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How Foul Is This Ad?! 'pig Dogs' Killing...

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Call me naive, but I didn't know that people still trained dogs to kill the old fashioned way. This guy is selling a 'pig dog' - careful, the photos are a quite brutal: http://www.simpletrade.com.au/pets/dogs/br...g-dog/800180511

What's wrong with a good old bullet, if it's really necessary to reduce vermin on a property? I assume that's why he's doing it, yes???! (i.e. It's not a 'sport', is it?! :confused: )

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In order to shoot the pig you have to find it and keep it from bolting.. that's what pig dogs are for. Of course there's a raft of difference between dogs trained and used by professional hunters and a bunch of blokes with a slab in a ute using their crossbreds to have some fun.

Even the Vegan Society endorses the use of dogs for feral pig hunting.. there's no better way I'm afraid.

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You cant tell much from those pics but like PF said, the dogs are supposed to be used to catch and hold the animal. I don't have a problem with it if it's done properly. Fairly high price on the dog eh. Wonder why he's selling it if it's such a good pig dog.

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Good pig dogs are worth a fortune.

Delivering an instantly fatal shot to a pig isn't as simple as you might think - you can't just randomly shoot wild pigs, you have to catch and contain them first.

Would you prefer someone go and start shooting the pigs regardless of whether the shot is fatal or not?

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Nothing too brutal there, U P :confused:

( I could only see two photos)

One photo was 3 dogs holding(or trying to) a small pig

The other photo was a dead pig displayed for the photo, and the dog trying to avoid the camera (and dead pig!!)

In many national parks/private properties, firearms are NOT permitted.

So- How to dispose of feral pigs?

One way is for hunters (hopefully experienced) to go in with trained dogs and very sharp knives.

The dogs are 'finders; and holders. Some will scent the pigs and follow the trails...

Then dogs will grab an ear etc and hold the pig until the humans can come and use their knives on the jugular or somewhere where an almost instant death occurs.

Yes, it is noisy and may look messy- but it can be very effective!

I am pleased to see the description of this dog - she has obviously had a lot of work put in , and the asking price is reasonable , IMO. These dogs must work out of sight of their owners a lot of the time, so need to be smart and TRUSTWORTHY and solid in temperament.

While I would have liked to see the dogs with protective vests on... a good dog will not put itself too near the 'pointy end' of a pig :laugh:

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Hi Naive.

oh Jeff you meany :eek:

the dogs never kill the pig (well they shouldnt) they track, bail and hold onto the pig by the ears/cheeks etc until the hunter gets there. Hunting pigs is horribly difficult and dangerous without dogs, also very hard to get a kill shot on a moving porker.

Some people do it as a sport, some for food, most just to get rid of the blasted things.

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how weird are those bullygreys :rofl: cute ears though on the white one

When we went deer hunting you should have seen the pointer a bloke had, pedigree boy. Got the scent of a deer a couple of hundred meters upwind and went bananas trying to squeeze out of his dog box :p all we saw was a nose and two legs flailing out the side like 'OMG DEEEEEEEEER GIMME GIMME GIMME"

great seeing driven working dogs in action :thumbsup:

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