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Can Anyone Tell Me

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It is sad for some breed of dogs that really because of public perception these particular breeds get a bad rap!! A lot of the time to people listen to other people and take what they say as gospel, Everybody at work knows how crazy I am abou tdogs so anyone one with a doggy story will come to me and the things that come out of some peoples mouth, honestly sometimes I am just gobsmacked that people can be so niave (sp) about some things pertaining to dogs. It does however seem to be that particular breeds get a bad rap, staffords, gsd's, pitbulls, big black dogs in general. I always say to people that the owners are mostly to blame when something happens with one of these dogs. A perfect example was a month or so ago, one of my work mates her cat was in thier yard asleep in the garden when a neighbours staffy x escaped its yard and while running around the court spotted the cat (she was an easy target a birmese so easy for the dog to see) and proceeded to run into the yard pounced on the cat who didnt have a chance and tore her to bits all the while one of the cats owners was in the yard at the time and called for his wife (my friend) and they both did everything they could to try to get the dog to let go of the cat, hit and punched the dog kicked the dog tried everything but the dog just would not let go. You can imagne how upset they were, to witness this and try to stop it and not be able to, just shocking. Is it the dogs fault, it is a natural instinct for the dog to do it, it is up to the dogs owner to make sure the dog is secured to make sure this type of thing can not happen. The cat owners wanted the dog pts but the council declared the dog dangerous and had to be muzzled in public and contained in a secure enclosure at home, but these people are still walking the dog around the neighbourhood like nothing ever happend, no muzzle and now they are applying for the dangerous dog thing to be removed because they are pleading the dog has never ever done anything like this before. Will they be smart enough to keep the dog contained who knows. I know accidents can happen and sometimes things are out of your control but people just need to realize that dogs are dogs and they can be unpredicatble.

Jata, your story gave me goose bumps as kids we were taught to never ever put our face near a dog as you just never know if the dog is going to like you doing that, even to this day I shiver when I see people do it. I do it with my own dogs cause I know them but I dont like other people to do it to them because you just never know, I do trust that they would never do anything but what if one day one of them is feeling off color or something and they just turn.

Geez I think I may have gotten a bit of topic, what was the subject again :kissbetter:

These dogs did know me, they saw me daily as my grandparents looked after me after school and I quite often slept overnight. All 6 dogs I grew up with and kissed and cuddled all the time, they were all around 6-8 years old. It was routine for me to kiss them goodbye, it just so happened that my pinhead brothers & cousins tormented them without anyone knowing and then I copped it!

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Thats exactly what I mean about unpredictable, but generally speaking there is a reason for thier behaviour, like your story there was a reason. glad it didn't effect you in the long run!!

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Thats exactly what I mean about unpredictable, but generally speaking there is a reason for thier behaviour, like your story there was a reason. glad it didn't effect you in the long run!!

yes I agree! ;) even my current puppy got me tonight, she was snapping at a mozzie and got my chin lol :kissbetter:

Love the bunny ears :)

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:kissbetter: thanks.

Imagine my suprise when my 10 week old puppy decided to bite me because I went to take his treat off him :) Boy did I get a shock, and so did he, the following few weeks after was a school of hard knocks for him, every meal or treat he had I was in his face taking, giving, taking, giving, till he got it!! It didn't take long for him to get it. I give it I can take it no ifs ands or buts ;)

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Some breds I love, some breeds I like and some breeds I don't like.

None of these opinions of mine are based on anything I have heard nor will they ever be.

I will not make a judgement on a breed until I have experienced the breed. And even then, dogs differ dramatically within each breed as they are all individuals.

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I was bitten by a Corgi (Pembroke) when I was 4... and to this day, I still haven't met one that hasn't tried to snap at me. I have no problem with Cardigans though...

Until I started working with rescue, I had an irrational fear of small yappy dogs... but that is definitely abating with plenty of exposure to all types of smalls... *grin*

My preference is for the larger breeds... so much more to cuddle...


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When I was eight, I was walking with two friends, when a Lab ran out of it's yard & bit me on the bum, no provacation & still puzzled why it bit me & not one of my friends. :)

Do I hate all Labs because of one psycho dog? No, there was obviously something wrong with it, or the owners were morons who didn't socialiseor train it.

I had a similar experience with a Doberman when I was about 10 or 11 - made me very nervous of the breed for a long time.

I must confess that I don't really like GSDs - perhaps its only the ones I have known - they seem to be cowardly on their own, but will attack another dogs if there are 2 or 3 GSDs together. This is just from my observation of a group of GSDs (owned by different people) who used to be walked in a park where we used to walk our dogs, and I am not saying they areLL like that.

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We had family friends who owned 2 aggressive boxers when i was a kid. They were kept in their runs whenever we visited and we were warned never to go near them.

Also a friend owned one and it had epilepsy based aggression (not to mention that my friend was clueless).

As well as these 2 close relationships, I have yet to meet a well behaved boxer in a park. I know that's not the fault of the dogs (the owners were quite obviously idiots who couldn't control them), but because of all these experiences I don't like/trust boxers.

As for staffords, following personal experience (my last dog was a DA staffy cross), I discovered that as a breed they can be intolerant of other dogs. More so than many other breeds.

They also can attract inexperienced owners who own them for their intimidating looks. The combination of that makes me often much more on guard when I walk past them in the street.

Having said that though, same goes for SWFs who, I have found, have a much higher likelihood of trying to bite my dog than larger dogs. :)

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I must confess that I don't really like GSDs - perhaps its only the ones I have known - they seem to be cowardly on their own, but will attack another dogs if there are 2 or 3 GSDs together. This is just from my observation of a group of GSDs (owned by different people) who used to be walked in a park where we used to walk our dogs, and I am not saying they areLL like that.

