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Allergies And/or Stomach Upsets And/or Foul Breath And Prescribed Trea


How many of our dogs have been prescribed treatment by anti-biotics and/or cortisone?  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Allergy or Stomach Upset symptoms and/or Foul breath - treatment

    • Treated with anti-biotics or cortisone - once off (successful)
    • Treated with anti-biotics or cortisone - needs repeated administrations periodically/seasonally
    • Not treated with anti-biotics or cortisone - symptom/s receded and either did not reoccur or reoccured once or twice but no longer an issue
    • Not treated with anti-biotics or cortisone - symptom/s recede and return periodically
    • Prescribed anti-biotics "just in case" (cause of problem unknown)
    • Prescribed cortisone "just in case" (cause of problem unknown)
    • Treated with medicated shampoo wash in conjunction with anti-biotics and/or cortisone
    • Treated with medicated shampoo wash only
  2. 2. My dog's symptoms relate to allergy

    • Yes
    • No
  3. 3. My dog's symptoms relate to stomach/bowel upset and/or Foul breath

    • Yes
    • No

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I have a picture if you want to see, but it's pretty feral!!

Please put it up here, Stormie. I'm a bit hesitent - it's not that I like yucky photo's that might make my stomach turn over, but it does well to show and tell sometimes, so that others reading (self included) might recognise earlier signs.

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I will try it again tomorrow, I wanted to do it today but Mason was shaking his head so much this morning I made a vets appointment for after work, I thought it was an infection starting deep down in his ear but its actually a ball of hair stuck in there. We have to try flush it out or else next week he has to be sedated and have it manually removed. I am so hoping it comes out this weekend!!!

Oh gosh .... our 'problematic' dogs do seem to have the knack of getting themselves into one health issue after another (related or not), don't they? Fingers crossed that the ball of hair in his ear manages to work its way out over the next few days!! :)

Good luck too, Stormie, with the Essential 6 spot-on. I really hope it works for you. That his coat is looking and smelling better is a good sign .... just hope the itching reduces as well :)

I cant believe that its hair causing all of this! What i did since his last infection is I use colloidal silver in his ears 2 or 3 x a week, before I did this the infection never went away at all and his ear canal was actually discoloured and not a fresh healthy colour but today they said to me his ears are looking 100%, they couldnt see the canal of the one ear the last time we went in so it a huge huge improvement :)

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ok you asked for it!


so that pink knobby thing in the middle is just a type of hyperplasia, from the skin being inflamed and irritated for so long. Those little growths extended as far as we could see and that combined with the general skin being so inflamed and calcified/thickened, you just couldn't see any sign of any type of hole into the ear.

This dog also was not a happy dog - eating stuff ok, but just its general behaviour was that of a p*ssed off dog. One of our local Derms (bit of a ear man) reckons he often sees a dramatic improvement in a dogs behaviour once he's sorted out problems like this. Not surprising really, when you consider how awfully painful and uncomfortable it would be to live with both your ears like that!!

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Stormie why didnt the owners do anything sooner?

Because their dog smells and they put it outside....

Because they thought they'd try wiping it down with dettol every day for a week first, to see if it went away...

Because their friend said that their dog had ear problems and had mites, so they treated it for that first....

Because they had some left over ear meds that a vet (3 vets ago) gave them for a completely different problem but they put that in first....even though it didn't work after 3 days the first time so they stopped treating the ear and they just let the dog live it's life with a pus filled ear because "the meds never worked".

And sometimes, because it really did get that manky that quickly and they brought the dog in a soon as they did notice and are actually very good owners...?

About 20% the latter though.

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Haha Rappie that's all so true..

But with these people, the dog had just always had bad ears so they just didn't realise they were as bad as they were. I think the dog had just accepted the pain, so it really didn't show a lot of discomfort other than an occasional head shake. They had some other problems which took priority and because they dog was still 'happy' they just put him on the back burner, so to speak.

But, they are doing the right thing now and are going to a specialist. Will be an expensive ordeal for them but alteast the dog will get some relief.

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