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Fears Grow For Aussie Star Dog Yogi.........


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Fears grow for Cruft's Aussie star dog Yogi and his rampant sex life By David Murray From: The Courier-Mail April 01, 2010 3:12AM

Yogi named Cruft's Best in Show

Earns more than $1200 per service

Has fathered 525 puppies

THE stellar career of champion Aussie show dog Yogi has been soured by concerns about his rampant sex life and the intimidation of judges.

Yogi, a hungarian vizsla from Sydney, made headlines globally last month when he was crowned Best in Show at Crufts, the world's most prestigious dog show held in England.

More virile than a coachload of Contiki tourists, Yogi has fathered 525 puppies since emigrating to the UK almost five years ago, records show.

That translates to more than 10 per cent of vizsla puppies registered in the same period - and his popularity is set to soar with his Crufts win.

Jemima Harrison, who prepared the documentary Pedigree Dogs Exposed and obtained the figures, was alarmed at Yogi's growing gene pool dominance.

"Yogi is an absolutely beautiful dog who deserved to win," Ms Harrison said.

"However, the concern is that this dog has been massively overused as a stud dog already.

"His Crufts win will have people flocking in their droves. As far as the breed is concerned it's a genetic time bomb."

Even England's Hungarian Vizsla Club is worried about Yogi, who is already grandfather to 340 pups and great grandfather to 10 pups.

"When you lessen the gene pool you open the breed up to the possibility of auto-immune-related diseases," said a club spokeswoman.

Yogi earns up to £750 ($1230) per litter, and fathered 79 registered litters in the UK up to December last year for total stud fees of up to £59,250.

He is so in demand there is a Facebook page called "I have a Yogi vizsla" dedicated to his offspring.

The next most popular vizsla, called Chilsham Shropshire Lad, sired only 210 puppies.

The breeding row comes after Yogi's UK co-owner was last month banned from events for a year for threatening a judge who placed Yogi second in August.

Moray Armstrong, who looks after Yogi in England, faced a disciplinary hearing days after the Crufts win for telling the judge he would ensure she did not preside over future events

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OMG! I hope he's sound.

Fears grow for Cruft\'s Aussie star dog Yogi and his rampant sex life By David Murray From: The Courier-Mail April 01, 2010 3:12AM

Yogi named Cruft\'s Best in Show

Earns more than $1200 per service

Has fathered 525 puppies

Edited by sandgrubber
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Doesn't matter how good a dog is, siring over 500 pups is not necessary to keep breed type. Whether it's a bad thing would depend on how sound the dog is. It would also depend on how many of the pups end up back in the pedigree gene pool.

I'll tell you what though. 500 pups sired by one show dog is a drop in the ocean compared to some of older top racer greyhound studs (Chariot Supreme, Brother Fox comes to mind there).

edit' grammar

Edited by whippets
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  whippets said:
I'll tell you what though. 500 pups sired by one show dog is a drop in the ocean compared to some of older top racer greyhound studs (Chariot Supreme, Brother Fox comes to mind there).

edit' grammar

Yah, but we all know what happens to greyhounds that don't come up to scratch. On the other hand, with top greyhound semen going at $several k / straw, the revenues would be a drop in the ocean by comparison.

Edited by sandgrubber
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  Ashanali said:
he's sired that many pups but how many are in pet homes vs show/breeding homes?

Yeah that is the point I was making.

and yes I know SG :eek: The $1,200 they make off yogi compared to say $8,000 (correction his fee is now over $13,000) for a top stud who I'll initial as BL, who's stud performance has been very poor and dissapointing, according to grey owners/trainers I know. Grey litter registrations are way down compared to say the early 1990's (which is a good thing IMO). Back in the day of Chariot Supreme, having 6 bitches in 1 month was considered a really bad month, compared to a full book of 14 bitches. Off topic a bit but there you go.

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I think it is rather a shame that the CM has printed only Jemima Harrison's comments, and not those of the Vizla breeders and other breeders on that site.

JH seems to be Britian's answer to Don Burke.

