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Puppy Vomiting Homemade Barf Mix

Costa's Mum

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I need help.

I made up a home made barf mix yesterday and when i feed it to him last night he wasn't very interested and only had a little bit. I then gave it to him again today and he still didn't really want it. He is really hungry, so when i stood over him he ate it. As soon as he finished he vomited to all up. He hasn't got diarrhea and is not lethargic. It seems as if he just doesn't like the food.

Any suggestions??

Thanks CM

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Oh it's not that much of a change for him then. I don't know - sorry! Did you put much kidney in? The broccoli and cauliflower may be a bit strong for him?

I did up a large mix 4 kg of chicken mince, 1.5 kg of vege and fruit. The kidney was 400gms.

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Seems a lot of vegetable.. sure he didn't just regurgitate? Sometimes if dogs eat quickly- it just comes back up. I don't mix up barf, but am not keen on feeding broccoli/cabbage/cauli - why do dogs need this? Mine have had very small quantities of silverbeet/spinach, pumpkin,parsley/carrot , which I think are easier to digest

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I'm not sure if I'd like to eat raw broccoli either (assuming it's raw)? :laugh:

I'm not sure if it's too flash for dogs, either. I know that broccoli contains a toxin that can cause GIT upsets in many animals, ruminants particularly. Haven't heard of any issues in dogs, but I also wouldn't go overboard with feeding it, personally. Especially not to a pup who is showing signs of GIT issues already.

Why not feed the bones, the meat, and the vege mix separately, at different meals, and see which of them is causing the issues?

I'd also suggest you add a little bit of liver in there with your meat mix, otherwise I'm not sure if you will be feeding sufficient copper and vit A.

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Hmm- dol says I do not have permission to edit MY post :(

So- I was going to add that you are feeding almost HALF your puppies food as vegetable /fruit :cry: IMO there is no protein/fat in that to fuel a growing body...just stuff which bloats the tummy and adds fibre .

I thought vegetable matter was only to be about 10 % of the food?

puppies need HEAPS of good quality protein ,bone and some fat to build strong skeletons, and add muscle ... plus the BONE and meat ,in combination provide the perfect ratio of calcium and phosphorous. Adding too much vegetable matter means he has to eat nearly twice the amount to obtain his nutrients.... good for adult dogs on a diet , perhaps , but not a baby, IMO. :laugh:

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Hmm- dol says I do not have permission to edit MY post :(

So- I was going to add that you are feeding almost HALF your puppies food as vegetable /fruit :cry: IMO there is no protein/fat in that to fuel a growing body...just stuff which bloats the tummy and adds fibre .

I thought vegetable matter was only to be about 10 % of the food?

puppies need HEAPS of good quality protein ,bone and some fat to build strong skeletons, and add muscle ... plus the BONE and meat ,in combination provide the perfect ratio of calcium and phosphorous. Adding too much vegetable matter means he has to eat nearly twice the amount to obtain his nutrients.... good for adult dogs on a diet , perhaps , but not a baby, IMO. :laugh:

I agree with this. What breed of dog is he? Different breeds have different requirements at this age as well.

If the theory that too much too soon is behind many dietary allergies, you are also running the risk of him developing issues when he reaches maturity by giving him such a variety of food types already.

Barf and raw diets are worse than commercial foods unless you are an expert in the area of canine nutrition.

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Ok I have had some success. I mixed 50g of my barf mix to 100g of chicken mince and he scoffed it down. I am also going to slowly add a premium kibble to his diet to ensure he is getting the nutrients he needs. He is also eating lamb flaps and chicken necks.

Costa is a Vizsla. His breeder recommended a barf diet but didn't specify which vegetables/fruit.

Thanks everyone.

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My dogs all eat BARF - although my recipe has probably become a bit bastardised over time.

10% veges is all you need. They are only there to provide vitamins/minerals/enzymes and a bit of fibre which are not available via the meat and bones, and to provide balance.

IMHO, 2 veges/fruits at a time is sufficient.

He may have found the kidney too strong, or the flax seed oil may have disagreed with him. Or he may not have fancied the broccoli.

I do feed broccoli and cauli - occasionally, without problems. My dogs don't like broccoli much, so it isn't on the menu very often, but it does contain Vit K, and beta carotene, which can be converted into Vit A.

Apple, carrot, pear, strawberry, melons, stone fruits, sweet potato, beans, peas (in the pod), spinach, silverbeet, celery - and probably a whole heap of stuff I've forgotten, but which I bought when it was cheap.

All contain something beneficial, and dogs' digestive systems are able to utilize enzymes and vitamins from pulped veges/fruit. As long as the diet is balanced over time - not over a few days - just over time, there will be no problems.

Mine wont eat any type of citrus at all. No way!!

Add organs (liver, kidney, heart) from time to time too, but start with a little at a time. Organs are quite rich.

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