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Vca Agm Tonight 7.30pm Kcc Park


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VCA AGM Tonight 7.30pm KCC Park

Wed 7 April

See you there.

Did the AGM go ahead tonight?

I heard that a decision might have been made not to proceed with the meeting, because of the controversy as to whether it has been convened according to the Constitution.

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We went. Was abit crowded in the building.

We had a light show in the sky on our way to KCC. :thumbsup:

Didn't finish until midnight, we left straight away as we had a one hour drive back home so didn't stop to talk to anyone.

Yes the last 3 or 4 ordinary resolutions were invalid but they were discussed & voted on anyway.

There were several typos or missing words/numbers in the report but everything was voted on.

Most people kept their cool and security wasn't needed (not sure they had any.)


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what happened with the motion to amend the CEO position?

AGM can now be held within 5 months of the end of the year.

Could be in Feb, April, could even be in May - May most likely to make sure the AGM paperwork gets into the gazette.

They need that much lead time to get the printers O/S to insert it into the gazette.

22. The position of CEO will remain.

The meeting was poorly run, went longer then needed, was not well run at all.

People were allowed to ramble on when it was irrelevant at times, other times they were cut short when it was rude to do so.

Im not impressed with the $53,000 on the photocopying service and maintenance.

Photocopier Rental & Maintenance 53,176 This is HUGE :)

Postage & Courier 51,272

Printing & Stationery 59,713

Apparently 23-28 were motions that were not able to be voted on (they had legal advice to say so. Anyone could have read the letter),

but we voted on them anyway :laugh:


23. Ordinary resolution moved Gwenda Carr seconded Chris warren

That the Management Committee be directed to instruct the

incumbent Chief Executive to strictly adhere to the Rules and

Regulations of the Victorian Canine Association Inc.

As 22. was voted against, this could not go ahead.

It was poorly worded, they wanted The Current CEO's contract to not be renewed when it expired, unfortunatly it reads

the POSITION of CEO be made redundant.

25. Ordinary resolution moved Chris warren seconded Lynne harwood

That at the expiration of the incumbent Chief Executive’s current

contract the position of Chief Executive be made redundant.


26. Ordinary resolution moved John Doyle seconded Lionel Bleakley

That the ANKC Regulations - Part 3, pertaining to the Judges

Training and Examination Programme be complied with, in its



28. Ordinary resolution moved Marilyn Adams seconded Erich Singer

That all elements of the VCA Judges Training Scheme be

conducted at both VCA venues, i.e. KCC Park and the Bulla


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Apparently 23-28 were motions that were not able to be voted on (they had legal advice to say so. Anyone could have read the letter),

but we voted on them anyway :laugh:

The way I heard it was, they couldn't vote on them properly, everyone was given a say and we voted and the results would go back to the Management Committee for them to take on board. Shame they didn't tell us they were invalid resolutions at the start of the meeting :( For a lot of people, they were the only reason they showed up.

It was in interesting night, it's a shame Len Goffin never got his say on his concerns, they cut him off saying it would be discussed later, but it never was. The photocopier costs and website costs for next year also made me :)

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AGM can now be held within 5 months of the end of the year.

This was already approved in rule 2.96 but had to be deleted in the constitution for this to occur.

Could be in Feb, April, could even be in May - May most likely to make sure the AGM paperwork gets into the gazette.

They need that much lead time to get the printers O/S to insert it into the gazette.

I worked for the VCA for a number of years and at no stage during those years did the March gazette go out without both the Annual Reports both financial and committee reports as well as the statutory requirements for electioneering material being met. Although the magazine is now printed overseas it is possible that that the annual reporting be printed as a supplement and inserted with the magazine at the mailing house, thereby meeting the requirements of going out in the March gazette.

Now members will be voting of existing members without klnowing if they have been doing a good job or if the financial status of the organisation is good or bad. To have an AGM some five months after the end of the financial year is really not good enough! especially when no changes were made to statutory requirements to be met for the future budgets going more than three months past the end of the financial year. This will require more changes of Constitution, Rules and Regs at a AGM or SGM.

