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New Puppies


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Hi Guys, after reading moosmums thread about the pup being returned after one night, it got me thinking after reading all the posts about how people felt and some having second thoughts and moments of what the hell have I done ;) I just wondered how many people loved the puppy stage? I know I can't be the only one...... There have been a lot of new people with new pups lately and Id like to hear from them too as well as you guys with adult dogs.

I loved every single minute of my lot being puppies even the toilet training, I was lucky with my first 3 they were all very good puppies, Bronson the youngest was a crier and very unsettled at night for the first few nights till I got him a crate and put him by the bed and after that we never looked back!! I never had a moment where I thought what the hell have I done. Don't get me wrong I can totally understand why others would feel like this as we all have different things in our lives to contend with. I think with me it was the fact that I have no kids and no other ties to anything apart from my OH and family most of who live away, I only work part time so I had lots and lots of time to enjoy and devote to my pups. To me they are number one!!

So many people said I was mad (some still think Im mad) having 4 dogs all so close together in age but it just felt right and it still does. Lots of people were amazed that I didn't even mind the practically constant toilet training for nearly 2 years, but it just got easier with each pup as the younger ones learnt from the older ones so it was a breeze really.

Anyway enough chit chat, Id like to hear stories about you and your pups the good the bad and the ugly, did you love it or were you constantly wanting them to grow up. I still have the best of both worlds as my youngest is 2 now but he still thinks he is 6 months old Im sure. He is such a puppy, my OH constantly says will he ever grow up?? :thumbsup: I hope he doesn't!!

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Guest Clover

I love puppy hood, dont mind getting up during the night for toilet runs, puppy cuddles, training, puppy pre school etc.



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My lot have all been really good puppies. Especially Muddy. He's been a dream puppy. That said, I definitely don't miss it when they are grown up ;) I am not a morning person so getting up around 7am to take pups out to toilet and feed and then one or two toilet breaks during the night = a super tired me. I do love seeing them explore. That has to be the best thing about having a puppy. Watching them experience all these new things and develop into dogs.

They all still act like puppies though and Mud is still a pup for two weeks :thumbsup:

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Porthos is nearly 13 weeks and it has been hard. He is lovely, sweet, adorable and my husband and I love him to bits BUT, he terrorises his older brother, D'Artagnan (Tagnan) (15 months) and since we have only had Tagnan since end of January....it's been rather a dramatic change.

Porthos likes to drag Tagnan around by the ears or tail (he weighs 3.2kg and Tagnan 6.4kg so he is half the weight) Tagnan doesn't reciprocate very often - he normally runs and hides under our legs or on our bed once he has had enough....

He will get better with age and we are enrolling him in puppy and dog classes....but right now, he is a little scamp ;)





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Clover those pics are sooooo cute especially the two pups together, how adorable!!

Puggerup, you must have your hands full with 4 skin kids and two pups!!

Mim, I think you hit the nail on the head when you said you had good puppies, like me I think it makes it a lot easier to enjoy the puppy time if they are good. I might have been different if I had a hard to manage pup. I was lucky with night toileting and sleeping in, even now it is nothing for them to sleep in, as long as Im in bed they just sleep. Gee I make mine sound like little angels ;) they did have thier faults as pups but I just seen it as part of the experience. Even down to having to buy a new dining table as Bronson ate through the legs of the chairs on our old one, little by little each day when I was at work :thumbsup: so I waited till he was older and through the small destructive phase he went through and then we replaced the table and chairs!!

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I'm not silly.. I'll let someone else raise my puppy and collect puppy at no younger than a year old ;) Ollie was a year old when he came to live here and Miley was 3. Neither were too excited to play and explore all night and they both came crate trained :thumbsup:

I love puppies, but I don't have the stamina to keep up with them and 4 kids.

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Guest Clover

tlc the 2 Border Collie pups are my Tinny and Elvis at 4 weeks old ;). And the tiny baby JRT is my Harri at about a day or so old.

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I'm not silly.. I'll let someone else raise my puppy and collect puppy at no younger than a year old ;) Ollie was a year old when he came to live here and Miley was 3. Neither were too excited to play and explore all night and they both came crate trained :thumbsup:

I love puppies, but I don't have the stamina to keep up with them and 4 kids.

I can totally understand that!! Like I said in the opening post, everyone had different things to contend with in thier lives which has a great impact on how we cope with our pups. If I had kids I would probly not have 4 dogs.

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My favourite threat to Sally when she was a bub was 'I'll take you back to the breeder!' ;)

I was completely unprepared for the whirlwind border collie puppy, thought I would be driven to the nuthouse!

then 6 weeks later we got bert, cause we didnt learn the first time!

there have been times when i would have traded them both for a stiff drink but I have to admit, I'm glad I didnt :thumbsup:





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We bought our lab home smack bang in the middle of winter - and it sure is a lesson in patience taking a 10wk pup to the loo at 4am in the morning trying to stay still and calm even though your suffering frost bite (yes I know what you're thinking melbounites, but it feels cold to us!). :thumbsup:

From what I remember she was a pretty good pup (well she's still a pup, 10 months old now). Her one major issue which had us despairing was biting. It took a long time and a lot of work to improve this behaviour and it really tested our ... characters ... to persevere with the 'I am a tree' training that everyone advised - I've got the scars to prove our resolve. :thumbsup:

We still have some minor issues which we're working on and the vet assures us she's not deaf ;) so we just keep plodding along.

Wouldn't trade her for the world though.


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I really love the puppy stage. :thumbsup:

Dont mind toilet training etc. My current GSD girl was quite a good puppy, she was easy to toilet train etc She just hated being left on her own. At all. I had to sneak off to have showers on the rare occasion that she was asleep otherwise she would scream the whole time I was in there. Even if she was in the bathroom with me, unless she was in the shower she would scream ;) But apart form that she was great. She grew up so quickly though, made me a bit sad.

Now the teenage months, thats another matter. I think I could have given her away a few times.

heres the brat as a baby.





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B & S, great shots, love the last little tubby puggy shot especailly, he looks like he has just had a big feed ;)

We spent a lot of time with a friends BC puppy when she first got him and he was such a bouncy and in your face puppy, my lot didn't know what to make of him!!

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B & S, great shots, love the last little tubby puggy shot especailly, he looks like he has just had a big feed ;)

We spent a lot of time with a friends BC puppy when she first got him and he was such a bouncy and in your face puppy, my lot didn't know what to make of him!!

I still dont know what to make of Sally! lol

One thing I did love about the puppy stage, was the cute fat puppy belly :thumbsup:

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