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Finding It Hard To Find The "one" :cry:


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Have PM'D you.

hey, you only have Ruby dogs though?

I am after a bleheim or tri-coloured thanks anyways

I know of some other litters. :cry:

Was Bilbo Baggins of any to help you at all Italimum, I read earlier in the thread she had PM'd you?? :cry:

Edited by JulesLuvsCavs
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Bilbo Baggin's PM'd me also, I hope she was as helpful to you as she was for me. :cry:

Cavaliers are such a wonderful breed for families with kids. I think they will grow up together and be besties and the kids will learn from having a dog at a young age, to respect all animals.

:cry: I hope you get your furbaby.

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Yes Bilbo baggins actually was going to put me onto the lady i already spoke to about the pup and said no :cry: bugger lol...I am thankfully now taking this humorously as i said to my dh last night... the lady i saw walking her dog out the front suggested i get him to approach breeders and not say anything about kids !! Well I am maybe just a bit to honest to do that lol!

As i said previously, in situations like this - you can see why people just go to pet shops..no-one screens you to this extent. AHH well I will still be around pushing my fairness point...maybe 3 years i will still get rejected based on my children

pffftt the only one on dogzonline without a dog hehe :cry:

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Is it just in a certain area you are prepared to go though? One breeder I suggested you said was not prepared to come to you and you said you couldn't get to them. It's not really fair to say that breeders are not being fair if you are not prepared to make the effort to go to them is it? I've had people drive hours to get one of my pups and some have flown interstate. They are not always convenient :cry: I hope you find what you are after. :cry:

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Is it just in a certain area you are prepared to go though? One breeder I suggested you said was not prepared to come to you and you said you couldn't get to them. It's not really fair to say that breeders are not being fair if you are not prepared to make the effort to go to them is it? I've had people drive hours to get one of my pups and some have flown interstate. They are not always convenient :rofl: I hope you find what you are after. :cry:

oh not i dont discriminate on areas, i dont know half the suburbs where breeders are from but that doesnt stop me calling them :cry:

I cant get there for 2 weeks as i just sold my car, and still have to wait for delivery of the new one. so i am without a car to travel

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Gosh Italmum - this is getting ridiculous, your kids will be left home before you find the "perfect" pup. :eek: No wonder people go to pet shops and BYBs!!!

Waiting for three years for a pup if you don't want to show or breed seems a bit over the top. If you find a pup that is health tested and has been raised in a family environment and take him into your family at eight weeks, put in the effort into socialisation, training and exercise - I reckon you have a good chance of getting a pretty good dog. We have raised three pups since having our children and they have all turned out to have very similar personalities - which is most likely to be a product of the environment in which they were raised.

And if you are proud of the way your children have turned out then you have every right to brag about them. You sound like you have done a good job with them and anyone with children knows that it is just a little bit more challenging than raising a pup.

When there is a dog attack in the news people like to talk about how kids should know this, that and the other about a dog's nature but how the hell are kids supposed to learn when you can't even find someone who will let you buy a pup from them. Breeders must be overlooking a lot of great homes if so many are rejecting people with kids.

There are 46 breeders listed on dogzonline and many say they have pups available now. Why do they say this if there are huge waiting lists? The world has gone mad I think.

Good luck with finding your pup and I am sure he will have a wonderful home :)

Well as my DH put it to me last night...he cant understand how much trouble i am having getting us a pup, "Angelina adopts kids easier than you trying to get a dog"

Trust him to come up with that comparision :mad

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I wouldn't be discriminating on colour. It is going to be hard enough for you to get the breed. Get whatever colour, and you will end up loving it anyway. The important thing is getting a cav at all isn't it?

ok, this dog will be a part of our family for a long time, and if i can get a tri or blenheim than thats what we will look at first - then we will look into other colours. there are alot of the colours we are after.

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There are more Blenheims and Tricolours being bred, so the chances are better with those colours.

Chocolatelover, it is difficult to get a registered pup, more difficult in some breeds than others. Demand outstrips supply

Edited by Jed
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This is crazy. I would ask the person who PMd you and put you intouch with a breeder you have already tried (who said no), why they said no. With so many breeders around there must be someone who has children, and is happy for a dog to go to a good home, even with children.

Do the shows, let breeders see for themselves how the kids are etc.

I used to go with 5 kids, and have never had a single problem with a breeder.

Another thing that may help is how dogs are around you, although cavs are so sweet they are lovely with everyone :clap::walkdog::cheers:

As far as saying you have children, yes be honest, but maybe you could 'suss' things out first, make enquiries and see how you go, add that you do have children, see how that goes down etc. I could be way off track, but it seems peculiar that all breeders are not willing to allow a dog into your home, for whatever reason.

Another path would be to check out all the rehomes/.rescues in aust.