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  whippets said:
  Ashanali said:
he's sired that many pups but how many are in pet homes vs show/breeding homes?

Yeah that is the point I was making.

and yes I know SG :angel: The $1,200 they make off yogi compared to say $8,000 (correction his fee is now over $13,000) for a top stud who I'll initial as BL, who's stud performance has been very poor and dissapointing, according to grey owners/trainers I know. Grey litter registrations are way down compared to say the early 1990's (which is a good thing IMO). Back in the day of Chariot Supreme, having 6 bitches in 1 month was considered a really bad month, compared to a full book of 14 bitches. Off topic a bit but there you go.

Ahhh yes I know that particular sire. I used to have to handle vials of his "Gold" occassionally where I used to work. It used to send me into a cold sweat it was so expensive :cry:

I even woke out of a dead sleep at 3am one morning after having a nightmare that I hadn't put a cane of it away into our tanks. I actually drove the 45minutes to work to check. :(

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  Ashanali said:
he's sired that many pups but how many are in pet homes vs show/breeding homes?


Good comment Ash.......how many of these pups will end up breeding anyway, how many are in pet homes and been desexed.......all that is heard about this dog is gloom and doom about how he is affecting the genetic diverisity of Vislas. The dog has a good 'open pedigee' (JH owns words)

Also another question to ask is, who are the dams....if JH is so worried about Yogi being used......I'm sure all his pups haven't come from the one line of dams.

The fact that this dog has won in England IMO is a miracle, he is a wonderful Vizsla but the English breeders/judges tend to close ranks around their own. So it is a true testament to this dog's quality that he has been able to brake through the English 'old school tie' network. I think it's a bit early yet to say the world is coming to an end for Vizsla breeding in the UK. Yogi has created interest in imports, so this could be a good thing......motivating people to import of Vizsla to introduce to the gene pool and open the gene pool further.

And as a byline......after the Crufts win Yogi has now been retired.

Edited by Showpony
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  Jed said:
I think it is rather a shame that the CM has printed only Jemima Harrison's comments, and not those of the Vizla breeders and other breeders on that site.

JH seems to be Britian's answer to Don Burke.

Yes I have to say that as soon as her name cropped up I stopped reading the article.

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I would not have thought that the primary motivation for breeders using him would be to produce pets????? Overuse of a stud dog does produce a bottleneck in the next generation - where do you go if you want to avoid close matings if everyone has used the same sire??? Regardless of how "clean" the lines are decreased fertility and autoimmune probs are spinoffs of a narrow gene pool and high inbreeding coefficients. JMO

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Yes fruru, but not every dog in a litter is sold as a show prospect or play a part in someones breeding program (in most cases). So you'd expect dogs to also go to pet homes.

Dogs are not the only species where auto-immune diseases are on the rise so I'm not entirely convinced close COI is the cause of that.

I also don't think the dog has got alot of negative publicity. The handler (or was it the co-owner?) did but not the dog. I think he has put the Australian dog scene on the map and shows that Aussie bred dogs are just as good as other show dogs around the world.

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  whippets said:
500 pups sired by one show dog is a drop in the ocean compared to some of older top racer greyhound studs (Chariot Supreme, Brother Fox comes to mind there).

edit' grammar

True enough, though these days racing greyhound sires are limited in the number of matings they are allowed to have per month.

Edited by New Age Outlaw
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I have a friend in the UK with the same breed as myself, and she knows personally, since childhood the person who has been disqualified for 12 months, it is NOT the handler and this man my friend knows is not the co owner either it is his wife.

I forwarded the Courier Mail article onto my friend and if you go to the comments column on this article in the CM you will see that she has made her feelings felt re this article and the woman JH.

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  Mjosa said:
I have a friend in the UK with the same breed as myself, and she knows personally, since childhood the person who has been disqualified for 12 months, it is NOT the handler and this man my friend knows is not the co owner either it is his wife.

I forwarded the Courier Mail article onto my friend and if you go to the comments column on this article in the CM you will see that she has made her feelings felt re this article and the woman JH.

Is not Yogis main handler BUT he has handled the dog on many occasions.

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