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Boarding Kennels


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Well, I got back Saturday, and I can safely say, not only will I never leave my dogs at this kennel EVER again, but also I don't think I want to leave them full stop. OH is trying to convince me we were unfortunate and picked a bad one and that there are some fantastic kennels out there - this I have no doubt, but my heart almost broke when I saw Fred and Jessie and I'm not going through that again.

So, we had driven 4 1/2 hours back from holiday and had actually made good time. We arrived at the kennels at 2.10pm, their opening hours are 8am till 11am and 3pm till 5pm (although the gate to the driveway and office was all open) I thought I would give the owner a quick call, apologise for being early but see if there was anyway we could collect Fred and Jessie early because we were back but don’t live that close to the kennels. We got a very short sharp "we're closed". We apologised and tried to explain but got the same response. Ok, that’s fine, so we thought we'd sit and wait in our car - not disturbing anyone, engine off, reading our books. Half and hour later the owner comes stomping out. Are you Fred and Jessie's owners she asked abruptly. We said yes. She said "you never made this arrangement". Confused, I asked, sorry? "You never made this arrangement” she said. I asked what arrangement? “this one” she answered. Completely baffled I explained we had arrived back unexpectedly early and just thought we’d wait. “well, I was busy doing other stuff” she said. Gritting my teeth and just wanting to get my dogs, I asked OH to go pay and I waited for the furkids. A teenage girl went to collect them and took ages. She opened the gate and I have never seen my two move so quick. The first thing that struck me was the smell, It was like they have just been sprayed with some sort of “aftershave” for dogs. I was assured they had been washed, as promised when we made the booking. I take Fred’s lead. He is that keen to escape he pulls me over, twisting my ankle slightly. I give Fred and Jessie cuddles, pull my hands away and they are caked in dirt. The dogs had NOT been bathed and something had been sprayed on them to try and mask that fact.

When I dropped the boofers off, I gave the owner and couple of points written down – one was when bathed, Fred can suffer from bad skin so needs to use a sensitive shampoo. Clearly not having done this, and then sprayed god only knows what on him, he starts scratching. By the time we get home (30 mins) his neck is bleeding its so irritated. :laugh:

If I were a betting woman, I’m also 99% sure they were confined to one kennel for the entire 4 days – you could tell by the way they stretched their legs straight away! Also, I think the kennels were so noisy and unsettling that Fred pretty much had not slept for 4 days. We got home, he flaked out on the couch – and even slept through dinner time – something Fred never does!

So, all in all, a very bad experience. Have not mentioned any names – don’t know if I am allowed to!

So, future holidays – wherever I go, the boofers will go too. :laugh:

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Well, I got back Saturday, and I can safely say, not only will I never leave my dogs at this kennel EVER again, but also I don't think I want to leave them full stop. OH is trying to convince me we were unfortunate and picked a bad one and that there are some fantastic kennels out there - this I have no doubt, but my heart almost broke when I saw Fred and Jessie and I'm not going through that again.

So, we had driven 4 1/2 hours back from holiday and had actually made good time. We arrived at the kennels at 2.10pm, their opening hours are 8am till 11am and 3pm till 5pm (although the gate to the driveway and office was all open) I thought I would give the owner a quick call, apologise for being early but see if there was anyway we could collect Fred and Jessie early because we were back but don’t live that close to the kennels. We got a very short sharp "we're closed". We apologised and tried to explain but got the same response. Ok, that’s fine, so we thought we'd sit and wait in our car - not disturbing anyone, engine off, reading our books. Half and hour later the owner comes stomping out. Are you Fred and Jessie's owners she asked abruptly. We said yes. She said "you never made this arrangement". Confused, I asked, sorry? "You never made this arrangement” she said. I asked what arrangement? “this one” she answered. Completely baffled I explained we had arrived back unexpectedly early and just thought we’d wait. “well, I was busy doing other stuff” she said. Gritting my teeth and just wanting to get my dogs, I asked OH to go pay and I waited for the furkids. A teenage girl went to collect them and took ages. She opened the gate and I have never seen my two move so quick. The first thing that struck me was the smell, It was like they have just been sprayed with some sort of “aftershave” for dogs. I was assured they had been washed, as promised when we made the booking. I take Fred’s lead. He is that keen to escape he pulls me over, twisting my ankle slightly. I give Fred and Jessie cuddles, pull my hands away and they are caked in dirt. The dogs had NOT been bathed and something had been sprayed on them to try and mask that fact.