Our best dog as a 'nanny', carer, playmate, protector, sleeping partner, etc etc. was a breed most dont associate as good kids dogs, a cattle dog. She was magnifique!! :eek::mad:):laugh: The other breeds were great too , but she was an all rounder. perfect.

Kids down the road walk a cav every day, lovely red?? one, and it PULLS them all over the road, goes mad for other dogs, and barks barks barks :( She is adorable, but OMG! needs a bit of training. Just because she is little is not a reason for the kids to be walking her at all. :party:

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This is crazy. I would ask the person who PMd you and put you intouch with a breeder you have already tried (who said no), why they said no. With so many breeders around there must be someone who has children, and is happy for a dog to go to a good home, even with children.

Do the shows, let breeders see for themselves how the kids are etc.

Especially since everyone says they're a great breed with children!

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This is crazy. I would ask the person who PMd you and put you intouch with a breeder you have already tried (who said no), why they said no. With so many breeders around there must be someone who has children, and is happy for a dog to go to a good home, even with children.

Do the shows, let breeders see for themselves how the kids are etc.

Especially since everyone says they're a great breed with children!

megan good point..i know..the breeders say they are "perfect dog for children" and then say no you cant have one because my children are younger hmmph

well i am starting to feel a bit attacked on this forum...when all i wanted was some advice..

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Kids down the road walk a cav every day, lovely red?? one, and it PULLS them all over the road, goes mad for other dogs, and barks barks barks :eek: She is adorable, but OMG! needs a bit of training. Just because she is little is not a reason for the kids to be walking her at all. :mad

You know i may have children, but the dog would be mine - i intend on going to puppy / obedience training with him , i am new to my area..i dont know anyone, i take my son to kinder and i go shopping,,i dont really have much of a life outside these 4 walls..getting a puppy is going to be an extra way for us to get involved with other activities and do things together :) I dont just want a puppy because i have to have one...i want one to include in our life :laugh: and make our lifes more fullfilled - we as a family have a lot of time and love that we can bestowe upon a dog

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Italmum have you looked at the "mature" dogs listed here?

There are 11 listed, several are under 1 year old and most are under 4.

yes i have - but someone wisely said..which has made me change my mind..its better to get a puppy - because you dont know if the older dogs have been around children. and they might not have the right temperament ..or something along those lines lol:) this thread seems never ending , and i keep going round in lil circles

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Italmum have you looked at the "mature" dogs listed here?

There are 11 listed, several are under 1 year old and most are under 4.

yes i have - but someone wisely said..which has made me change my mind..its better to get a puppy - because you dont know if the older dogs have been around children. and they might not have the right temperament ..or something along those lines lol:) this thread seems never ending , and i keep going round in lil circles

I don't agree with that advice frankly. I wouldn't have ruled out a young dog rather than a pup for your situation - quite the contrary. Temperament in an older dog is a known quantity.

I also think that a breeder might be more comfortable rehoming a dog to you that's not going to mouth your kids and that is less fragile.

If the pup has been well socialised and trained (this will have to be explored) then then a dog past the most time intensive periods of its life might be just the ticket. At least one of those dogs advertised is mentioned as being "good with kids".

I'd be making some calls about the younger dogs, starting with Christian. He's in Melbourne.

Edited by poodlefan
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I tried that avenue first...i have made so many calls..and have been told that either the dogs gone OR its not good with children

i am on a list just incase something suitable does come up though

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I tried that avenue first...i have made so many calls..and have been told that either the dogs gone OR its not good with children

i am on a list just incase something suitable does come up though

So you've rung about all the younger dogs advertised? You've spoken to Christian's breeder (who won't rehome him without meeting his new family?)

Kids or not, in some breeds the right dog doesn't just fall out of the tree in front of you.. you have to really hunt for one.

I was where you were two years ago. It took me months of looking to find the right pup.

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I tried that avenue first...i have made so many calls..and have been told that either the dogs gone OR its not good with children

i am on a list just incase something suitable does come up though

So you've rung about all the younger dogs advertised? You've spoken to Christian's breeder (who won't rehome him without meeting his new family?)

Yes she was the lady that i spoke to when i was looking for an older dog, we got on great...and she said she would contact me in a few weeks if she decided to put him up for rehoming...she then advertised him the next day..and i have not heard a peep from her.

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I tried that avenue first...i have made so many calls..and have been told that either the dogs gone OR its not good with children

i am on a list just incase something suitable does come up though

So you've rung about all the younger dogs advertised? You've spoken to Christian's breeder (who won't rehome him without meeting his new family?)

Yes she was the lady that i spoke to when i was looking for an older dog, we got on great...and she said she would contact me in a few weeks if she decided to put him up for rehoming...she then advertised him the next day..and i have not heard a peep from her.

Ring her up!!!!!! She wouldn't be the first person to lose a phone number.

Edited by poodlefan
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