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Pinkish Fur - Golden Retriever Puppy


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Humphrey is almost 4 months and just in the last couple of days I've noticed his fur is a little pinkish in colour around his front leg pits (I'm sure there is a special name for leg pits!! :laugh: ) Also a little bit on the underside of his neck.

Does anyone know what this could be, why it's happening and what I can do to help it?

Thank you :laugh:

Edited by BooBooBear
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Could be saliva staining if he is licking himself. Could also be start of an allergy. Or could even be staining from flea dirt.

What do you feed him? Does he scratch a lot? Do his ears smell at all?

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Thanks for your replies :)

It's in places where he can't lick so I think it might be something else. I'll take a photo tomorrow, we are renovating and I can't find the camera!!

I feed him chicken (wings, necks, diced), beef (mince, meaty bones) - sometimes Sardines, veggies etc plus Purina Pro Puppy as advised by my breeder.


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The white on my BCs goes a pinkish colour if it's an area that doesn't dry well - like between the pads on their feet. Could be the cause for the pits.

The underside of the neck could be from salivia dribbling down or from laying on well chewed toys.

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There is also a tiny mite which infests dogs, the hair turns pink from the tiny drops of blood when the mite has bitten. Happens to cavs between their eyes.

One of the flea/tick preparations cures it. I've forgotten which one. Revolution maybe? Might need to aks your vet.

Can also be caused by bacteria.

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Molasseslass - could be the water - he's always always wet from swimming in his water bowl :kissbetter: Same thing with his neck because he always lies down in the wet - he's happy when he's wet and dirty :) ;)

Jed - thanks so much for that, will see the Vet and ask about the mites or bacteria. He does seem to scratch and I can't see any fleas so it could be those tiny mites you are referring to - thanks for the tip!

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