Any idea what happened with item 16:

16. Special resolution moved L Bleakley seconded DBrace

Special resolution that Rule 2.12 which currently reads:

2.12 Privileges of Membership

Subject to the restrictions and limitations prescribed and obligations imposed by or pursuant to the Rules and Regulations, the Codes of Ethics and the Codes of Practice, the privileges of membership shall be:

2.12.1 the right to vote at the Annual General Meeting and any Special General Meeting of the VCA;

2.12.2 the right of access to the VCA’s library;

2.12.3 the right to enter the Trainee Judges Training and examination program in accordance with the Regulations;

2.12.4 the right to be included on the list of Judges subject to the Regulations;

2.12.5 the right to register a prefix and to register in the pure breeds register such dogs bred or purchased by them as are eligible for such registration;

2.12.6 the right to exhibit or handle a dog at approved Exhibitions;

2.12.7 the right to nominate for or propose or second a candidate for election to the Management Committee or to any other committee of the VCA and to vote in any ballots conducted for elections to such committee;

2.12.8 the right to offer themself for appointment to other committees of the VCA; and

2.12.9 the right to compete for any prize available for competition by members of the VCA.

2.12.10 Provided that an associate or companion member shall not be entitled to the privileges granted by Sub-Rules .1, .3, .4, .5, .7 and .8 of this Rule.

be amended so that it reads:

2.12 Privileges of Membership

Subject to the restrictions and limitations prescribed and obligations imposed by or pursuant to the Rules and Regulations, the Codes of Ethics and the Codes of Practice, the privileges of membership shall be:

2.12.1 the right to vote at the Annual General Meeting and any Special General Meeting of the VCA;

2.12.2 the right of access to the VCA’s library;

2.12.3 the right to enter the Trainee Judges Training and examination program in accordance with the Regulations;

2.12.4 the right to be included on the list of Judges subject to the Regulations;

2.12.5 the right to register a prefix and to register in the pure breeds register such dogs bred or purchased by them as are eligible for such registration;

2.12.6 the right to exhibit or handle a dog at approved Exhibitions;

2.12.7 the right to nominate for or propose or second a candidate for election to the Management Committee or to any other committee of the VCA and to vote in any ballots conducted for elections to such committee;

2.12.8 the right to offer themself for appointment to other committees of the VCA; and

2.12.9 the right to compete for any prize available for competition by members of the VCA.

2.12.10 Provided that an ordinary or dual member who resides outside the State of Victoria shall not be entitled to the privileges granted by Sub-Rules .1, .7 and .8 of this Rule, and provided that a companion member shall not be entitled to the privileges granted by Sub-Rules .1, .3, .4, .5, .7 and .8 of this Rule.

My reasons for asking are:

Would have to be conditional on Item 15 being passed. Also there is a mistake in 2.12.10 in that an interstate member must apply for a prefix in the state that they reside whereas it has been left out in 2.12.10 and it appears that as an interstate member of DV they could apply via Victoria for a prefix. I believe this is contrary to ANKC Regulation Part 10.1 & 10.4 printed below:

ANKC Regulation:

1. Each ANKC Member Body shall receive applications for registration of prefixes, from

members residing in the State or Territory under their control, and shall forward them

to the National Prefix Registrar for processing.

4. A prefix name application is accepted by the National Prefix Register subject to

renewal annually, in the State or Territory in which it is registered..

Interesting that in 2.12.10 that section relating to a companion member that .6 is left out, so it could become possible for a Companion member to exhibit or handle a dog at approved Exhibitions. I suppose the definition of approved Exhibitions would have to be looked at as in the Constitution clause 1.3 (Interpretation and Definition) it currently states:

Exhibition/s" includes Conformation Shows and Matches, Obedience Trials and Tracking Trials, Agility Trials, Field/Retrieving Trials and Water Tests, and any other canine activity approved by the VCA.

and item 28:

28. Ordinary resolution moved Marilyn Adams seconded Erich Singer

That all elements of the VCA Judges Training Scheme be conducted at both VCA venues, i.e. KCC Park and the Bulla

At what cost to the membership, also if the VCA Judges Training Scheme is going to be at both locations then the VCA library should be at both venues, the VCA office should be at both venues. Bulla is central to Melbourne in comparison to KCC Park, the majority of members in a survey conducted in 2000 by gazette postage showed that membership at that time a majority of members lived on the western side of the Hume Highway, this was not made public as the VCA Office was required to be moved to Cranbourne, even though suitable sites were available within 5km of CBD.

