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Just Need An Opinion


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when i was about 10 i had a pet dog he was mine not the whole familes and the picture i cant stop thinking about was when he was hit by a car i remember watching from the window as my mum and 2 strangers loaded his lifeless body on to there ute to take him to bury i supose, i just remember the pain and heartache i felt and still get teary eyed when thinking bout it, this all started round same time my partner and i started having problems.

so my question is why in ur opinion is this image stuck in my head now while im going thru these other problem?

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It was another time of loss and heartache. It happened at a time when you were young and impressionable and because you say "take him to bury i supose", I am assuming you never actually found out what happened. So this is an instance of unresolved grief.

no i never found out i asked heaps but my mum just told me these things happen and loved ones leave withot a reason.

she had just seperated from my dad.

guess scotty was my best friend at that time and he left without a reason............ and now i feel like im losing my best friend again

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I agree with MM maybe the emotions you are feeling now are similar (in a way) to the emotions you felt then... And that triggers the memories....

I would add to the feelings of loss and heartache... perhaps... abandonment... I know it might seem unnecessary but maybe having a chat with a counselor might help :D It certainly couldn't hurt

I'm sorry your going through a tough time Stef...

Chin Up! :rofl:

x o x o


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I agree with MM maybe the emotions you are feeling now are similar (in a way) to the emotions you felt then... And that triggers the memories....

I would add to the feelings of loss and heartache... perhaps... abandonment... I know it might seem unnecessary but maybe having a chat with a counselor might help :D It certainly couldn't hurt

I'm sorry your going through a tough time Stef...

Chin Up! :rofl:

x o x o


I agree with Mother Moocher and Okami. I think you need someone to talk to. Someone to have a good cry with too.

Maybe your mother could give you a few answers now.

Hopefully your partner will go to counselling with you. You need to be clear why this relationship is in trouble and you need to have a say in what happens and to be able to have some control in your life.

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