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Club Sub Rules At Shows


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I've been doing a bit of thinking recently over certain matters that seem to affect all shows, or so it seems.

One issue is the matter of people not cleaning up after their dogs. I don't think I can recall a show where the PA hasn't nearly melted from the continuous announcements asking people to clean up after their dogs.

The matter was raised again the other day so it occured to me that perhaps clubs could put in a set of subrules to the effect that anyone not cleaning up after their dog could have their dog withdrawn from the show. The reason for this is many shows held in country regions are on sporting grounds which are used for other purposes. Yet there is a minority that seem to think they do not need to pick up after their dog. End result is that either the club committee has to spend a considerable amount of time cleaning up after someone elses dogs or the grounds are not available for future use.

Obviously any club ruling would have to allow for a warning to be issued first but thereafter the person (if they continued) would then be excused from the show.

The other is allowing dogs to roam around unrestrained. At a recent show several dogs were seen to be roaming around among the exhibitors camps. I think its quite obvious the problems this could create. I was thinking again a ruling similar to the one above could also be applied.

What are other peoples thoughts on this?

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although here in WA we don't seem to have as many shows which are country, both at our regular grounds and the other grounds, I dont think i have ever seen anyone not clean up after their dogs. Our grounds are used for obedience, agility, and showing, and there are no issues.

I think that the more bins and/or bags supplied, the more likely someone will clean up after their dog... however i wouldn't have an issue with making a rule for exhibitors to clean up, but it would make it a lot easier if bins/bags were supplied, regardless or whether or not it is the responsibility of the club.

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I think the concept is a great idea. :eek:

Until you make people aware that failure to do the right thing (i.e. not picking up) will result in them NOT being able to show, then sadly this kind of behaviour will continue by the minority which in turn tarnishes the majority of us who DO do the right thing. Those that do the right thing will not be worried by the rules imposed, only the ones who have something to fear will be concerned.

NOT picking up after your dog has no excuse IMO, and the sooner people are forced to do it the better off we will all be. Like I said those of us who do pick up won't be perturbed by a rule enforcing it.

Bring It On I Say :confused:

As for roaming dogs the same applies, it should not be tolerated. Not every dog is placid or accepting of a strange dog in its space / face.

edited because I offended some people with my opinions......... :confused:

Edited by Stolzseinrotts
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I have found that some people tend not to pick up after their dogs at shows where they stay overnight. I have come across many people who walk their dogs before bed etc and have seen them not pick up. I often offer them a bag if they are walking away, which then makes them stop & have to pick up!!

I find that most people will pick up after their dogs at the ringside where everyone can see, but don't in places away from the ring where they can get away with it! Maybe having bins & pooper scoopers placed further away in walking areas would help, but I think some people are not going to do it no matter what, unless they are guilted into it by others who spot them.

It is awful especially when you are using a sporting ground!

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There is no excuse - I don't think these people should even get a warning - they all know they are supposed to pick up and choose not to. I say if they are caught - boot them. The world is not your toilet.

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It is all part and parcel with owning a a dog - you should clean up after them!

Councils issue fines to people that walk their dogs and neglect to pick up their droppings, so why not have consequences at show. I think it is just lack of respect for your fellow exhibitors, if you don't. It is understandable that occassional we may not have a poo bag on us, but it doesn't take much to quickly grab one and pick it (I often yell out to someone in my camp to grab me one :thumbsup: ). It annoys me when you see people avoid picking it up... :thumbsup:

Country shows are great I love them, I was at one on the weekend. Another exhibitor told me near the footy goals a number people had not picked up after there dogs, as there was so much poo there. That is disguising! Soon we will have shows at the same standard places as we won't be allowed at other venues.

shellbyville I know what you mean

I have found that some people tend not to pick up after their dogs at shows where they stay overnight. I have come across many people who walk their dogs before bed etc and have seen them not pick up. I often offer them a bag if they are walking away, which then makes them stop & have to pick up!!

It is sometimes hard enough finding a place that will allow dogs, so there people put everyone at risk by not doing the right thing.

People need to learn to be more considerate and respect others!

