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Is It Possible?


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Short version - Hamish - entire male Rottweiler who has small ears, when he was young they usually did their own thing. His left ear was ok but his right ear has a crease, he has small heavy set ears and a simple tweak will keep his ear in the correct position.

When he left home around 4 - 5 months old his ears were sitting ok - not fantastic - but ok. Pink had similar set ears, (but better) hers are good now.

Hamish came back home at 15 1/2 months old and one ear was sitting correct but the other still had a fold. When he came for visits both ears were still doing their own thing and I did tape him while he was here and shown his new owner how to tape them and how to massage. He only did it a few times then gave up.

I have been feeding my dogs a raw diet for several yrs now and when Hamish left home he was put on RC, he did ok on it. But when he came home his teeth were in terrible condition - very yellow. His mouth looked like it belonged to a much older dog, not a young dog.

The day he came back he was put back on my diet - was not an easy swap but he eventually did change over. He has regained the weight he lost and doing very well. Best of all was the improvement in his teeth. He now has perfect white teeth that looks like a young dog again.

BUT the biggest bonus I have noticed is the way his ears have been sitting lately.

He will be 18 months old next week and I had well and truly given up on his ears sitting correctly.

Since I was so keen on cleaning his teeth up I made sure he ate lamb bones everyday and I have to wonder if this has worked the muscles in his ears as well as his head while eating bones. He is a slow eater - so no gulping, he can take hours to eat a lamb neck so I would imagine his muscles are working over time while eating.

Is it possible that by eating bones every day for the last 2 1/2 months has strengthened the muscles in his ears - making them sit correctly?

Anyone think this is possible at his age?

He has gone from this:

He used to hold his ears in this dicky position a lot of the time.


Can't really see the other ear is good but this is how he used to hold his right ear almost all of the time.


To this:

His ear was tweaked for this pic but this is what he is doing a lot of the time now naturally without being touched.


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Hamish is looking good Lisa :)

Any stacked shots?

It could be a combination of the improved diet but more likely the fact that he is maturing as well I would think.

Thanks Deb, he has matured a bit since being home, but I keep looking at him wondering how long he will keep his ears in the right position. (fingers crossed they stay nice)

I can't put more pics on here now - I had to get James to do it for me. Having issues with photo bucket so he used picasa 3 and I don't know how he does it.

There are some pics of him on the website and his profile on DOL. They were taken at 16 1/2 mths old, he was still a bit light in condition for my liking but other wise looks ok. Will up date the website soon with new pics of him.

Edited by Andisa
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Hamish is looking good Lisa :laugh:

Any stacked shots?

It could be a combination of the improved diet but more likely the fact that he is maturing as well I would think.

Deb - Not the best photo (bad angle) but will have to do..he was still to lean for my liking in this one.


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Not the best photo (bad angle) but will have to do..he was still to lean for my liking in this one.

I don't think he's too lean (although I admit that one camera shot can be deceiving). A bit more muscle build up (rather than weight for weight sake) would do him well - that should come with exercise in combination with the fact that he is maturing. IMO, I see too many fat rotties about and around. Sometimes I think they are the "Lab's second coming". I wonder sometimes if people think that looking fatter means looking strong/muscled. ETA: I don't mean you, Andisa :shrug:.

He looks lovely, Andisa.

Edited by Erny
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Thanks for the lovely complements about Hamish, he is still a young fella so I can only hope he continues to improve.

Erny - in this pic he does look ok, but he was a bit thin, his ribs, hips and spine were easily felt and most of his ribs were easily seen - must have been good lighting not to pick that up. He is filling out a bit more now, but could easily turn to fat if not careful. He is a different build than Pink - she is a "little" bit heavy right now and it doesn't take much for her. Thankfully I found his favorite foods and he is no longer fussy bugger.

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I'd say his jaw finished developing.. but some additional muscle probably didn't hurt.

I was just going to add that :) The bones etc would have helped the muscles around the jaw etc which certainly helps :eek:

And more importantly...that is one stunner of a Rott!!!

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