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Well Trained Dog!


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Hi Guys, I came across this video when I was checking out some training stuff on you tube. I can't decide if its ridiculous or fantastic. The dog is so well trained but all the traffic and I just kept thinking what if a cat ran across the road and caught the dogs attention? I guess the proof is in the video but I would think training a dog that close to traffic would be an accident just waiting to happen? Or is it a way to proof the dog to make it rock solid?? What do you guys think, Im curious to hear what others take on it is!!

edited to add, some of the comments really shocked me!

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I watched bits of it. There are some things that although you can do them, doesn't mean you should. The idea of working a dog that close to a busy road freaks me out, despite the fact that 3 of my dogs could do it- all it takes is one mistake. I'd rather my dogs mistakes not result in death or serious injury and i don't believe that any dog will NEVER make a mistake.

The second part of it- whats the point? Is the reward worth the risk? I don't think so.

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698,000 views! I didn't think it was that special, there are any number of dogs here who could do that - even minus the remote training collar, toy or food. Whether we would or not is another question, I agree - too many "what ifs". My goldie has never chased a cat across the road - but what if he did one day? Chasing cats isn't beyond him.

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thats why the dog has an e-collar. Nothing wrong with training under distraction I think he was just pushing the point a bit.

It is just a dog playing with a toy

It's called training in prey drive. The toy is the prey reward. Basically he was doing schutzhund obedience.

there are any number of dogs here who could do that

I wouldnt be the one putting money on that Aiden.

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I didn't watch it all but of what I saw the only thing I would disagree with would be the throwing of the frisbee.

It would be much safer to be using a tug or something held by the handler (or even just not actually throwing the frisbee) as things that are thrown can be unpredictable if they bounce an odd way or get caught in a gust of wind or something, and then Fido ends up on the road and under a car :(

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Sat here watching video. Sorry I don't think it is well trained, too many mistakes. It is just a dog playing with a toy. The guy is a big kid. Do I see a training collar under his neck?

I thought the guy's point (pushed as it was) was how a well trained dog is a safer dog (for the sake of other people and for its own sake). Mistakes? What? Because it's heel was a few inches out? It broke focus a few times? (I'm not big on a "look at me all the time constantly" type trained dog - I like a dog who is aware of its environment but is "with me".) Maybe that's not what the guy trained for? What other "mistakes" do you think the dog did that makes it "not well trained"?

And yes, you saw a training collar. Doesn't mean he used it. Might have just been there as an additional assurance, in case it was required. Can't see anything wrong with that and it certainly didn't seem to make the dog unhappy. ACDs Rock - did you have something in your mind that suggested the work in such a distracting environment was somehow not so good because the dog wore an e-collar? I acknowledge that your comment was just an observation, but was there a point behind it? Having an e-collar on a dog who has been trained to an e-collar is only a step forward of having a lead on a dog as an assurity (sp?) measure.

And no, it's not "just a dog playing with a toy".

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I didn't watch it all but of what I saw the only thing I would disagree with would be the throwing of the frisbee.

I agree, Jake-K9. Knowing my lousy frisbee throwing skills, it could have very easily but accidentally gone in the wrong/opposite direction from where I intended, or wind could have kicked up and taken it to the road. That part of it bothered me somewhat too.

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Thanks for all the comments, it is good to hear what others thought. I didn't even notice the

E collar, I dont even know what one looks like?? Did anyone think when he put the dog in a stay outside the shop, that the dog broke the stay before the guy got back?? Was it just me or did the dog look somewhat nervous at times?? I also thought throwing the frisbee into the car park was silly. May be it was supposed to be some wort of advertising for the guys business??

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May be it was supposed to be some wort of advertising for the guys business??

Judging by the number of views, it certainly got some eyeballs.

That it did!!

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Did anyone think when he put the dog in a stay outside the shop, that the dog broke the stay before the guy got back?? Was it just me or did the dog look somewhat nervous at times?? ... May be it was supposed to be some wort of advertising for the guys business??

I didn't notice "nervousness" - I saw a dog who was very into working for the frizbee reward. I had the impression the guy might have called the dog to him from the drop/stay outside the shop, but it's pretty difficult to say without any sound. I would confidently suggest it was advertising - and for that, good on him. Not something I'd be inclined to do, but it did clearly show how 'tight' the dog was on the guy and also that all other distractions were completely ignored.

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I think that guy is an idiot.

He might feel his dog is rock-solid, but he can't control cars reversing without looking etc.

Hell, he can't even completely control where his Frisbee is going to end up!

If the clip was for advertising then I find it especially irresponsible.

Leash-laws are for everyone - not just for those dogs not trained to a specific standard.

I also feel having the dog run toward traffic after the Frisbee is stupid as it could certainly be a distraction to drivers.

I just don't see the point being a smart-arse.... take your dog to the PARK for gods sake.

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