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Absolutely Gutted -


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Wow, i hope i never post a topic that has everyone dig up my thread history! :wave:

Actually I don't think digging up thread history is unreasonable, especially not in this sort of situation. For example, if I posted on here about having to make a hard decision about continuing to keep one of my dogs and had NOT talked to the breeder, then I would expect a) that people would tell the breeder and b) to cop it from both barrels from the breeder.

I think one of the good things about DOL, in spite of what people are saying here, is that it encourages people to be accountable for their actions because people are watching what you are doing.

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I think in defense of DOL people over the percentage of ppls posting & reading, whist some misunderstandings occur...generally through knowledge of posters the community here generally gets to be a good judges of character. My only consideration here reading this thread is why would a dog that is now aggressive as described be a dog that ran when faced by an intimidating person who was obviously behaving badly.....something here is missing. Why would one seek to know about a getting another dog/breed if they were not considering looking to purchase another....as dogs live for 14 yrs its hardly feesible to be planning that far ahead surely? I dont think people here are anti kids....I think that people here are pro dog. Understandable so as last time I checked this is a dog forum. Too many people change their situations/homelife without considering what affect it has on the their dog....like kids they are a 14 odd year commitment. As a foster carer of kids surely you can understand that many of them too have been subject to life changes/choices in their parents lives which were (against the original commitments to have kids) which lead them to be foster kids. Understand that different people have different values. I hope all works out for the dog in question as it is the one most in pain here it seems

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DianneD in Victoria foster care pays less than $1.00 per hour

I am not doing this for the money and I hope I am mistaken in your insinuation?

By the way, it is not only the foster kids Ben has snapped at. I only mentioned that to explain that our home situation is probably more *fluid* than most and that MAY be a contributing factor

Hi Brooke, just want to say please don't give up on finding a possible home for him, I am sure there is one out there to suit. My husband and I took in an agressive German shepherd years ago, we have no kids and she was the best dog for us.There must be other dog savvy couples out there like us, it's a case of finding them ! We had her for 10 years and with careful management she had a great life and we loved her. Only lost her last year. I am sorry we cannot offer to help you out as I have 3 dogs currently but please don't give up on re homing him.

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Before this thread goes "poof", I would like to applaud Brooke, her OH and family for their open, generous hearts! Not many care enough to open their hearts and homes to troubled children in need. And to animals in need, as well, as evidenced by her offers to foster.

Ben appears to be the odd one out in this family. He is the one who hasn't been able to adapt to the changes. And Brooke has tried, and is still trying, to help him. She has hired a trainer. She is prepared to further investigate possible health issues. She has come on here to ask for help. She has now contacted Ben's breeder (for their advice) as well. She IS acting responsibly, and with love, to try and find the best solution for Ben.

Please people give Brooke a little credit for trying to solve her problem in a positive way. She could have just dumped the dog at the pound.

Fortunately - and thank goodness - Ben comes from reputable breeders and I'm sure they will be able to assist.

How about we focus on the positives here. Brooke has made the call that Ben is not coping and is trying to seek help for him. That's a positive. He comes from reputable breeders who will take care of their own. That's another huge positive. If Ben finishes up in a more suitable situation then that's the best outcome for BEN. Aren't we supposed to be thinking about dogs in this forum?

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