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What To Do About Chewing/eating Her Bed


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I haven't read the whole thread so it may have been mentioned, it's separation anxiety, or as I call it, punishing you for leaving them alone.

Kenny has chewed so many couches, futons & doonas, I've lost track, but strangely enough, never his own bed. He finally stopped doing it when he turned 9, don't know why, maybe it was too much effort now he is older.

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why don't they do it when you're home?

because SEPARATION anxiety is exhibited when you are away :angel:

Which equates to them punishing you for leaving them alone. :D

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I had this problem when Molly first came to us at a year old. She shredded everything we gave her to sleep on inlcluding her trampoline bed and even worse Mokha started copying her. He had never done this before. I did not know what to do and on a last effort tried a completely different type of bedding, a hessian sack and foam mat. I sprayed it with bitter spray on the corners and watched like a hawk. If she even went to sniff I told her to "leave it". She has never chewed up any bedding since. I eventually added a blanket and now we have no problems. I dont know in the end was it my cross voice, the spray or the completely different rather strong smell of the hessian mat. Good luck with finding your solution.

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Hoping dolers have some advice.

Asha is a chewer. We have learned to hide everything that she may be tempted by. Socks are her favorite delicacy.

When we go out the dogs have access to the laundry and the backyard. In the laundry we have (had) a huge dog bed and a big blanket for them.

She started out chewing a couple of corners and then we came home to the below :angel:

The blanket had also been dragged through the dog door and half burried :D

Any ideas on what to do?? They are inside with us every night but outside/laundry during the day and if we go out of a night.

I try and make it warm and cosy for them and dont want to leave them with nothing in there as its going to start getting colder.

She gets plenty of exercise morning and after work.

Any excuse to post a pic.


I would say they are missing you. I would recommend long walks daily (plenty of exercise for you is not enough for them) and their kibble in a large kong type device while your out. Under no circumstances leave them with a bone as one will finish first and the other will guard theirs. Just my opinion and hope it helps if you choose to follow it. Let us know how it turns out so we all can learn.

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I would say they are missing you. I would recommend long walks daily (plenty of exercise for you is not enough for them) and their kibble in a large kong type device while your out. Under no circumstances leave them with a bone as one will finish first and the other will guard theirs. Just my opinion and hope it helps if you choose to follow it. Let us know how it turns out so we all can learn.

She gets an hour every morning. She is totally exhausted by the end of it. Walks didnt seem to tire her enough so I power walk half and end at the park for the other. We play fetch or she plays with some of the other dogs. She needs to run to get worn out.

We alternate so if its my husbands turn then he has just started taking her for runs.

As I mentioned I dont ever leave them with bones they are always supervised.

Will keep you posted

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I reckon Mokhahouse has the right idea, if you do decide to get the tramp beds, use the spray and watch her like a hawk for any hint of a chew and quicky correct if she does. You could start off on a weekend when you dont have to work....(presuming you dont have to work on weekends) :D i know I shouldn't presume, just wishful thinking on my part as I do have to work on weekends :angel:

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Young dogs are often destructive. Even when given ample chew and stimulating toys. They choose what they find interesting. It's very frustrating. Our younger GSD seemed to have a checklist of things to destroy. There isn't much you can do unless you actually catch them in the act! Eventually he grew out of it. It's so frustrating you get to the point where you thing 'stuff him he can sleep on the floor!'

When chewing releases seratonin it makes them happy. This is often the case when left alone. It relieves boredom and anxiety. It's just a bit tricky helping them understand what's okay to chew and what's not. I think the problem with bed chewing as it close and handy.

Lot's of good advice on this thread. I think some of us have tried all in various combinations. :laugh:

Our younger Cav is like a toddler, Even a 15 months (although much improved) she is still "Chrissy the destroyer"! We have to watch her like a hawk, she is forever picking things up in her mouth. I found her chewing on a paper clip the other day. Also pulling threads out of the flywire screens is a great lark for her. A common statement in our home is "What's Chrissy got in her mouth now?" She's scary.

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My dogs are all bed chewers. My older dogs are now 7 and 8yrs old and they still chew beds. And coats. And collars. I am currently using plain trampoline beds and one bed which is covered in a sort of shade-cloth like material. So far, they are in tact (touch wood). I haven't found a way to stop them destroying the beds yet so am watching this thread carefully!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yesterday I bought madam a new trampoline bed. On Pers advice went to the Salvos and bought a bunch of blankets to make it nice and cosy for them.

