be with you 24/7 is great, but you know there are advantages to one being a bit more independent too. :thumbsup: (like being able to go to the toilet without being followed :rofl: )

I guess if you have experiences with a bull breed I want to be your skin 24/7 then it is different, but I am sure it doesn't mean she doesn't care. :rofl:

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I dunno about the male female thing- I have only ever had females and they were all very affectionate. :rofl:

Fran, remember, affectionate dogs are not always easy to be around.

If I decide to sit on the ground for a cuddle with Honey, she will throw herself on me for a full body cuddle and refuse to let me get up! :thumbsup:

She can be very insistent and will occasionally give me a very firm nudge when I am not paying attention to her.

Edited by ✽deelee
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Had such a snortlol at your post Quickasyoucan, it's so true, they do want to be your skin! The ex and I were laughing the other day about how Atlas kind of wiggles his way up onto the couch (he doesn't jump, he uses his head to lever his body up) then just gradually makes his way into the most inconvenient for people but comfortable for dogs position :thumbsup:

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Having a dog that wants to be with you 24/7 is great, but you know there are advantages to one being a bit more independent too. :thumbsup:(like being able to go to the toilet without being followed :rofl: )

I guess if you have experiences with a bull breed I want to be your skin 24/7 then it is different, but I am sure it doesn't mean she doesn't care. :D

Yes I often reminisce about going to the toilet on my own, getting out of the shower without having the water licked off my legs, sleeping in a bed with no dog hair in it, moving from one room to another without my two shadows coming to see where we are going and what we are doing now. Those were the days. :rofl:

At the end of the long weekend which we mostly spent at home with the dogs, I distinctly recall saying something along the lines of "OMG I just need some personal space, OK?!?"

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Having a dog that wants to be with you 24/7 is great, but you know there are advantages to one being a bit more independent too. :thumbsup:(like being able to go to the toilet without being followed :o )

I guess if you have experiences with a bull breed I want to be your skin 24/7 then it is different, but I am sure it doesn't mean she doesn't care. :(

Yes I often reminisce about going to the toilet on my own, getting out of the shower without having the water licked off my legs, sleeping in a bed with no dog hair in it, moving from one room to another without my two shadows coming to see where we are going and what we are doing now. Those were the days. :rofl:

At the end of the long weekend which we mostly spent at home with the dogs, I distinctly recall saying something along the lines of "OMG I just need some personal space, OK?!?"

:D :D

I was on the phone to my sister yesterday and had to firmly tell Honey JUST GO AWAY!!! because she had been bugging me for about an hour! :rofl:

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Actually the more I think about it the more I think Lottie is attached to me - she follows me to the toilet - came INTO the shower with me yesterday!!!! :thumbsup::rofl: and is my second shadow, but she's also quite content to lay around outside on her own - best of both worlds!!!!

Ah dogs, how could we ever live without them!!!!!! My next aussie will be a male (quite a few years away yet) so it'll be interesting to compare them!!!

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Toby is so cute, he wants to sit on the couch with the most people, preferabley sitting on them, but first he will come and look at you and wait to be invited up.

Lincoln will go and sit on the empty couch and if you go sit next to him he will sigh and get down. :thumbsup:

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Having a dog that wants to be with you 24/7 is great, but you know there are advantages to one being a bit more independent too. :rofl:(like being able to go to the toilet without being followed :o )

I guess if you have experiences with a bull breed I want to be your skin 24/7 then it is different, but I am sure it doesn't mean she doesn't care. :(

Yes I often reminisce about going to the toilet on my own, getting out of the shower without having the water licked off my legs, sleeping in a bed with no dog hair in it, moving from one room to another without my two shadows coming to see where we are going and what we are doing now. Those were the days. :rofl:

At the end of the long weekend which we mostly spent at home with the dogs, I distinctly recall saying something along the lines of "OMG I just need some personal space, OK?!?"


Atlas was a leg licker too, it was yuk, I have a theory though, I reckon it's about them hunting for their own water instead of just having it provided for them :D Actually that is one thing I don't miss at all about Atlas - all my black clothes are no longer covered in dog hair from him lying in the clothes baskets :thumbsup:

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Having a dog that wants to be with you 24/7 is great, but you know there are advantages to one being a bit more independent too. :rofl:(like being able to go to the toilet without being followed :rofl: )

I guess if you have experiences with a bull breed I want to be your skin 24/7 then it is different, but I am sure it doesn't mean she doesn't care. :rofl:

Yes I often reminisce about going to the toilet on my own, getting out of the shower without having the water licked off my legs, sleeping in a bed with no dog hair in it, moving from one room to another without my two shadows coming to see where we are going and what we are doing now. Those were the days. :D

At the end of the long weekend which we mostly spent at home with the dogs, I distinctly recall saying something along the lines of "OMG I just need some personal space, OK?!?"


Atlas was a leg licker too, it was yuk, I have a theory though, I reckon it's about them hunting for their own water instead of just having it provided for them :D Actually that is one thing I don't miss at all about Atlas - all my black clothes are no longer covered in dog hair from him lying in the clothes baskets :thumbsup:

Mine both do it. It is gross! And yes they love finding "alternative" water sources!

At our old house, they used to drink the water out of the little tray where it collected under the shower door, so I would just see this little pink tongue sliding under the shower door!

Now in our current place, the shower door can swing either way when you push it and Leia has worked out how to push the door forward to get into the shower but not how to get out again. :rofl: A few times I have heard this whimpering, so I go and investigate and there she is imprisoned in the shower! :(

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I have photos of Atlas lying in the shower having a snooze! And he used to get in there and drink the water as well. Luuka will find any kind of water patch, even if it's a tiny patch of rain on the corner of a veranda, and squeeze as much of her body onto it as possible. She absolutely adores water of any kind.

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I didn't read all the replies....

- Practice nothing in life is free...

- if your dog is food motivated, reward it with food whenever is exhibits behavior you like (if that means following you around, so be it)

you have to make yourself more attractive than what ever else the dog might want to do.

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