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New Puppies


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KelpieHoundMum, Love the puppy on the bed, best place for them to be :rofl: You sound like you have had your fair share of puppy experiences!! Rosie and Earl sound great, gotta love bitey face, mine love to play that too!!

maverickmission, Your boys look fabulous, love the shot of them together!!

Bub, sounds like you have two very well behaved and well trained dogs. I can tell you only want the best for them. All your hard work paid off and you still have the rest of thier lives to enjoy thier company!! It is great when the older dog teaches the younger dog, My Cooper had a big hand in helping me with the younger ones, he is brilliant with puppies of any kind!!

tdierikx, :rofl: 10 Rottie pups wow, you certainly have had your fair share of puppies, I can tell you love it!! Ewww and the cleaning so much puppy poop :laugh: but it is a small price to pay for the love of all those puppies!! :rofl:

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Guest belgian.blue

My first Pointer and my Mums Dalmatian


Ivy was pure joy to have as a puppy! She was my first pup for about ten years and first without my parents help. I was so very scared but happy that her breeder was extremely helpful. I'm now mentally ready for pup number two ..

I was amazed at how big she was but her coat stayed short as in the photos until about 12 months of age. Even now, nearly two years of age .. her coat is still changing! She has grown up to be a stunning Belgian and she's my entire world :)





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The lovely Jane was 'The puppy from Hell'! She just never stopped. We even took photos of the first time she fell asleep in the lounge one evening when she was about 4 months old...it was a breakthrough! She was bitey and so irritable that the vet suggested we get a pheromon diffuser to help calm her down. And I'd only gone in to buy some dog food!

She was so hyper that she would actually get distresed trying to go to sleep at night!

Do I miss her puppy hood...Yep sure do but I'm loving the dog she has become!

Would I do it again...Yep in a heartbeat!

Now she is a confident cuddly and fun 13 month old who still keeps us on our toes but enriches our lives no end. There were tears sure but I have also never laughed so much either!

My girl is certainly not for everyone...certainly not for the faint-hearted but I would'nt have her any other way.

And just cos its nice to look back and go aahhh, heres a pic of her as a pup!


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Belgian Blue, Love the Dally and the pup together, very cute!!

Ivy is just beautiful, her name really suits her!!

Tez, Always love to hear you talk about Jane and her anitcs!! Love the photo of her as a pup, I had forgotten how small she was! Its great to reminiss. (sp)

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Funny how you started this thread today Tlc...I was only thinking this morning after seeing your 'baby' photos in another thread, whether you missed your doogies being puppies! You would have had about 18 months or so of puppys non stop! Your dogs are cuties now but OMG...they were the smoochiest pups EVER!

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Thanks Tez, they were just the best puppies ever :) I guess I am a bit bias!! There is around 6-7 months between each of them, so it was non stop puppies there for a while. I would have another one in a heart beat!! But I have a permit for 4 and thats it, I wouldn't wanna push my luck with a 5th. But seriously with vets, food, grooming products etc I think 4 is about all the budget can handle but nothing but the best for my lot, they are spoilt rotten!! But yes I do miss them being puppies. I have said it before so many times that the puppy stage just goes to quickly!!

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Here is my choccie baby Billie, first piccie at 8 weeks and now just over 5 months old. I'm a newbie dog owner, and she has been a dream puppy so far. No crying at night, very laid back and learns very quickly. She's getting bigger by the day, we do a lot of training together. The thing I am finding the hardest is that I'm always worrying about her, she so much as hiccups and I'm freaking out. :) I hate leaving her to go to work. :mad God help me when I have to get her desexed, I'm going to be a wreck!!!!



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I loved it :D

At was a good puppy, he did chew... but that hasnt changed in the last 7 years :) he picked up toilet training very fast and was a great pup

Kaos was a bit older when i got her, she had some toilet training issues, but nothing too bad

I love puppies...

Now... as for Sumo ... I dont think i ever want another kitten again :mad:o

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Magnet, she is beautiful!! All your worries are totally normal especially for a new puppy owner. You sound like you are doing a fantastic job and Billie sounds like she is a fantastic puppy!!

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OMG Magnet she is ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO SO SO CUTE!!!

I do love her face!

Would you be able to send me the kennel name of her breeder?

Isn't she cute?

She was so roly poly when we first got her.

I'll shoot you the name now.

Here's a nicer one of her, more recent. I love this photo even though it's just shot on my phone.


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I just adore puppies but it has been a long time since i have had to go through the horrors of settling one in ( one of the big advantages of breeding, no settling in period)

Just thought i would share a few pics with you.

No chance of anyone sneaking out of this door unnoticed :laugh:




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I really love the puppy stage. ;)

Dont mind toilet training etc. My current GSD girl was quite a good puppy, she was easy to toilet train etc She just hated being left on her own. At all. I had to sneak off to have showers on the rare occasion that she was asleep otherwise she would scream the whole time I was in there. Even if she was in the bathroom with me, unless she was in the shower she would scream :) But apart form that she was great. She grew up so quickly though, made me a bit sad.

Now the teenage months, thats another matter. I think I could have given her away a few times.

heres the brat as a baby.





Love your puppy pics Laeral. I pick up our pure black GSD puppy next week :o

There he is at 6 weeks, ears up already :laugh:


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Love all the pups at the door Lab Lady, super cute!

Lol at the kitten comment Teebs. My dogs are little angels but the cats are a totally different story! They caused me heaps of stress. They finally appear to be settling down at nearly 2yo. I've had a few OMG moments with foals too.

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I do prefer adulthood.

But puppies are undeniably fun. What I loved about puppyhood was seeing my girl's personality develop.

I would be much better prepared for a puppy next time. I kind of went in blind the first time. It's a lot of work, but very enjoyable.

All and all, I just prefer adulthood. Heaps of exciting things to do and learn, they still have puppy brain moments. I felt that I only formed a very strong bond once my girl reached maturity and I 'knew' her better. Not saying that I didn't love my pup, but I adore my dog.

Edit - gorgeous puppy pics!

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Love your puppy pics Laeral. I pick up our pure black GSD puppy next week ;)

There he is at 6 weeks, ears up already :laugh:

congratulations :)

I have a real soft spot for the blacks. Make sure you post photos when you get him/her

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