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Cavalier Breeders


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My inlaws little furbaby died a few months ago after 12 years of pure joy. She was born with a hole in her heart which was repaired by a student Vet and my inlaws (even though they were looking at pure breeds) fell in love with the Cavalier cross Maltese and brought her home at 12 weeks old. She spent her life on medications for the murmur but was fairly active and very spoiled and lived 4 years longer than predicted.

They are now feeling ready to get another furbaby but they don't want a puppy. They want a pure bred CKC adult female and they are in Vic.

If any of you are looking to rehome a dog fitting this description or know of someone, please let me know.

They are going to Bali for 3 weeks next week and I am hoping to have found them a beautiful dog for when they return as a gift for MIL's birthday.

She knows I am trying to get her one and is excited :thumbsup:

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