When I dropped the boofers off, I gave the owner and couple of points written down – one was when bathed, Fred can suffer from bad skin so needs to use a sensitive shampoo. Clearly not having done this, and then sprayed god only knows what on him, he starts scratching. By the time we get home (30 mins) his neck is bleeding its so irritated. :laugh:

If I were a betting woman, I’m also 99% sure they were confined to one kennel for the entire 4 days – you could tell by the way they stretched their legs straight away! Also, I think the kennels were so noisy and unsettling that Fred pretty much had not slept for 4 days. We got home, he flaked out on the couch – and even slept through dinner time – something Fred never does!

So, all in all, a very bad experience. Have not mentioned any names – don’t know if I am allowed to!

So, future holidays – wherever I go, the boofers will go too. :laugh:

Your tale just seems to reinforce what I always have feared. I'm sure there are ethical people out there though, as per former postings..but you certainly didn't seem to get lucky....!!

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Well, I got back Saturday, and I can safely say, not only will I never leave my dogs at this kennel EVER again, but also I don't think I want to leave them full stop. OH is trying to convince me we were unfortunate and picked a bad one and that there are some fantastic kennels out there - this I have no doubt, but my heart almost broke when I saw Fred and Jessie and I'm not going through that again.

So, we had driven 4 1/2 hours back from holiday and had actually made good time. We arrived at the kennels at 2.10pm, their opening hours are 8am till 11am and 3pm till 5pm (although the gate to the driveway and office was all open) I thought I would give the owner a quick call, apologise for being early but see if there was anyway we could collect Fred and Jessie early because we were back but don’t live that close to the kennels. We got a very short sharp "we're closed". We apologised and tried to explain but got the same response. Ok, that’s fine, so we thought we'd sit and wait in our car - not disturbing anyone, engine off, reading our books. Half and hour later the owner comes stomping out. Are you Fred and Jessie's owners she asked abruptly. We said yes. She said "you never made this arrangement". Confused, I asked, sorry? "You never made this arrangement” she said. I asked what arrangement? “this one” she answered. Completely baffled I explained we had arrived back unexpectedly early and just thought we’d wait. “well, I was busy doing other stuff” she said. Gritting my teeth and just wanting to get my dogs, I asked OH to go pay and I waited for the furkids. A teenage girl went to collect them and took ages. She opened the gate and I have never seen my two move so quick. The first thing that struck me was the smell, It was like they have just been sprayed with some sort of “aftershave” for dogs. I was assured they had been washed, as promised when we made the booking. I take Fred’s lead. He is that keen to escape he pulls me over, twisting my ankle slightly. I give Fred and Jessie cuddles, pull my hands away and they are caked in dirt. The dogs had NOT been bathed and something had been sprayed on them to try and mask that fact.

When I dropped the boofers off, I gave the owner and couple of points written down – one was when bathed, Fred can suffer from bad skin so needs to use a sensitive shampoo. Clearly not having done this, and then sprayed god only knows what on him, he starts scratching. By the time we get home (30 mins) his neck is bleeding its so irritated. :laugh:

If I were a betting woman, I’m also 99% sure they were confined to one kennel for the entire 4 days – you could tell by the way they stretched their legs straight away! Also, I think the kennels were so noisy and unsettling that Fred pretty much had not slept for 4 days. We got home, he flaked out on the couch – and even slept through dinner time – something Fred never does!

So, all in all, a very bad experience. Have not mentioned any names – don’t know if I am allowed to!

So, future holidays – wherever I go, the boofers will go too. :laugh:

Your tale just seems to reinforce what I always have feared. I'm sure there are ethical people out there though, as per former postings..but you certainly didn't seem to get lucky....!!

Absolutely. Many of the previous responses were from Boarding Kennel dolers and I have no doubt they do fantastic jobs - I was just unlucky but its taught me a valuable lesson!

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We are really lucky, we actually have people competing to take Timmy when we are away! My folks are ridiculous and even have a special set of pjs, lead, water dish etc just for his overnight play dates! :( And our close friend always jumps in to ask if she can stay overnight when we're away to be with her "boyfriend" Timmy ... OH's parents mollycoddle him with constant affection to the point of exhaustion and feed him from their plates, our elderly neighbours are constantly chatting to him over the fence and offering to walk him ... I could go on.

Hence we don't need to kennel, I'm sure there are great places out there, but it's just something that would churn my stomach doing. I really hope Fred and Jessie settle back into home quickly.


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I jus twanted to say that your dogs "wanting to get out of there and you never having seen them move so fast" is not uncommon. They all know they are going home when you go and grab their things and lead etc and in my experience they have "all" ran/pulled like mad to get to the front and then the car.

