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Just A Query


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During a discussion over the weekend, the subject of interstate showing came up and this question was raised,

" If you a say a member of Dogs NSW and are traveling, are you eligable to show interstate if you are not a member of that canine control, or do you have to join that state control before you can enter an Allbreeds show, and or does the same apply for specialty shows?". No one actually knew.

Can you help?.

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During a discussion over the weekend, the subject of interstate showing came up and this question was raised,

" If you a say a member of Dogs NSW and are traveling, are you eligable to show interstate if you are not a member of that canine control, or do you have to join that state control before you can enter an Allbreeds show, and or does the same apply for specialty shows?". No one actually knew.

Can you help?.

As an Dogs ACT member, the majority of my shows are interstate (NSW). I'm an Associate Member to get the Canine Journal but have shown in NSW, VIC and SA without issue.

As far as I know entry to any ANKC show is open to any CC member provided you are financial. :thumbsup:

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As long as you are a financial member of an ANKC affiliated body you are allowed to show anywhere in Australia.

Some States you can show for as long as you like, provided your membership is current, but I believe Qld is the exception to that rule.

Same as with showing a dog that is registered in another State. Qld I think it is only 3 months that it can be shown before being transferred to a Qld ownership, but other States it doesn't matter any more.

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Thanks for the info guys, it was very much appreciated, settled some arguments, but realy all was as expected.

The info in regards Qld was interesting. They claim it's God's country but appear a long way behind in their thinking. :eek:

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