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New Style Prongs?


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You know what they look like.....another company brought out a plastic prong collar some years ago that looked the same as this....I think to it was to soften the look of the prongs.

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These are brought out (like the plastic versions a couple years ago) to help those that don't understand why anyone would use a pinch collar, not go off half cocked and abuse the owner of the dog that is wearing one.

It's a politically correct thing really. The effect is no different than the traditional pinch collar that is self correcting when sized and fitted properly.

There are also some out there that have spruced up their traditional pinch collar by weaving leather strapping and bead work between the metal parts to give the illusion that the collar is in fact a simple flat collar with bling. Again, it's not for the owner, so much as those that see the dog and this device and through lack of knowledge as to how and why it works, give the owners such grief.

Naturally any of these collars, either solid or original variety are hidden in a coated breed. It is only those that own a smooth coated breed that seem to feel that they need to camoflage this tool due to the reactions of the public to seeing them.

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Honestly I know I'm gonna sound really stooopid but can someone please explain how and what they are for?

We live on 50 acres so the only times my dogs have been on a leash is when we went to the vets.

I have no idea what a pinch collar is either lol

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It's just another type of correction collar, Ellie's Mum. It works like a limited slip collar (martingale), except that there are blunt prongs on the inside to squeeze the dog's neck skin when the collar contracts. So it gives a stronger correction than a martingale. Lots of people think they're safer than a choke chain, since they can only close so far and no further, hence no chance of damaging the dog's throat or neck by a too-enthusiastic or accidental correction.

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I've seen them around quite a bit on O/S sites but never Australian. I have wondered if they'd work exactly the same as a normal prong.

To be honest I dont mind the look of them, and yes part of that is because they would be much less obvious on a short coated breed. Not that I'm ashamed of puting my dog in a prong at all I just get sick of answering when people ask 'Whats that?' I find that 99% of the people have never even heard of a prong collar let alone seen one and those that do know what they are tend to have strong oppinions either way.

I have a cover for my prong but never use it. Apart from the fact that it's a little fiddly to put on it does little to conceal the collar on such a short coated dog as you can still see the way that the collar stands up and away from his neck even with it on.

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They're interesting - I haven't used Zero's prong collar in months and months. He does everything on a flat collar now (an awesome Ruthless Leather design!) and he acts no different with his prong than he does with his flat collar.

He's got a huge ruff though so I've only every had one person notice that he was wearing something unusual (at one of the first dog shows he went to when we were getting him used to having a lot of dogs around) - when i explained to her the reason behind it, she was suprised she'd never heard of it.

Edited by ~*Shell*~
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They're interesting - I haven't used Zero's prong collar in months and months. He does everything on a flat collar now

That's exactly what should happen, that is progress through the use of a type of tool, to another tool that uses less persuasion for lack of a better term. This is the true way to use a pinch collar....

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Yeah, I saw one at the Schutzhund Trial last year. A sponsor was giving it away as a prize.

ETA It was heavy compared to a normal prong. I'll PM you the supplier.

Edited by ruthless
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Yeah, I saw one at the Schutzhund Trial last year. A sponsor was giving it away as a prize.

ETA It was heavy compared to a normal prong. I'll PM you the supplier.

Ruthless would you mind PMing you with the supplier too. Thanks.

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I have a few friends who use these.

I've found they are heavier, louder and less effective compared to the traditional prong. But work great for a dog who is softer, or is weaning off a prong.(personal opinion).

They also don't look like a prong so can be worn in public and 90% of people just think its a fancy martingale :eek:

If anyone would like to know of a supplier in Adelaide(not sure who Ruthless recommended) please PM me :laugh:

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They're interesting - I haven't used Zero's prong collar in months and months. He does everything on a flat collar now

That's exactly what should happen, that is progress through the use of a type of tool, to another tool that uses less persuasion for lack of a better term. This is the true way to use a pinch collar....

Yep - when Steve explained them to me, it was always with the idea that we would wean Zero off it and onto a flat collar. He doesn't need it any more but it's sitting in my laundry with the other dog stuff I don't use!

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