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Absolutely Gutted -


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Thanks again to everybody (apart from LongCoat) who has understood my sadness at having to face this decision. Hopefully some of teh wonderful people on DOL who have PM'ed me will be able to come up with a solution by the weekend.

These foster kids may not be *mine* but.....no, no point in debating the issue of whether a dog I have bought and paid for and loved for five years is *more* my responsibility than the children my husband and I have taken into our home and our family with the implicit promise that they will be safe and loved.

I really really appreciate the wisdom and compassion of thos ewho have replied especially those who have been in a similar position.

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can I just say to people that any dog that has bitten before should not just go to rescue orgs or rehomed without sufficient retraining and evaluation by someone experienced in dealing and properly understanding the behavior. It is one thing to say a home with no children but until the actual behavior and causation is understood you could just be putting the dog in another potential bite situation.

Completely and utterly agree with the above Nekhbet.

What a sucky situation for you Brooke :laugh:

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Brooke - I can't imagine what you must be going through - a devastating choice to make.

I'm sorry I can't come up with a solution for you, but I'm sure you will make the right choice. The work you are doing with these kids is wonderful and very selfless. All I can offer is that I'm thinking of you and I hope it all works out for the best.

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Brooke - I am posting on behalf of Ben's breeders, they are no longer members of this forum and cannot post so I am acting on their behalf.

They are confused, upset and somewhat angry that they have not been contacted in regards to Ben's situation.

Could you please either contact me privately or make contact with them, they should be your first port of call as the breeders of your dog.

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Sounds like something has happened eg kids teasing the dog and dog has had enough (rehome should be the only option not PTS since its not the dogs fault if it has been teased).

PLease don't get another dog while you have the kids and please rehome this dog where it will without kids or talk to the save a shepherd people (often see their email posts at work and they certainly seem to know how to find good homes for the dogs).

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the dog has NOT been teased by any of the kids. We have observed him and had him lying quietly on his bed out of the way of the kids and teenagers and he has leapt up as they passed him by and attempted to snap at them.

I do NOT want to have him PTS but as he is so unpredictable with people (these teens are basically adults) I want to ensure he goes to a really experienced and knowledgeable home.

I had tried several times to PM his breeders and did not realise they were no longer members of this forum. I have now emailed them explaining the situation and asking for their advice as well!

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i think even tho ur sad and hurt your AMAZING

1. having a family to care for is hard enough then taking on troubled teenagers wow i know i couldnt do that so well done

as for your GSD thats very hard one as much as you love him as apart of your family your doing an amzing job with children, im no help wen it comes to this coz i always think family comes 1st but when your dog is very much apart of your family just makes it hard so im sending you best wishes and i hope everything ca work out for you and your dog and family

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Well hopefully with some communications with the breeders, you will get some advice and support, and happy ending. Good luck, and hope all goes well, it must be very hard to deal with.

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the dog has NOT been teased by any of the kids.

There is no way you can say that .Either the dog has a medical issue or something has happened & given previous posts about wanting to buy a guard dog for walking as the GSD wouldnt do anything except try to run then there is something going on.

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Thanks for that suggestion Bilbo Baggins but we did a complete physical on him when this all started.

Plus he can clearly see people walking past and he will lunge and snap at them as well. It is great to have so many suggestions though because at least we are exploring all possible options and causes.

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Thanks for the support and the kind words everyone! As we are running out of options, it seems more and more likely that my lovely boy may have to be PTS. I still have my fingers crossed that a GSD trainer will take him but the replies so far have not been encouraging.

I feel like my heart is breaking as I watch him galloping about the backyard so full of life and so beautiful.

You must be joking Brooke :rainbowbridge: The dog belongs to you, the foster kids don't.......no contest is it really???.

Longcoat, you are a tool.

I wish you would take your distasteful and inappropriate comments somewhere else ...

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showdog - I object to being misquoted as i have NEVER said I wanted to buy a guard dog. I started a post ASKING what breeds people would consider to be naturally protective as opposed to aggressive. Ben was never intended to be a guard dog and I do not rely on him to fulfill this function BUT I was surprised on the one occasion I did feel threatened that Ben preferred to run rather than stay to defend me.

Not disappointed in him or wanting another dog or anything of the sort - just surprised that my assumption had proven to be incorrect.

I can also assure you that I can say with 100% certainty that he has not been teased by kids because he is NEVER left unattended with them. I wouldn't leave ANY dog unattended in this sort of situation both for the kids' sake and for the dog's.

Ben has snapped at adults who he has been happily being patted by - the adult has turned to leave and Ben has snapped at their hand. Again I have managed to react in time to ensure no one was hurt but I think it is a symptom of him being overwhelmed by too many people in his life and his home.

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Different dogs suit different life situations. Some dogs don't do well in an ever changing, busy household. They don't need to be teased to lash out - the stress of everyday living can be too much.

How about we just take the OP at face value rather than trying to go on a fishing expedition.

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Thanks for the support and the kind words everyone! As we are running out of options, it seems more and more likely that my lovely boy may have to be PTS. I still have my fingers crossed that a GSD trainer will take him but the replies so far have not been encouraging.

I feel like my heart is breaking as I watch him galloping about the backyard so full of life and so beautiful.

You must be joking Brooke :rainbowbridge: The dog belongs to you, the foster kids don't.......no contest is it really???.

Longcoat, you are a tool.

I wish you would take your distasteful and inappropriate comments somewhere else ...

Actually although I seldom agree with anything Longcoat says, on this subject I feel exactly the same way, I would never dispose of my dogs so that I could keep other peoples children. As someone else said, different people have different priorities.

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noooo no no I sent you a PM. Don't PTS I'm sure something can be worked out

I agree. I am sure there is the perfect home for him out there somewhere.... it just has to be found.

He sounds like a lovely dog, who is just best suited to a different household. I have a 3 yr old and a 1 yr old (human kids) and believe you me, the racket and commotion they can make. :rainbowbridge: and kids can be so full on, at any age.

Please dont give up on him....yet

Have you tried contacting Save a shep?

Edited by k9angel
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Thanks again to everybody (apart from LongCoat) who has understood my sadness at having to face this decision. Hopefully some of teh wonderful people on DOL who have PM'ed me will be able to come up with a solution by the weekend.

These foster kids may not be *mine* but.....no, no point in debating the issue of whether a dog I have bought and paid for and loved for five years is *more* my responsibility than the children my husband and I have taken into our home and our family with the implicit promise that they will be safe and loved.

I really really appreciate the wisdom and compassion of thos ewho have replied especially those who have been in a similar position.

Sorry Brooke, this is a dog forum and talking about PTS to engage in other activities regardless of what they may be IMO is a disgrace when you have the choice. You asked for an opinion and this is mine. Re-home your dog if you must, but PTS , I can't wear that :rainbowbridge:

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