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Teeth Cleaning


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Mine just have bones of any size and type. Our little kelpie who just passed away at 15 had beautiful teeth

These are Tessa's teeth yesterday.....She is four and a bit, vets have always commented on our dogs teeth. Congrats on the good behaviour, well done


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It was harder to get a shot of the back ones, then the rest lined up to have a shot too, :laugh:

heres Lacys back ones



Cooper.... on closer inspection his big ones at the front are a bit dirty.






How many times a week should I be giving them bones? I usually make sure they have at least one a week, maybe Ill cut back on the wings and necks and just do bones instead?? so then they would have bones 3 times a week.

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Mine just have bones of any size and type. Our little kelpie who just passed away at 15 had beautiful teeth

These are Tessa's teeth yesterday.....She is four and a bit, vets have always commented on our dogs teeth. Congrats on the good behaviour, well done


Thanks, Love the pearly whites!!

Our old dog also had great teeth, maybe the difference being that he was an only dog and had a bone practically all the time and he was forever chewing on it, mostly marrow bones. But with this lot I only give bones when I'm at home and I don't leave them with bones to chew on, once they finish the left overs get thrown out and they don't seem interested in them anyway.

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I'm about to start brushing Spencer's teeth. He gets bones that keep his teeth nice and clean, but he's had a big tooth removed on the left side so he doesn't chew as much on that side of his mouth. The teeth on the left side are getting a bit grubby now

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I brush my dogs teath daily by giving them bones to chew on. The vets regularly comment on how good my dogs teeth look. I think dog tooth brushing is a big rip off. If they eat even semi-naturally their teeth stay good.

Hi Guys, just to follow on from charleswentworths thread about tooth paste, which by the way is a big coincidence. I went to the vet this morning with two of mine for yearly Vacc/check up. And we discussed in great length the dogs teeth, while the youngest teeth were in perfect condition, Lacys Teeth were not as good, not totally bad but could be better, they have bones that they have to chew on for ages and also chicken wings necks etc.

The vet likened the dogs chewing a bone to us eating an apple. So she wants me to brush Lacys Teeth, she gave me a little thimble type thing to use. So my question to you guys is

1.do you brush your dogs teeth? if you do.....

2.how often?

3.do you use doggy tooth paste??

4. does your dog enjoy it or is it a chore?

Our old dog was 16 and he had great teeth all his life and they never needed brushing and I am using basically the same diet with the dogs I have now.

On a side note, I was a bit chuffed as the vet commented on how well behaved Bronson and Lacy were and how good they were with ear checking and teeth checking and she also scraped a bit of stuff off Lacys teeth and she said usually dogs don't tolerate that, and she doesn't see a lot of dogs that are so keen and easy to check over. So all the time put in when they are youngsters with handling etc does really pay off in the long run!!

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Mine just have bones of any size and type. Our little kelpie who just passed away at 15 had beautiful teeth

These are Tessa's teeth yesterday.....She is four and a bit, vets have always commented on our dogs teeth. Congrats on the good behaviour, well done


Thanks, Love the pearly whites!!

Our old dog also had great teeth, maybe the difference being that he was an only dog and had a bone practically all the time and he was forever chewing on it, mostly marrow bones. But with this lot I only give bones when I'm at home and I don't leave them with bones to chew on, once they finish the left overs get thrown out and they don't seem interested in them anyway.

We have three dog now and they get a bone almost daily..........They get marrow, pelvis, vertebrae, ribs and mostly brisket for when katy was small or anything else we can get our hands on. Our butcher gives us a large box per week for $5.00. He knows the dogs and is generous to them :laugh:

I pick them up, if anything is left (not often) daily in Summer, but they can hang around a bit in Winter. Our dogs are very good with food/bones. You can put them in a line and no-one touches the others bone. It could be just a newfie thing or because we have always been very strict about food aggression

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I will definatly start giving my lot more bones now, like yours Newfsy, my lot are good with food, bones etc they know each others boundries and respect them, they all eat thier bones in a reasonably small area (thier choice) they have the whole back yard but stick to the one spot. Cooper is a bit different and he doesn't like to eat his right away, this occasionally causes a problem if the others are finished and start to eye his off, so now he goes in a big enclosure and its all good. I think when you have a little pack you have to definatly set the rules and boundries otherwise mayhem would surely follow with things like food and such!!