As for being noisy it usually is when people show up/new dogs come in and also at feed times. Most of the time they are pretty good and settle down when nothing is going on.

I just wanted to say that these things should not be held against the boarding kennel.

And on the note of showing up early...... I and my bosses used to hate it when people showed up out of hours. The thing is you dont go to your local shop and ask them to come and open just for you because you need something. No, you wait until their opening hours. However I wouldnt have minded if you came and just waited out the front in your car and often for poeple who live a fair way from the kennels and have rung to see if its ok, we have let them pick up out of hours, but was at our discretion.

Edited by Kaffy Magee
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I jus twanted to say that your dogs "wanting to get out of there and you never having seen them move so fast" is not uncommon. They all know they are going home when you go and grab their things and lead etc and in my experience they have "all" ran/pulled like mad to get to the front and then the car.

As for being noisy it usually is when people show up/new dogs come in and also at feed times. Most of the time they are pretty good and settle down when nothing is going on.

I just wanted to say that these things should not be held against the boarding kennel.

And on the note of showing up early...... I and my bosses used to hate it when people showed up out of hours. The thing is you dont go to your local shop and ask them to come and open just for you because you need something. No, you wait until their opening hours. However I wouldnt have minded if you came and just waited out the front in your car and often for poeple who live a fair way from the kennels and have rung to see if its ok, we have let them pick up out of hours, but was at our discretion.

Ditto to all of this!

The only issue I can see here is that they werent washed when it was requested! Even the whole stretching thing, just cause the dog was having good stretch really means little I know alot of the dogs at work do this when being picked up but mostly because they have been laying down asleep when I have gone into get them.

ETA, The kennels are at their nosiest when a dog is coming in or leaving, they wouldnt be allowed to be noise at night or they would be promptly shut down I would think!

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I think the better test of the kennel, given that the dogs have been there for a stay, is whether your dogs are looking enthusiastic or worried when you drive back toward the kennel. I have many people tell me that their dogs get all waggy and enthusiastic when they get to the turnoff that they think means 'kennel'. Reason: my guess is they like doggy company, they get lots of play, and they think the food is great. Some of the dogs who are enthusiastic about coming back are also enthusiastic about going home. Some dogs are enthusiastic about lots of things.

I jus twanted to say that your dogs "wanting to get out of there and you never having seen them move so fast" is not uncommon. They all know they are going home when you go and grab their things and lead etc and in my experience they have "all" ran/pulled like mad to get to the front and then the car.

As for being noisy it usually is when people show up/new dogs come in and also at feed times. Most of the time they are pretty good and settle down when nothing is going on.

I just wanted to say that these things should not be held against the boarding kennel.

And on the note of showing up early...... I and my bosses used to hate it when people showed up out of hours. The thing is you dont go to your local shop and ask them to come and open just for you because you need something. No, you wait until their opening hours. However I wouldnt have minded if you came and just waited out the front in your car and often for poeple who live a fair way from the kennels and have rung to see if its ok, we have let them pick up out of hours, but was at our discretion.

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I jus twanted to say that your dogs "wanting to get out of there and you never having seen them move so fast" is not uncommon. They all know they are going home when you go and grab their things and lead etc and in my experience they have "all" ran/pulled like mad to get to the front and then the car.

As for being noisy it usually is when people show up/new dogs come in and also at feed times. Most of the time they are pretty good and settle down when nothing is going on.

I just wanted to say that these things should not be held against the boarding kennel.

And on the note of showing up early...... I and my bosses used to hate it when people showed up out of hours. The thing is you dont go to your local shop and ask them to come and open just for you because you need something. No, you wait until their opening hours. However I wouldnt have minded if you came and just waited out the front in your car and often for poeple who live a fair way from the kennels and have rung to see if its ok, we have let them pick up out of hours, but was at our discretion.

The noise was full on for the 40 minutes we were there - and no dogs or people were going in or out because it was closed, and not feed time.

I can absolutely appreciate the whole open/close hours - thats why I rang, apologised for being early and didn't make a fuss - just waiting in the car, not on her doorstep :( I just would have appreciated some manners and common courtesy.

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I jus twanted to say that your dogs "wanting to get out of there and you never having seen them move so fast" is not uncommon. They all know they are going home when you go and grab their things and lead etc and in my experience they have "all" ran/pulled like mad to get to the front and then the car.

As for being noisy it usually is when people show up/new dogs come in and also at feed times. Most of the time they are pretty good and settle down when nothing is going on.