I covered the bed and blankets in tlc's bitter bite spray (thankyou again!), went to work and hoped for the best.

Asha - 1 Bed - 0

Geez she had a good time today. Totally ripped the middle out of it :cry:

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Thanks guys, im back on a normal keyboard.

tlc that would be fab. I'll PM you. I love that you put some on your tongue :eek::laugh:

I agree that Aeroguard may be a bit harsh. That stuff stinks.

RottPerth Asha is 1. She is a rescue that we have had since December and didnt come with much training. We have her trained up so well now but the chewing is hard to discipline when you cant catch her in the act.

I have one large crate and they do sleep together so may be an idea. A mat that I can tie down would be good.

I think I'll try the spray first and perhaps try the other options if that fails.

BigDaz thanks for the compliment :D

Thanks people!!

Someone on DOL suggested Eucylptus Rob (Vicks vaporub), not sure if it was successful!

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Why would you apply vicks, etc to a bed where you expect a dog to be comfortable??? :laugh:

becandcharch- I would scrap the trampoline beds-anything like that!!

Give her a layer of thick newspaper and a blanket. end of story.That's what ours get if they are that way inclined .even if she does shred it it doesn't matter .

Stop stressing. just supply her about 4 thick newspapers, layered-- one blanket or a couple of towels.. and chuck them out when completely wrecked. If she shreds them, but they are clean... then that's what she gets to sleep on . Shredded paper is very warm!

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I know how you feel!

Maverick is a chewer.. absolute horror with beds and blankets.

It's sad because Hector quite likes him comfort... :D

I have tried the "indestructible beds" (ahaha, just gave Maverick something to work harder on..)

I have tried the bitter sprays, ones from the shops and homemade.. (he just thanks me for adding flavour to the beds..) :laugh:

Now they both have a nice inside bed, for when I can watch them..

And just big blankets from work or the salvos, just throw them out as he destroys them.

If you do find a miracle solution please feel free to share with me! :eek:

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Hey Becandcharch,

I too have been where you are! :laugh:

My GSD destroyed hundreds of dollars worth of beds, until I finally found Kuranda dog beds.

They guarantee the beds for 1 year and you can replace the trampoline material if needed. I have had mine for over twelve months, and with all Kody's scratching and digging there is no sign of stress on the material (I purchased the nylon material).

The beds are made so that the dog can not get hold of the mat material in order to rip it. Check them out http://www.kennelsolutions.com.au/about/ku...a_dog_beds.html

A little expensive if you are simply comparing these to the ordinary trampoline beds, however IMO well worth the outlay as I can see this bed lasting for many, many years.

My parents have also purchased one for their GSD pup (appears that she also likes to dig in her bed!) and are also happy with the product.

Found the company to be extremely easy to deal with, received the bed in good time too.

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Yup your right. This was a last resort at a bed attempt. I was nicely surprised at getting some nice thick blankets from the salvos for $3 a pop.

Thanks Pers :D

MM I hear you. Charch loves to be snuggly and isnt a chewer unless its a bone. Oh well, newspapper and blankets it is for him too :eek:

You know what?? I laughed at tlc for tasting that bitter bite but when it arrived in the post I couldnt help myself! Its bloody revolting!!

Asha must have some determination for it to not get in her way :laugh:

Edited to add - thanks Kodys mum. Will check them out but not hopeful!!!

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Hey Becandcharch,

I too have been where you are! :laugh:

My GSD destroyed hundreds of dollars worth of beds, until I finally found Kuranda dog beds.

I second that. We went through quite a few expensive beds (including tough beds) which lasted various amounts of time. We bought a Kuranda bed a few weeks ago and so far so good. We have a lab and a golden retriever who are actually pretty good with beds and toys but once they start on something it doesn't take long - 5mins of boredom/curiosity and we're down another $90 bed. We have the largest size which is big enough for our 3 dogs to curl up on (foster pup is ACDx). We also paid extra for the aluminium legs and corners and the tough bed/trampoline material.

The only down side is that the bed doesn't have holes in it so dirt, water, etc pools on the top.

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