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sell me yours then :laugh:

Oh I don't bloody know - I'm pregnant! I'll never be able to make a decision :laugh:

Seriously though, I do want, it's just taking that leap of faith that I'll be able to understand it all enough to make spending the money justifiable (mummy guilt trips hitting with vengence!). I keep saying to myself that a piccy is a lot quicker to take that painting in oils, which is my other passion, plus me and babe won't get high on fumes (I've had to quit since being preggers).

OK now knowing you are pregnant, you definitely need a dslr and I would also say buy the 50 1.8 as it would be lovely for taking those priceless pics of your baby. Dont worry, you WILL learn to use your camera. You might never fully understand everything it can do as I confess I dont with mine. But I still get so much pleasure from it I dont care and if I ever decide to really throw myself into it and learn more the camera can take me there.

What is your budget?

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Canon G series.

Or the S90.

If you end up loving all it can do once you learn the basics, then add a dslr down the road. You will ALWAYS want to have a smaller compact camera for those outings where a dslr is too big/bulky/heavy etc so it's money well spent up front. Most people I know carry a compact in their purse, briefcase, bag or glove box every day.

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I'll be the lone voice, lol, and I don't know how much weight it carries as I'm by no means pro or even an experienced photographer :laugh:

My personal suggestion would be a Pentax KX (or a K200D if you can find one). They're 'entry level' DSLR's but have plenty of scope for you to develop skills, will be a point and shoot if you want, but they are backwards compatible so you can use old manual Pentax lenses on them if you so choose. I think now they're about $600-650 with a kit lens. They're not very popular (meaning they're not a Canon, lol) but they are good cameras and have strong (if not small) fan base :laugh:

OH has a K200D, I use an istD which came attached to a lens that OH bought at Cash Converters, lol. We've accumulated a lot of lenses from Ebay and from various forums and most of them have been $100-$300 including several primes (ok a lot of primes).

Edit to add: And the KX comes in RED. Red is always better.

Edit to add again: They run on AA batteries.

Edited by Rappie
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Been watching and reading this with interest as I have just lost my canon ixus, which I was very happy with as a P&S but now I am wanting something more.

I can so understand the OP confusion as researching on the net just left me bewildered, so went on a hunt for camera shops in my area and am now not only bewildered but very disappointed. The big stores JB HIFI and HN had slick talking sales reps but they were only quoting what was on the box and the smaller shops were stocked to the rafters with frames and assorted paraphernalia but had only a very small collection of cameras and these were all P&S.

I was told that I wasn't really in need of a DSLR and a superzoom i what I should be looking at getting, so what is a superzoom?

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OK now knowing you are pregnant, you definitely need a dslr and I would also say buy the 50 1.8 as it would be lovely for taking those priceless pics of your baby. Dont worry, you WILL learn to use your camera. You might never fully understand everything it can do as I confess I dont with mine. But I still get so much pleasure from it I dont care and if I ever decide to really throw myself into it and learn more the camera can take me there.

What is your budget?

Yeah, I'm completely stuffed now :( I was hoping to get out of it around $3-700 mark, which is why I was looking on places like ebay for hopefully a bargain. It's for my birthday present - OH has just 'treated' himself to something quite expensive for his new hobby so I thought bugger it, why not! Unfortunately my taste is definitely at teh champagne end of things and I just know that this particular budget is homemade brewski :(

The Pentax is interesting though - OH bought a Pentax SLR with a very big lens and filters etc years and years ago - will look up the model suggested and see what it's like. If I can get away with using the old paraphernalia on a new camera, that may be the way to go??? I do like the Canons though, must admit!

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OK now knowing you are pregnant, you definitely need a dslr and I would also say buy the 50 1.8 as it would be lovely for taking those priceless pics of your baby. Dont worry, you WILL learn to use your camera. You might never fully understand everything it can do as I confess I dont with mine. But I still get so much pleasure from it I dont care and if I ever decide to really throw myself into it and learn more the camera can take me there.

What is your budget?

Yeah, I'm completely stuffed now :( I was hoping to get out of it around $3-700 mark, which is why I was looking on places like ebay for hopefully a bargain. It's for my birthday present - OH has just 'treated' himself to something quite expensive for his new hobby so I thought bugger it, why not! Unfortunately my taste is definitely at teh champagne end of things and I just know that this particular budget is homemade brewski :(

The Pentax is interesting though - OH bought a Pentax SLR with a very big lens and filters etc years and years ago - will look up the model suggested and see what it's like. If I can get away with using the old paraphernalia on a new camera, that may be the way to go??? I do like the Canons though, must admit!

You still might. check out DWI


they also sell Pentax I see. I dont know anything about them but the lenses seem a bit more than the Canon within the same range, eg 50mm and 100mm macro.

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Aww thanks chicky :laugh: I emailed re the Pentax and apparently only the telephoto lens would fit but as its meant for an SLR with no electrical contact for teh AF, it would have to be used on a manual setting (I think someone said something similar in an earlier post). I don't mind, gives me a good excuse to start from scratch!

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