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Tripping Over


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Hi Folks,

I have had Lucy (Border Collie) for about 5 weeks now, she was a stray, no microchip and no owner, found on the side of a road after being there for hours. We think she was dumped.

She's had numerous health ailments which we are slowly working through, but the vet estimates her age to be at least 10 years old, and as high as possibly 15.

She has had terrible flea allergy for a long time, her skin around her tail is bare and leathery, her teeth worn down, she has a fatty cell tumor on her side, is mostly deaf, and had a terrible ear infection we're on the last leg of antibiotics for. She is also a little blind. All of these things are either getting better, or not really impacting her happy and sweet disposition.

The one that is really concerning me is that she trips over her front right foot. She will be trotting along fine when all of a sudden its as if her foot doesn't work and she lands flat on her face ;) I mentioned it to my vet who suggested it might be nerve related, but didn't have anything helpful to really add.

She has a black tumor on that foot which the vet has taken a sample of and said is benign.

Does anyone have any experience with this kind of issue? Is she just getting old, could she have nerve damage and will it get worse?

Any ideas would be great - thank you,


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Does anyone have any experience with this kind of issue? Is she just getting old, could she have nerve damage and will it get worse?

Any ideas would be great - thank you,


Could be nerve damage from an old injury. A friend of mine's dog does this. She was hit by a car some years ago and occasionally will fall over the injured leg. If nerve damage it should be stable but as she becomes older, her sense of balance will decrease, making it happen more often.

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My old border looses her back legs and falls over. Some sort of spine/nerve problem. From your description of the dog I would say she is closer to 15yo. My girl is 15yo.

Good on you for looking after Lucy.

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Thanks everyone for your replies!

Jules thanks for letting me know I'm not alone! 15 is very old for a Border isn't it?

Does your doggie still run around abit? Lucy does, although she is alot slower than young dogs, she still has really good days where she will run after the ball continuously. But the last few days has seen her not quite right, and the tripping over happened 3 times this morning, but not in front of me at all this afternoon.

She's going to the vet tomorrow for the ear thingie check up so will ask them to check her over again.

Thanks again :)


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