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What Does All This Mean?

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I have 2 bullmastiff sisters that adore each other. One is dominant by nature,Kijana, the other submissive by nature,Kalais, so I think thats why they have gotten along so well (so far). Anyhow whenever I have to take one somewhere, Kijana always gets a bit narky when she gets back to Kalais. For example, I took Kijana away to be mated, last week, when she got home she had a snap at her mother as she got out of the car. I was then cautious about reintroducing her to her sister but had to happen. She had her hackles up, kept getting in her face, and herding her around, almost like she was looking for a fight. I let them both in on their mat/bed that they share and all was fine and has been since. Today I took Kalais to the vet, when we got back, I let Kijana out of her run so they could both come inside. She was all over her again, doing the same thing as I mentioned. Let them in on their bed, all is fine.

Why does Kijana do this? What is she saying here? Is she just trying to remind Kalais she is still the boss and that just because she went away, the ranks havent changed. I dont know. Any ideas?

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One of my dogs used to go out working once a week or so - when she came back she was usually a dominant little hussy for an hour or two until she settled down, even though she was not normally like that. I just used to be careful to let everyone have enough room until it wore off, no bunching up in doorways or anything else that might raise the tension, and reminded them all to behave. I never had a fight come out of it, but I was always aware of the need for things to settle down again before I could go back to my usually lax ways with them. I thought being out might have made her think she was 'special', but that is a very unscientific way to look at it :thumbsup:. It didn't happen if she had just been for a walk or to the vet.

Edited by Diva
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I used to have the same thing when I was living with my parents for a little while. Their dog Maddi is a dominant bitch and my Cody was as submissive as they come. I used to go out to obedience and agility, come back and Maddi would spend the next hour standing over him etc. It was never an issue with those 2 as it never progressed past dominant stances etc and Cody basically ignored her.

They now have 2 very dominant bitches and cannot take Missy out for more than an hour or so without it causing issues upon her return. Bringing Missy home again requires reintroducing them like you would dogs for the first time.

Id be interested in theories as to why this happens too :thumbsup:

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I had 2 ridgeback sisters that I had the same problem with, I would take one to the vet etc and when we got back we would have a huge issue, I would have to seperate them in 2 different sections of the yard and only let them sniff each other through a gate. The one was a very dominant dog though and she ruled the roost for 5 years until they had a massive fight that left one with a nicked jugular vein and then the roles reversed for awhile. IMO it is all about dominance, I also used to think that maybe the one who went out came back smelling of other dogs etc and that also sparked it off. My dogs are 10 now and they have stopped doing this.

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Thanks for the replies.

It must be the re establishing of rank, thats all I can put it down to. Ive just never experienced it with any of my other dogs.

Perhaps it is more of an issue because they are sisters, and so closely matched in size and age.

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