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Open Letter To Troy


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I do like the fact that people from all walks can come here and have a healthy debate about whatever doggie topic they choose...

Sure, some posts can come across as rude, condescending, or outright nasty - but you have to admit that if you can get past that stuff, there is some very useful information to be gleaned from even the freakiest of threads. Personally, I try to get past the negative stuff that goes on, and to be quite honest, have never seen the need to use the "report" button (or to put anyone on "ignore") - those who like to get nasty just for the sake of being negative (regardless of the actual topic at hand) on internet forums are usually small people in their own small little world, and their opinion doesn't really count for much in the grand scheme of things, does it?

The best advice I was ever given when a forum noob (long before I discovered DOL) was to read between the lines for the nuggets of actual useful info - and let the rest flow off your back. Even some of the negative or disagreeing stuff can have useful info in them, OK?


Edited by tdierikx
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The bottom line is - don't post anything that you know will arouse responses. Most learn to keep their rubbish in their own backyards....sadly. In rescue it is noticed more as it means that unsafe practices, unethical practices and sheer stupidity is swept under the carpet.

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Sometimes it does get tireing, haveing the same question asked over and over again.

Then there are the school kids who come in to cause trouble.

Then the posters who post obscene stuff.

There are also the dog collectors, who come with a different name each time.

As well as a different dog.

It does make you a bit hardened to people.

I have been a member for 6 years, over those years Troy has done a wonderfull job.

I owe you a new tinfoil hat Troy.

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Been around a little while too,seen some stuff, learned a lot,hopefully contributed at least a little and maybe even helped someone along the way from my own decades of experiences,agreed and disagreed but try not to post unless I have something positive to say. Got bored with a lot of the same old from time to time but never questioned Troys job - not one I would care for.

I think perhaps unless a few forum members are not physically capable of having a life off the computer , most people who love their animals need to spend a fair portion of their time caring for and providing for them( for me that means working)- guess Im trying to say - dont get it all out of proportion and if it feels that way - log off and go cuddle your dogs or take them for a run and remeber what brought you here.

Takes off back to the less controversial OT. :laugh:

PS - just seen the new xmas emoticons Troy :)

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I am fairly new here, but am a long time dog owner and I do rescue. And my dogs only leave by dying in my arms. I have been on other Forums for years, such as newf net.

But I must admit I was shocked at how people treated one lady with a newf and a autistic son. She had to re-home the newf and many people were very unkind and not helpful.

I got in contact with newf rescue and the dog involved now has a great happy home and the lady has been helped with a dog more suitable (trained) who can cope with the screaming boy and help him.

She chose a breed (newf), that most people would have expected to suit, but he could not cope with the screams, she had dog behaviourist out and tried her best. Newf rescue also got the dog checked out and he was not suitable in that environment. he is safe and happy now.

But reading a lot of the posts, i had never thought about some of the problems that occur, by people posting under different names and not being honest. And that it has happened quite a lot. it made me see what happened in a slightly different light. I however am still the person, who tries to help and sort if I can or have the knowledge. It is probably the Nurse in me.

I also have a thick skin personally and that probably comes from working in nursing for over thirty years :)

Personally I find this Forum quite OK and there is heaps to learn and lots of info, which I enjoy So I will be sticking around

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I agree with the people who have said pretty much, if you post something which is going to get reactions from people or touch on 'sensitive' issues then you have to expect that you will get both positive and negative responses.

If you cannot handle those responses then perhaps rethink the plans to post here. Just like I get amazed when people post personal things and then get all uppity when people offer their opinion.

Given the number of members on DOL there is always going to be disagreement on whatever topic is posted. However I do think the level of hypocrisy some people show on here - accusing people of doing things they themselves are guilty of - is surprising at times.

But my overall bug bear is those people who do not endorse the aims of the forum - by posting about BYB litters, posting photos of designer dogs and by digging at registered breeders etc.

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And another.

Where there's smoke, there's fire. Enough was said to arouse my suspicions :rofl:

There's another thread on DOL (still alive) where a poster copped some name calling the other day, I expected the shit to hit the fan but instead it went right over the recipient's head and I take my hat off to her for that. She handled herself beautifully. :)But I suspect she has a real life and doesn't live on DOL like some people do.

A condemnation of poor behaviour towards one member and a thinly veiled to others in the one post.

Not one to practice what you preach eh Golden? Viva the double standard! :laugh:

Ah, so you know the thread I am talking about!

That's not a personal attack is it?! :laugh:

I have absolutely no idea what thread you're on about. If its in Off Topic, I can't even access it.

However, a personal attack on one member should be considered justification for more of the same, even if your motives are good.

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:laugh: Brooke if you mean the comments that came from the rescue dolers:

You offer assistance in VIC to poundie NSW animals fairly often: pups, kittens, preggy cats and that's really really nice but all of a sudden there is a whole lot more info that would be pertinent if someone was going to risk sending animals that far. A large breed stressed dog you need to rehome, foster kids who need a lot of attention. It was just odd. :) If you're visiting the rescue section you know what to do. Contact the breeder or invest in a trainer and work with determination to keep your dog. Crate train him, use a greyhound muzzle when you aren't home. All the kind of things that can be tried before moving the dog on.

I am very sorry you felt shot down when you reached out. That's a crap feeling. The written word is so different to real life and maybe some of the remarks weren't intended as harsh as they read.

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I agree with the people who have said pretty much, if you post something which is going to get reactions from people or touch on 'sensitive' issues then you have to expect that you will get both positive and negative responses.

If you cannot handle those responses then perhaps rethink the plans to post here. Just like I get amazed when people post personal things and then get all uppity when people offer their opinion.