I just wanted to say that these things should not be held against the boarding kennel.

And on the note of showing up early...... I and my bosses used to hate it when people showed up out of hours. The thing is you dont go to your local shop and ask them to come and open just for you because you need something. No, you wait until their opening hours. However I wouldnt have minded if you came and just waited out the front in your car and often for poeple who live a fair way from the kennels and have rung to see if its ok, we have let them pick up out of hours, but was at our discretion.

Ditto to all of this!

The only issue I can see here is that they werent washed when it was requested! Even the whole stretching thing, just cause the dog was having good stretch really means little I know alot of the dogs at work do this when being picked up but mostly because they have been laying down asleep when I have gone into get them.

ETA, The kennels are at their nosiest when a dog is coming in or leaving, they wouldnt be allowed to be noise at night or they would be promptly shut down I would think!

I made the comments by comparing how the furkids were when last left at a different kennels. They came trotting out, tails wagging, kinda looking at us as if to say "oh, have you been somewhere then?" and "do we have to leave?" :( Looking healthy and happy. Fred and Jessie this time came out looking filthy and stressed. Thats all I was saying :(

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It may have been that the dogs were bathed that morning, but had been let out for exercise since and gotten dirty again.

You should take it up with them about your request for sensitive shampoo and ask them what product they did use.

As for the rest, sounds ok to me. What exactly did your dogs do that made you think they were stressed? It is normal for dogs to stretch, even if they have been lying down only a little while. It would suggest to me that the dog had been resting comfortably. A dog that was stressed wouldn't be as inclined to stretch out or exhibit other behaviours showing it was at ease or had been asleep.

I'm not sure where you were waiting in your car, but if it was on their property I can understand why they would be a little cranky. Some kennels can lose their council licences if they are seen to be opening more than standard hours. Kennels owners also deserve a lunch break. Many of them cannot take days off at all, so need some time when they are not in the kennels to get things done.

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I think the better test of the kennel, given that the dogs have been there for a stay, is whether your dogs are looking enthusiastic or worried when you drive back toward the kennel. I have many people tell me that their dogs get all waggy and enthusiastic when they get to the turnoff that they think means 'kennel'. Reason: my guess is they like doggy company, they get lots of play, and they think the food is great. Some of the dogs who are enthusiastic about coming back are also enthusiastic about going home.

SG, I've seen what you've described. When our 2 shelties used to stay in a certain kennels in our area, they'd walk away with the co-manager.....wagging their tails like mad. And never looking back at their family!

When we'd go to pick them up & be in the office paying the bill....our red sheltie girl would be sitting on the steps with that man, leaning against him as dogs do with someone they really like.

Another friend used to take her big Norwegian Forest cat to the same kennels. He'd grumble all the way in the car. But as soon as he spotted the gates into the kennels, he'd totally change & start grooming himself with great care, like he was going to visit friends!

When they got to the office, the owners would shut windows & doors and let him out of his carry-cage & he'd walk around like he was in his 2nd home.

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Wow I didn’t mean to provoke such responses!

Just for the record – I’m not saying all Kennels are bad!! I just wanted to share my thoughts. :(

I can say 100% – they most definitely did not have a bath that morning, the day before, or at any time in their stay. I could tell easily by Fred’s coat and its condition. As for seeing them stressed – again it’s from personal perspective and knowing my dogs so well. There was a huge difference in their manner compared to the last time they stayed at a different kennels.

I know dogs stretch after lying down. I’m not talking about stretching. I was just observing their actions. It wasn’t enthusiasm of being let out or joy in seeing us. It felt more like panic.

Basically, many might feel these kennels are completely sufficient which is fair enough. My dogs are spoilt rotten – they even sleep in our bed. I want them to stay somewhere where they are spoilt rotten as well whilst we are away. Truthfully – even if the dogs had been washed and seemed happy I still would not touch this place again. If the owner cannot even muster common courtesy and be polite then my business will go elsewhere. I was paying her for a service. I didn’t ask for anything unreasonable. If she is rude to humans how on earth is she treating my dogs :( I have not followed up about what was used in the way of spray / powder on Fred – the woman is that rude and abrupt, I fear I might lose my temper……..

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If she is rude to humans how on earth is she treating my dogs :(

LOL. Some excellent 'dog' people are well-known for not being 'people' people.

If your dogs seemed to be happier at another kennel, then that is where I would take them.

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Wow I didn't mean to provoke such responses!

