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Boston Terriers


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We are looking at getting a Boston Terrier and trying to find out as much information about them. Can anyone direct us to the best place to find out all the good / bad / ugly about the breed.

Any personal comments about the breed would also be great. They are not that common in Australia but very popular in Europe where we first noticed them.

Have had bigger dogs in the past but we don't have as much room outside and looking at starting a family soon and have heard they are a great family dog. How are they with cats?

Love to hear back.



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Demand >>>> Supply for Boston Terriers in Australia. Exepct a high price and a long wait.

I'm thinking about moving back to the US . .. where Bostons are available and reasonably priced. I wouldn' buy one in Oz cause it's just too difficult. and too expensive

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I have no idea what they are like to live with but from observing them at shows over many years, I have to say, they are one of the few breeds I have developed a dislike of. Every one I have ever seen has barked in an aggressive and persistant manner when I have walked my dogs past them, either in their trolley or on lead. Lots of little dogs will react to bigger ones walking past but will usually settle down if told to, but not the Boston's I have seen. I would never walk a baby puppy near them as they act so agressively.

There is no excuse for any dog to act agressively towards passing dogs at a show, and in most breeds the offenders are in the minority. Bostons are the only breed, where everyone I have encountered has acted this way.

I personally fail to see the appeal of the appearance of brachy breeds but have met some dogs with wonderful personalities among the other brachy breeds.

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One of the most delightful breeds I have had the pleasure of living with, huge personality in a small body.

IMO they are a great pocket sized family dog, as long as attention is paid to training, they are very very clever.

I would have another in a heart beat.

Ours lived happily with large dogs, cats, rabbits, kids and probably the best soccer goalie out is a Bossie.

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Hi Findingpuppy

I see your in NSW contact the Boston club up there for breeders near you ...

yes they are hard to get and there is always a waiting list for puppies... But so worth the wait..

they are a joy to be owned by such loving fun little guys!! they make awesum family

I have had Bostons for over 20yrs and have never had an aggressive one! i have had them with newfoundlands and i have cats and all have gotten well.. no problems

I show them and have never had a problem with them being aggressive towards other dogs .. they love all the others breeds

heres some pics of my with other breeds & Cats :)







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