:thumbsup::) ;)

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I think it has something to do with peoples belief system.

If we are told something by our parents (or people we hold in esteem) as children then it usually forms our views on things.

My OH won't accept that something he learnt from his father or Grandfather could possibly be either outmoded or completely wrong. That's how any form of predjudice and most religious thinking come into play.

Add to this mix a personal experience and it usually sits very strongly with you.

As a child I was bitten by a black Labrador therefore for no real logical reason I am not comfortable around them. Fine with Yellows and Chocolates. Completely silly and I am always going out of my way to try to rationalise this inner fear when I see one.

Also sometimes we just don't find a particular brreed "pleasing to OUR eye" and go for the "type" we find pleasing.

And then you meet a person with a breed you were never keen on and it turns out to be the most wonderful dog and you become a convert. :thumbsup:

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I hate Alsations. Growing up in the UK, all I heard were bad stories from people who had been bitten by them.

Since moving to Australia I've forgotten about them and fallen in love with this German Shepherd breed! They're so clever and athletic and look great! :thumbsup:

Alot of people believe what they hear without looking into it further. It's the same with other things in life, not just dogs. I loved the idea of moving to Australia because it's always summer here and you have roos in the yard and everyone is friendly! Melbourne shattered my dreams! lol

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:thumbsup: thanks.

Imagine my suprise when my 10 week old puppy decided to bite me because I went to take his treat off him :) Boy did I get a shock, and so did he, the following few weeks after was a school of hard knocks for him, every meal or treat he had I was in his face taking, giving, taking, giving, till he got it!! It didn't take long for him to get it. I give it I can take it no ifs ands or buts ;)

See I'd be more inclined to 'leave a dog his bone', I'm not to sure about this giving and taking of bones etc. Instincts run deep and just because YOU may be able to take it from your dog because you have taught him to be comfortable with this action doesn't mean another family member can. It could be a recipe for disaster.

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I have been badly bitten by a German Shepherd, but I love the breed, always have :thumbsup:

I think dogs personalities are like humans, you cannot rely on someone else telling you that joe blow down the road is a horrible person without ever meeting or speaking to him. I know some people listen to others and make decisions from assumptions by word of mouth. Luckily I am not one of those people, I love all dogs until they show me they aren't nice.....I don't blame the breed if one is vicious.


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Why do people hate particular dog breeds:

*A bad personal experience

* Ignorance coupled with a generalised wariness of dogs and readiness to believe bad press.

Take your pick.

How right you are, especially where GSD's and Rotties are concerned. Hugh Wirthless is a typical example of why some people are scared of certain breeds, but in his case he's spreading both fear and hatred. :laugh:

I do feel sorry for people who are fearful of GSD's and Rotties, because they will never know the joy of owning one or two of these wonderful breeds. :laugh:

Poodlemum, People who allow their GSD's to attack other dogs should not be allowed to own GSD's or any other breed.

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I've been told by "know all" Joe Public's that Pele (Bull Terrier) has a "lock-jaw" and will attack me one day :laugh: I frequently get people crossing the road when Pele and I come along or take a wide berth at the beach. Then when they get to meet Pele and find out how well trained and well behaved she is their attitude changes and they and wish their dog was as good as her :laugh: If I see people looking worried about Pele I often get her to do a few obedience exercises or tricks to try and put them at ease :thumbsup:

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I used to walk past a very territorial bull terrior on my way to school and he scared the bejesus out of me - has only been in the last two years I've had the opportunity to meet some and discover what lovely clowns they are :laugh: but it did involve having to push past the irrational hesitation and make an effort to properly meet them. I don't really have an issue now and can see what attracts people to them :laugh:

Strangely I had more run ins with my childhood neighbour's cattle dog - nasty piece of work who really did want to get me, yet I haven't had a fear of them, they still aren't a breed on my "wish list" but thats just down to not being suitable for me.

Some people are scared of ALL dogs, but for the most part hardly anyone is wary of a Cavalier, I'm anticipating that when we get our great dane, reactions in general are likely to be different, just due to the sheer size intimidating people. I'll probably find that a bit sad but the important thing is that I do everything necessary to have a well rounded and socialised dog who *I* am confident of, even if strangers are not :thumbsup:

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I once owned a beautiful brown Dobe, a very gentle girl. I was sitting at the vets and people were patting her, I said you're patting a Dobermann and they all pulled their hands away :( they were scared of the name not the dog. :(

I was walking into the pet barn with my Rottie, who wouldn't hurt a fly. A woman with a small child was coming towards us saw my Rottie, grabbed the child and ran for her life. ;)

Both my GSD's went to GSDL training from 4mths, when my GSD girl was 12mths old I took her to all breeds training so she would get use to other dogs (she was still going to GSDL training) the woman instructor came over to her to check her and my GSD who was still a pup jumped up on her.

Well this woman screamed and jumped back and nearly had a heart attact :D I said "she won't hurt you she's still a pup". :):eek:

This same woman later was telling people if you allow your dog on the bed or lounge, one day it will attact you. ;) :D

When you own a Rottie or GSD you notice some vets are scared of your dog, especially Rotties and tell you their unpredictable ( my Rottie is, as I never know which lounge she will sleep on.) hard to handle and my favorite dominant and can snap at any time and turn on you. :mad And of cause theres the R$PCA and the Media, so it's no wonder people are scared of certain breeds.

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