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Cadbury The Choc Lab


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has anyone been watching Rivers on ABC Tuesdays at 8.30pm? It is wonderful, about rivers in UK, fantastic scenery etc. and wonderful program. Griff Rhys Jones, who also did the mountains of Britain program.

Anyway, he takes Cadbury, his choc lab EVERYWHERE.What a wonderful old boy that dog is. He is in taxis, buildings, boats, bussses, trains, walking trails etc. off lead and on and is just amazing. Lovely to see, and Griff is so lovely with him, easy and loving. I just adore seeing such a lovely positive dog owner experience. It is not the focus of the program at all, but really adds to the charm and joy.

I'm not a lab enthusiast, but for all lab owners and lovers on Dol, you really do have to see this show :D :):laugh: xxx

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has anyone been watching Rivers on ABC Tuesdays at 8.30pm? It is wonderful, about rivers in UK, fantastic scenery etc. and wonderful program. Griff Rhys Jones, who also did the mountains of Britain program.

Anyway, he takes Cadbury, his choc lab EVERYWHERE.What a wonderful old boy that dog is. He is in taxis, buildings, boats, bussses, trains, walking trails etc. off lead and on and is just amazing. Lovely to see, and Griff is so lovely with him, easy and loving. I just adore seeing such a lovely positive dog owner experience. It is not the focus of the program at all, but really adds to the charm and joy.

I'm not a lab enthusiast, but for all lab owners and lovers on Dol, you really do have to see this show :D :):shrug: xxx

:laugh: great program!

I really like the way he is showing the UK off the beaten track, and his relationship with Cadbury is just lovely... you can really tell the dog is not here just for the cuteness factor but is indeed a part of his life :cheer:

Makes for a very pleasant Tuesday night with the ABC!

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It certainly is great to see, a man and his dog! Such a wonderful program, makes me want to head to the UK even more! Damn you Gryff!!

Geez, even makes me want to consider a chocolate Lab! :laugh: ;) Love his name!


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The UK have very liberal attitudes to their canine pals and they are much more companions that many Aussie dogs. As a result more of their dog population are better trained and have very good 'community citizen' skills in wide ranging social situations. One reason why I would consider moving back - Bronte would just love it.

Mind you while the UK are liberal, France is just loose loose loose, their dogs really do go everywhere.

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has anyone been watching Rivers on ABC Tuesdays at 8.30pm? It is wonderful, about rivers in UK, fantastic scenery etc. and wonderful program. Griff Rhys Jones, who also did the mountains of Britain program.

Anyway, he takes Cadbury, his choc lab EVERYWHERE.

We're in love with Cadbury, too, at our place. Wouldn't miss the program & sadly next Tuesday night is the final.

Don't you love the way Cadbury sits up the front of the canoe, wearing his lifejacket.

And sleeping in the tent with his boss who comments how much Cadbury snores. The screen fades to black with only the sound of his lovely rumbly doggie snore.

I'm also with Lab_Rat. Griff Rys Jones does wonders revealing the waterways & surrounds of the UK.....with loads of painless history & great characters. Makes you want to go there....& hire a canoe and borrow Cadbury.

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Hell yeah!! I try to imagine my eedjit in a canoe - we would end up in the drink!! However I think our kelpie would adore it! My OH bought himself a flat kayak-y thing (plastic) around Christmas, but hasnt been out in it yet. Hes hoping Wandy will go with him - he even made sure theres a little area for her to sit on! :laugh:


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:thumbsup: Glad I'm not the only one. I'm such a romantic..... :thumbsup::laugh:

Well, I have printed off 55!!! pages of UKboathire.com ;) and am planniing my canal boat holiday! to go with my Mountains of Britain holiday! :eek::champagne: Honestly. I am going next year, maybe march as I have not been back since 1979! where on earth did those years go!

Griff's relationship with Cadbury is so lovely, I would watch the program just to see them together! What a man!! and a fantastic dog, I am in love!!

We lived on a canal in Brentford when I was a child. supposedly where Caesar crossed the Thames, but who would know, there is a stone marking the spot.

I'm almost tempted to move back..... I KNOW the dogs would love it, no snakes etc.

Dream on....

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