As for dogs rooming free, I believe it is a VCA rule that dogs must be on a lead at all times (I may be wrong).

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As for dogs rooming free, I believe it is a VCA rule that dogs must be on a lead at all times (I may be wrong).

Both the dogs roaming and cleaning up issues are against the rules in many states, however it seems there are a minority (must emphasis that -only a minority) that dont obey and really the Canine councils don't seem bothered (or able) to do anything to much.

My thoughts (and the reason for this topic) is that if a more immediate penalty were to be threatened it may have a better impact. Also although we may see many instances where this is occuring many still keep doing it. Whereas if you were at a show ground and did it would you be aware of the club committee members who could be keeping an eye out for such matters.

After all if the exhibitor has spent money travelling to the show and then is at risk of expulsion on the spot it may make them more inclined to do the right thing after all how many of us can afford to spend money travelling to a show and accommodation and then not actually show.

I suppose its along the way of my fathers old saying "if you want to teach them a lesson they won't forget hit them where it hurts-in the wallet"

I should point out that I will admit that its really only a small amount of people causing this problem but it is a problem that could affect many of us if its not dealt with.

Also as has already been mentioned if you do the right thing then you have nothing to be concerned about. My concerns are really that we are at risk of losing grounds to hold shows on and I don't feel that its should be up to host club members to clean up after other peoples dogs after the show has finished and everyone else has gone home.

It is all part and parcel with owning a a dog - you should clean up after them!

Councils issue fines to people that walk their dogs and neglect to pick up their droppings, so why not have consequences at show.

Yes I do agree with you Kelza- we should clean up after our dogs. In fact I would go one step further and say that we as responsible owners/breeders etc should be setting an example for members of the public to follow and as such we should be more on top of these issues than we are

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I have found that some people tend not to pick up after their dogs at shows where they stay overnight. I have come across many people who walk their dogs before bed etc and have seen them not pick up. I often offer them a bag if they are walking away, which then makes them stop & have to pick up!!

I find that most people will pick up after their dogs at the ringside where everyone can see, but don't in places away from the ring where they can get away with it! Maybe having bins & pooper scoopers placed further away in walking areas would help, but I think some people are not going to do it no matter what, unless they are guilted into it by others who spot them.

It is awful especially when you are using a sporting ground!

Yes shellbyville I agree with everything except I have seen instances where a dog has toileted no more than four feet from a bin with a pooper scooper next to it and the person just walked away as if it didn't happen. And it was quite a size dog so you couldn't miss the mess it made.

But you are right there are those that simply won't pick up no matter what the conditions and that is what started me thinking along the lines I have.

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At our show we share grounds with the local footy club and they allowed us to use their toilets/showers last year as extra toilets to the ones close to the rings. Due to exhibitors ignoring the signs we placed around the footy grounds asking people to keep the dogs off the ground (as they were playing footy on the sunday) and not picking up the poop we do not have the use of the loos this year. Again we will be putting more signs around the grounds but I bet some exhibitors cant read and will use it for thier dogs toilet.

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I recently saw an exhibitor not only let her dog poo and not clean it up.... she let it wander into the nearby ring where judging was still going and it kept pooing in the ring! She had it on a long lead and was chatting to people at the time, so wasn't being responsible for her dog. By the time I walked around to tell her off she was back in the ring showing. So I cleaned it up.

When I reported it to the office, with the dogs exhibit number they looked up the person and laughed and said 'oh she probably didn't even know the dog was doing it'. One of the office people said they would go and have a word to her. I hope this isn't the standard response from show organisers.

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Mabye if they are caught doing it they should be made to wear one of those bright yellow saftey vests do the scooping for the whole of the day for everyones dogs?

It would embaress the hell out of them and make sure they didn't do it again. It would also have the effect of making everyone else think twice.

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What about dealing with it via embarrassment as well.. get someone over the loud speaker that the person wearing (insert clothing) that let their dog (insert actual breed) please go and pick up the poo your dog left behind...(if you actually know their name all the better as far as I am concerned!) Im sure that will also help. Ive actually witnessed several people let their dogs toilet on the outskirts of the show area then place grass over it and walk away.... sometimes it is just left for all the world to see...

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