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Kcc Park - Tampering With Dog Float


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Also in General -I thought it appropriate to add here also....

Hi all, hope you are enjoying your Easter long weekend.

Just thought it a good idea to advise those of you that tow a float to any dog events, that before you leave to go home, please check your coupling and lighting connection.

Yesterday, after having a wonderful day doing obedience trialling at KCC Park, we discovered that someone had disconnected our float lights from the car. Luckily we noticed, and then of course checked everything else. All else was fine.

... it's not like I won or anything either

I was quite disturbed by this. I am really upset that another dog person would even consider doing this to someone and risk another car running into the back of their float and possibly injuring their dogs.

The plug had definitely been removed and then placed back over the draw bar, so not a situatrion where it could have just falling out.

Anyway guys, I would hate for anyone to be involved in an accident, so please please get into the habit of checking all connections (if you don't already) before going home. I know I will be much more vigilant from now on.

Edited by dyzney
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Wow Dyzney, lucky you checked. What is going on in someone's mind that they would do that? :) People baffle me sometimes.

Do you think it could be kids just being bored at a show and looking for stuff to amuse themselves? I'd hope so, I'd hate to think an adult would be that stupid. :thumbsup:

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Crazy Daisy, I am with you, I tend to think it was just kids being kids... at least that is what I would like to think. I find it difficult to see any bad in people, and as I mentioned in the general thread, I was only competing at a low level, and only just passed, so I am no threat to anyone. I am not competative by nature or in result, so I would be hard pressed to think it was someone trying to knock me out. I keep a low profile as much as possible and as far as I am aware, I get on well with everyone, so who knows???

I do not think it was personal or malicious, but it still had the potential to be dangerous.

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Well known for kids to do this,we had a spat of visiting monsters doing it & its habit to always check connections.

Still report it to VCA & even inform your dog news/ringleader reps so they can stick in there articles & the VCA journal

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Some kids I see at shows look so bored and are just slumped in a chair next to Mum or Dad waiting for it all to be over and then you see the ones running around between all the cars looking like they are up to no good.

I'm with you Dyzney and really try to think people wouldn't stoop to that sort of stupidity. At least if you make it known what has happened and suggest it may have just been some bored kids then others may look out when they are walking around people's cars and trailers.

Let's hope it doesn't happen again.

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Well known for kids to do this,we had a spat of visiting monsters doing it & its habit to always check connections.

Still report it to VCA & even inform your dog news/ringleader reps so they can stick in there articles & the VCA journal

Thanks showdog, good to know.

Am doing just that tomorrow morning. :rofl:

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Some kids absolutely LOVE the dog shows then there are others that hate it and parents drag them along weekend after weekend. It makes me sad for those kids and they inevitably get up to mischief.

My 11 year old loves the dogs but hates dog shows so I'm lucky to get to 10 shows per year (and that's stretching it). I'll get right into the dog showing again when kids are grown up :rofl:

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It is also a good idea to check your wheels, we were away at a weekend trail ride with the horses, loaded the horses up to come home, drove about 5ks to a tar road and could hear this clicking noise that sounded like a stone stuck in a tyre, got out and had a quick look and found nothing. Ten klm up the road rounding a bend I saw the back wheel on the F100 wobbling, I stopped and the wheel came off, someone had loosened the wheel nuts. So now I always check connections and give the wheels good kick to make sure they are not loose.

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It is also a good idea to check your wheels, we were away at a weekend trail ride with the horses, loaded the horses up to come home, drove about 5ks to a tar road and could hear this clicking noise that sounded like a stone stuck in a tyre, got out and had a quick look and found nothing. Ten klm up the road rounding a bend I saw the back wheel on the F100 wobbling, I stopped and the wheel came off, someone had loosened the wheel nuts. So now I always check connections and give the wheels good kick to make sure they are not loose.


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Another exhibitor and I, caught children trying to let air out of tyres at Sunbury last year - we chased them and scared the life out of them but were unable to catch the little darlings and escort them back to the parents.

I have had my registration and plastic cover, removed from my trailer twice so I now carry it in the ute and present it to Mr Plod when asked for it. It was removed with some force and hard to know if it is kids or someone wanting to put it on their unregistered trailer. Very irritating!

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Its not just in Victoria either. We have had it happen to us here. Our trailer cables/wires were cut and in our case all electric brakes we had no lights, no brakes and 250 klms from home at 7 pm.

We now check everything before we leave every show, these stupid people think things like this are funny but in actual fact these silly acts are the very things that can cause accidents that can kill.

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