Just for the record – I'm not saying all Kennels are bad!! I just wanted to share my thoughts. :party:

I can say 100% – they most definitely did not have a bath that morning, the day before, or at any time in their stay. I could tell easily by Fred's coat and its condition. As for seeing them stressed – again it's from personal perspective and knowing my dogs so well. There was a huge difference in their manner compared to the last time they stayed at a different kennels.

I know dogs stretch after lying down. I'm not talking about stretching. I was just observing their actions. It wasn't enthusiasm of being let out or joy in seeing us. It felt more like panic.

Basically, many might feel these kennels are completely sufficient which is fair enough. My dogs are spoilt rotten – they even sleep in our bed. I want them to stay somewhere where they are spoilt rotten as well whilst we are away. Truthfully – even if the dogs had been washed and seemed happy I still would not touch this place again. If the owner cannot even muster common courtesy and be polite then my business will go elsewhere. I was paying her for a service. I didn't ask for anything unreasonable. If she is rude to humans how on earth is she treating my dogs :( I have not followed up about what was used in the way of spray / powder on Fred – the woman is that rude and abrupt, I fear I might lose my temper……..

What you have said is fair enough you know your dogs.

BUT I think what you were asking was unreasonable... like Greytmate has already covered kennels have closing hourse for a reason! My boss can sound rather abrupt sometimes and Im sure some customers ( the ones that do annoying or rude things) find her rude but I think she does a great job considering the people she puts up with each and EVERYDAY, she is also excellent with the animals she wouldnt be doing it if she wasnt.

Id definately be checking what was used on your dog why its wasnt bathed, especially if you paid for a bath. :(

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I think Kirsty79 that like myself and OH, you were forced in to a situation you never felt comfortable about. I envy people who have a good network of babysitters for their furkids..like yourself, our network is limited to 'nanny'...so before you even embarked on your hols you probably felt anxious. I can totally understand; OH and I have turned down loads of events because we didn't want to leave the furkids or put them in kennels. I guess you need to weigh up whether going away and being anxious and then having that anxiety realised is worth the going away? OH and I have decided that for as long as we have our furkids, then they're our priority. Might be misplaced, but that's how we read it and we're prepared to go without in other areas of our lives for them. Doesn't matter how reassured (probably correctly) you'll be by DOLers, you've got that mindset now that equates kennels with your recent experience - nothing will change that.

I'll shut-up!

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I know where you stayed and this is all untrue.

eta: I am pretty sure. Otherwise this is just a huge coincidence.

eta: again.. no it can't be the kennels I am thinking off.. different open hours. I'm going to PM you Kirsty.

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I'm not comfortable with the idea of kennelling my dogs, mainly because i'm such a control freak - lol. We just went away this past weekend and I have a very good freind who is Chase's breeder and she walks and talks dogs, her "day jobs" if you will are dog walking + dog sitting, and she's North Brisbane - she made Sophie very happy and spoiled her with walks and runs and games and training - she was probably disappointed when we got home - haha. She'd had a ball with her "Aunty Sam" taking care of her.

I trust her 100% with my dogs and highly recommend her to anyone North Brisbane that would like to leave their pooches at home and have them walked and fed by an honest person - PM me if you want her details for next time, I can't recommend her enough.

ETA - actually i'd already sent you to her another time so never mind - lol.

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There's a kennel here and they have a sign up which says 'NO INSPECTIONS'.

They just don't allow them. Can anyone tell me why that would be?

No idea but I wouldnt be leaving my dog there! I dont care if its inspection by a time or inspection when ever but no inspections at all is abit suss! :(

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Perhaps the intention was to bath the dogs immediately prior to opening hours? Probably not likely, but a possibility.

When I had kennels it used to drive me demented when people would come and park in the car park and wait - because the dogs knew someone was there and wouldn't settle.

What do the dogs "stink" of -

Faeces and urine? Obviously a really bad sign :(

A doggy smell which you possibly aren't used to? Not uncommon for dogs which have been kenneled even for a short period of time.

Kennels are not obviously a human home and may well have been cleaned with products your nose isn't used to

Do they smell of dirt and grass and leaves? - which probably means they've been having a ball outside all weekend.

Sleeping a lot when they get home is pretty common. Even if the dog is happy and pretty settled, it is still very alien for a pack animal to be shoved off to a strange "territory" and surrounded by strange dogs all weekend. The best kennels in the world are still a stressful and alien place. Of course it could also mean they've had more exercise than usual (playing outside) so are physically exhausted.

If you feel they were unhappy at this kennel then definitely go back to the one you feel they were happier in.

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