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Bones here, if they get a little bit of build up on their Canines or Molars I have a hand scaler and scrape it off. Very rare I need to do that though.

Our 12 Yo Stafford has had one teeth clean and that is because he was having a tooth removal.

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Ummm.. bones here, no brushing!

I'm a bit embarrassed that vets would actually suggest brushing them............ How ridiculous.

Are you talking generally, Bindii, or specifically to the OP about the OP's dog?

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i got quoted up to 800 bux for a teeth cleaning *crikey*

my two get bones every day we're at work ... things are looking good but i'll save byron's issue for another thread :D

:rofl: $800 thats a bit over the top!!

I don't mind if you add Byrons issues here!!

Ummm.. bones here, no brushing!

I'm a bit embarrassed that vets would actually suggest brushing them............ How ridiculous.

The whole teeth cleaning thing has been a bit of a learning curve for me today after a bit of study up I have found lots of people actually do clean thier dogs teeth. I don't think the thing with my lot is too bad as you can see by the photos thier teeth are quite white and clean, I think the vet was just making me aware especially with Lacy as she had a little build up which she scraped off. Just for me to keep an eye on her in the future, which goes without saying my dogs wellbeing and health is my number one priority!!

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I'm one of those people who have dogs who can't have bones.... (They do get wing tips and chicken frames) but.... Steve has issues with being left alone with a meaty bone... He guards his tail from it, I learned this the hard way when thinking I was doing the right thing, gave him one and he attacked himself :rofl:

So designated supervised meals fixed that problem but..... he also has a "hillbilly" tooth... his left canine points horizontal rather than vertical and he collects plaque and calculus around this tooth, So I do my best to get in there once a week or so and scrub it... and do the rest while I'm at it....

Although at our last Vet check I was told if he ever needs to have a general anesthetic I should look at getting the tooth removed.

Seeing as I'm doing his I do Kara's too... I have noticed she gets a build up on a couple of molars...

I just use a regular toothbrush (separate one for each dog), no toothpaste and lots of praise when they let me :D

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Ummm.. bones here, no brushing!

I'm a bit embarrassed that vets would actually suggest brushing them............ How ridiculous.

Are you talking generally, Bindii, or specifically to the OP about the OP's dog?

I mean in general.

I mean, it's fine if people want to brush their dogs teeth. I just think it's a bit OTT for a vet to say that's what someone MUST do - because bones do the job just fine. IF you have concerns about blockages etc then go ahead and brush, but no one should pretend it's the only option.

To say that chewing a bone is like us eating an apple is rubbish.

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My dogs clean their teeth by eating meat off bone - ribs are great for this.

Same here, but Kenny gets a mixture of either chicken carcasses, or lamb flaps, considering he is nearly 12 he has perfect teeth, no discolouration or decay, damn maybe I should have been eating them everyday. :rofl:

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Ummm.. bones here, no brushing!

I'm a bit embarrassed that vets would actually suggest brushing them............ How ridiculous.

Are you talking generally, Bindii, or specifically to the OP about the OP's dog?

I mean in general.

I mean, it's fine if people want to brush their dogs teeth. I just think it's a bit OTT for a vet to say that's what someone MUST do - because bones do the job just fine. IF you have concerns about blockages etc then go ahead and brush, but no one should pretend it's the only option.

To say that chewing a bone is like us eating an apple is rubbish.

That was my initial reaction too!

I was thinking last night while watching my youngest knawing away on a nyla bone and it hit me that possibly why his and Tully teeth are slightly better than the older two and when I say slightly it is only just. That maybe the nyla bones help with cleaning as well as them two are the only ones that do a lot of chewing on them and other chew toys whereas the older two don't bother??

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