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Happy Birthday Divani


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She is 4 years old.

From a fruitloop puppy with super oversize ears, through a silly adolescent where she didnt want to be touched my any human stranger male, through shows where she became a champion, endurance test to get the ET title, being trained in obedience and giving me a cutest litter of pupps last year she is now a mature dog woman.

Proud and healthy, guards my place very well, is a total princess that owns a sofa and shows her daughter some pretty good tricks but more naughty stuff.

She has eaten leather sofas, dug holes, bailed up people, taught Furia how to swim, slep in my bed on far many more occasions then she supposed to. Loves her food and lost her nice figure after having kids and has big boobies.

I call her the brown bitch with pretty eyes. She can lovingly look at anyone and win them over with her chatter. She selects people she will want to spend time with and if she likes them I tell them they are privilidged, and when she does like someone she is one super loving dog.

Happy birthday girl, I guess I better go and get you some chicken laksa as this is your favourite food.

And I hope Ruthless will post some pics of her :thumbsup:

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So pleased I popped back in to see the photos, I have been waiting for them all day.

Happy birthday to a beautiful girl! :D She's very photogenic, but then most Dobes are, aren't they.

Oh, now I miss my own Dobie girl, off to cuddle the Collie.

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Divani would like to thank everyone for the birthday wishes.

I didnt spoil her to much, took her to training, made her do a small obedicne routine in the rain and then left her in a drop stay in the rain for about 5 minutes..

And then fed her seafood laksa at home, for dinner.

She LOVES laksa.

Seems that Furia likes it as well, she was stealing some from her Mum.


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