Given the number of members on DOL there is always going to be disagreement on whatever topic is posted. However I do think the level of hypocrisy some people show on here - accusing people of doing things they themselves are guilty of - is surprising at times.

But my overall bug bear is those people who do not endorse the aims of the forum - by posting about BYB litters, posting photos of designer dogs and by digging at registered breeders etc.

So by this do you mean only people with rescues and PB dogs should post photos and anyone with a purposley bred cross like me, should not post photos of thier dogs or have I missunderstood??

I have never seen anyone much dig at registered breeders or post about BYB Litters, but then maybe Im not in those type of threads. On occasion it maybe new people that do this but they dont stick around for long.

Edited by tlc
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:rofl: Brooke if you mean the comments that came from the rescue dolers:

You offer assistance in VIC to poundie NSW animals fairly often: pups, kittens, preggy cats and that's really really nice but all of a sudden there is a whole lot more info that would be pertinent if someone was going to risk sending animals that far. A large breed stressed dog you need to rehome, foster kids who need a lot of attention. It was just odd. :) If you're visiting the rescue section you know what to do. Contact the breeder or invest in a trainer and work with determination to keep your dog. Crate train him, use a greyhound muzzle when you aren't home. All the kind of things that can be tried before moving the dog on.

I am very sorry you felt shot down when you reached out. That's a crap feeling. The written word is so different to real life and maybe some of the remarks weren't intended as harsh as they read.

I think the main points Brooke would have objected to were

*the accusation that she had rehomed some of her animals before

*the insinuation that she only fosters children for the money ( :laugh: )

*the comments that implied Brooke is a bad person for putting foster children before her dog

*the comments that suggested Brook had brought the situation upon herself and the dog by bringing a number of foster animals into their home

*the accusation that she wants to rehome her GSD so she can get another more protective breed

*the accusation that she has been deliberately ramping up the dog's defence drives and thereby caused the aggression problem herself

Maybe Brooke has made some mistakes along the way as I'm sure we all have done with our dogs at some stage, but there is giving your opinion and then there is just plain mean. There was some pretty mean spirited stuff in there IMO. Is that the sort of thing you can moderate against though? Probably not. :laugh:

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I have never seen anyone dig at registered breeders or post about BYB Litters, but then maybe Im not in those type of threads. Sometimes it is new people that do this but they dont stick around for long.

There have been alot lately & especially reg breeders .some real doozies who start topics yet vanish,

I for one am one of those people that dont piss fart about & will read old posts by posters to figure some aspects out which can be very enlightening when they post topics off there own & not like the responses.

I remember the new f thread certainly dont recall anything dramatic there

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plenty of peeps in this thread have responded according to the rules ... ima gunna respond as a noob :)

this is a discussion forum, and the operative word there is discussion!

some posters in this OP's original thread had such venom that even in my limited experience on this forum but plenty on several others, i was very much taken aback when i read them ... it left me thinking look the f*** out should i ever need that kind of help!!!

some remarks were flat out blatant while others were laced with vitriolic innuendo ... shame on each of you for adding absolutely nothing constructive and for making the OP's already beleagured position feel even more hopeless! you added to her ache! ever been there yourself?!?! perhaps it's time!

the saddest thing about all this is that for all the good advice that the OP has taken note of, this whole experience for her, the OP, this horrible situation with her beautiful dog, her memory of this awful experience with her dog is now likely tainted because of those few that turned her thread to shit when she turned to a community that she trusted to help her out with some advice, even just a little.

ya see, for noobs like me, it screams frikken caution as this forum currently is the place i would consider seeking help if a situation with my dogs was dire and i too needed to reach out...

just sayin'

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Sometimes you can see people have an agenda, but if you come on here posting something like - I am breeding my unregistered dog, I think I need to rehome my dog, I want to know how my 4 large undesexed male dogs can live together in my 42sqm apartment laugh.gif etc, you will get responses you don't want to hear. This is a DOG forum, people are passionate, as Troy said.

But isnt there a saying that you catch more flies with honey? Replying to one of these posts with the first line "Your an Idiot rant, rant,rant" isnt going to get them to listen - they will press the x button and take off but a well worded non-judgemental post stating facts and reasons may get them to hang around and learn more.

Like it or not but there are still heaps of people out there that think you buy a dog from the petshop and that letting your bitch have a litter will "settle them down" - these people need education not flaming but I guess if flaming someone makes you feel superior then go ahead.

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I get what your saying brook but, people need to realise that when talking to a group of people this large that your going to recive every opinion out there, if we all gave the same opinion then it would be pretty boring and not much use being hear,

i replied to a topic not long ago and got a reply that i could have gotten upset about, and for a split second i did but one breath and reread of what i posted and the reply i didnt like made me realise it could of been taken 2 ways and that the poster took it the oppisite of what i ment, i could have gotten cranky or upset and abusive but theres no point they were just expressing there opinion just as we are all entitled to do.

i love this forum and take my hat off to all the "behind the scenes" people that make it waht it is.

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Sometimes you can see people have an agenda, but if you come on here posting something like - I am breeding my unregistered dog, I think I need to rehome my dog, I want to know how my 4 large undesexed male dogs can live together in my 42sqm apartment laugh.gif etc, you will get responses you don't want to hear. This is a DOG forum, people are passionate, as Troy said.

But isnt there a saying that you catch more flies with honey? Replying to one of these posts with the first line "Your an Idiot rant, rant,rant" isnt going to get them to listen - they will press the x button and take off but a well worded non-judgemental post stating facts and reasons may get them to hang around and learn more.

Like it or not but there are still heaps of people out there that think you buy a dog from the petshop and that letting your bitch have a litter will "settle them down" - these people need education not flaming but I guess if flaming someone makes you feel superior then go ahead.


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