As this has been passed for all intensive purposes then centres should be available for our country members, say Ballarat, Bendigo, Wangaratta, Warrnambool.

We are one organisation and we do not have the resources or membership numbers in the judges training scheme to warrant more than one location. By having more than one location the costs to administer the program increases, logisitically it creates more problems for the Judges Subcommitte and the office to administer.

As the items 23-28 went against the legal opinionby the chairperson, would it now be possible for legal action to occur from any person agrieved in these motions?

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As this has been passed for all intensive purposes then centres should be available for our country members, say Ballarat, Bendigo, Wangaratta, Warrnambool.

I'm sorry, I don't have answers to your other questions, but to be fair, should we not then have centers set up for our members in Morwell, Sale, Bairnsdale?? I think the only way to make it fair for all is to share it around in the two locations.

It wasn't passed as the resolution was invalid. The votes and comments will be sent to the Management Committee to take on board, thats all that happend, it's possible that nothing will be changed.

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As this has been passed for all intensive purposes then centres should be available for our country members, say Ballarat, Bendigo, Wangaratta, Warrnambool.

I'm sorry, I don't have answers to your other questions, but to be fair, should we not then have centers set up for our members in Morwell, Sale, Bairnsdale?? I think the only way to make it fair for all is to share it around in the two locations.

It wasn't passed as the resolution was invalid. The votes and comments will be sent to the Management Committee to take on board, thats all that happend, it's possible that nothing will be changed.

That's what I mean! Centres throughout the state! all to benefit the members. Currently the library is in one location, museum in one location, office in one location. Maybe it is time for a complete overhaul of the services and how the services are provided to members. Afterall we are Dogs Victoria! members spread throughout the State; not just in one or two regions.

By bringing and improving the access to services to members and the general public can only help lift our profile and increase our membership base, afterall it was when we took our services (shows) away from country agricultural societies and fringe suburbs in the late 1970s early 1980s that our membership numbers started to decline.

.....as for the meeting I do find it interesting that two resolutions that were not Constitutional changes on the agenda for the agm had a member from Management Committee as mover or seconder...what could members read from that!!!!

BTW: Any new Life Members!

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Life members - without being rude, I cannot remember the first man's name, I know him from group 4 and I think he has Borzoi's, hopefully someone will remember. The second one was Ray Ashman.

I think a lot of changes need to be made, a lot of things were discussed on the night I only hope that they are taken seriously by Management and they do try and sort some things out. I'm not sure if centers throughout the state would be a good option though. Would we need more employees to work in these centers? Looking at the balance sheet, I'm not sure we could afford it.

One thing that was brought up several times was doing judges training by correspondence, a few people though you could do this and aparently you cannot. Maybe this needs to be seriously looked into? I mean, they need to go over the dogs, thats a given, but could this be done at shows, or could they hold days on weekends when there are no shows for this to be done? For people who work and live 4hrs+ away from Bulla, it would be the only way possible for them to do so. If we want to keep this sport going, we need to give everyone the oppertunity to follow their dreams, I for one would love to start training, but for me to get to Bulla that time of night if just about impossible with animals to feed and work etc.

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.....as for the meeting I do find it interesting that two resolutions that were not Constitutional changes on the agenda for the agm had a member from Management Committee as mover or seconder...what could members read from that!!!!

BTW: Any new Life Members!

I suppose what they like.

Did you not attend the meeting????

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.....as for the meeting I do find it interesting that two resolutions that were not Constitutional changes on the agenda for the agm had a member from Management Committee as mover or seconder...what could members read from that!!!!

BTW: Any new Life Members!

I suppose what they like.

Did you not attend the meeting????

Unfortunately not! Work took priority!

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.....as for the meeting I do find it interesting that two resolutions that were not Constitutional changes on the agenda for the agm had a member from Management Committee as mover or seconder...what could members read from that!!!!

BTW: Any new Life Members!

I suppose what they like.

Did you not attend the meeting????

Unfortunately not! Work took priority!

Yes it is a shame when your daily life is more important then your hobby which means somtimes you just can't get to things.

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