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Near Misses With Bybs Or Petshops?


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I was reading Jed's thread about the Coolie and it made me think of back when I was looking for a dog. A guy at work told me his friend had a litter of Coolies and that they were JUST like Labs and Goldens (the two breeds I was tossing up at the time).

At this stage I had no idea what a Coolie was! I googled it and it didn't look anything like a golden! Rang up the people who had the litter and they assured me that the dogs temps were just like goldens! So I tried to read up on them a bit more and was really confused as they were a herding breed and I was sure goldens didn't herd anything!

In the end I decided against it and two years later we got Bubby who was just the easiest first dog ever! I shudder to think what would have happened had I come home with a Coolie! It would surely have ended in tears!

Any Dolers had any near misses like this?

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In the end I decided against it and two years later we got Bubby who was just the easiest first dog ever! I shudder to think what would have happened had I come home with a Coolie! It would surely have ended in tears!

Any Dolers had any near misses like this?

It may not have ended in tears. Most of the coolies I have met have been terrific dogs and not as highy drive as BCs and kelpies. Its the work ethic in the working breeds and the gun dogs that makes them what they are.

I hbave been lucky in that I haven't had a near miss or a collision unless you count the b order collie I bought to herd with who is afraid of sheep :eek:

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First dog was a pound puppy, when I started looking for a second looked at all the pound sites and could not find what I wanted locally. Spotted a litter in the paper for a cross breed and handed over the money. The issues that I have had with her have been things that I did wrong by her when she was younger, letting her play with a not so nice dog created habbits that I have never been able to break, letting her play with a bigger dog that mounted her, hurt her back so we got to know the local chiro really well. She is a great dog but I am sure I would have done it all differently if I had the support of a breeder. Third dog I got it right and went to a reg breeder!

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I crashed and burned with my Lab :eek:

Live and learn

Oh dear what happened?

Petstore (i hate having to admit that), severe hip dysplasia (couldnt even walk at 6 months, thought we would have to put him down), temprement issues, fear aggression, hates children (thankfully getting much better with that) can be aggressive towards certain other people, on going stomach issues........

Just turned out badly really.

Dont get me wrong he is a beautiful dog and with all the work and money we have put into him he is a lovely member of our family but it has been hard and I regret not going to a Reg breeder as he really has turned me off the breed.

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Wolfsong: You poor thing. I honestly at one stage thought that the way to get a Golden was to go to every pet store until I found some on display. I didn't know there were breeders as in proper people who bred purebred dogs! Didn't know there were lines, health tests, registration etc!

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Petstore (i hate having to admit that), severe hip dysplasia (couldnt even walk at 6 months, thought we would have to put him down), temprement issues, fear aggression, hates children (thankfully getting much better with that) can be aggressive towards certain other people, on going stomach issues........

Just turned out badly really.

Dont get me wrong he is a beautiful dog and with all the work and money we have put into him he is a lovely member of our family but it has been hard and I regret not going to a Reg breeder as he really has turned me off the breed.

Totally get what your saying. My first lab, pet store bought, HD both hips, ED surgery at 1 year old, allergies, stomach issues. Luckily for us he has a fantastic temperament and is a great dog. Not what I thought I was getting though.Live and learn.

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I had a near miss. Fell in love with Leonbergers when a guy bred them and had them on display at the Redcliffe Markets in Brisbane on Saturday Mornings for about a month he was there weekly and I just loved the dogs. Had the parents there on display and 5 puppies from when they were 10wks old.

They may have been great dogs but he had some "interesting" veiws on the Leonbergers Club Aust or whatever it'd be called and wasn't registered breeder so i'm glad we didn't go down that route and waited. Found out through DOL that the $3K he was charging is probably about $500 more than usual also so if we do decide to get a Leo in the future we'd be better off through a registered breeder where we can have info on bloodlines etc and hip scores.

I asked at the time if he was a reg'd breeder and when he said no i tried to rationalise it (before DOL days) but i'm glad I researched and didnt make a decision on impulse as they were gorgeous pups.

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It may not have ended in tears. Most of the coolies I have met have been terrific dogs and not as highy drive as BCs and kelpies. Its the work ethic in the working breeds and the gun dogs that makes them what they are.

I hbave been lucky in that I haven't had a near miss or a collision unless you count the b order collie I bought to herd with who is afraid of sheep :D

I think if I had a Coolie now, I'd have a fighting chance at making it a happy dog, back then most likely I would have botched up the poor thing!

:) at your border collie!

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Our first dog was from a pet store :-(

They told us he was a bichon but he grew quite a bit larger than that and had really long legs. He died under anesthetic at the vets when he was only 2 years old, not sure if there was a hereditary condition behind that.

He also wasn't the smartest, was an extremely fussy eater and had goopey eyes (and his coat was very hard to manage).

He did have a nice personality though.

We learnt from this experience and thoroughly researched the breed of our next dog and brought from a registered breeder. She was a perfect companion for 13 years and we never had anny issues with her. She only passed away recently. I would definetely not hesitate to get another purebred from a resigtered breeder.

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Petstore (i hate having to admit that), severe hip dysplasia (couldnt even walk at 6 months, thought we would have to put him down), temprement issues, fear aggression, hates children (thankfully getting much better with that) can be aggressive towards certain other people, on going stomach issues........

Hey, don't you be dissin' Zero's brother from another mother... :laugh: It's such a shame that Lestat has such problems. He really is a lovely dog.

They're not dogs but 3 out of the 4 animals i currently own are petshop animals (none were purchased by myself - the birds were free and the cat was a surprise present). My 2 cockatiels were both pets paradise rejects who were going to be "set free" (taken outside and let go) because after having their wings clipped and being put up on those horrible perches in PP, they had become aggressive towards people. Both had been in the store (and in the case of Lucius, several PP stores) for nearly a year so you can imagine how many children had poked and prodded them. It took me years of work with both of them - they were supposedly "hand reared" but I had more trouble with them than i did with my old girl who came to us straight out of the aviary without any contact with humans! Even now, one of them is very strange but I love both of them so I would never give them up.

My cat was a present for my 21st birthday, given to me by a guy i never saw or spoke to again - he was able to put my details on Mow's microchip without me knowing I was getting a cat and he openly told the staff in the pet store that Mow was a surprise present and he didn't know if i rented or owned my house. :laugh: I only found out where he had bought Mow from because the vet that did all the work for the store had my details passed onto them and they called me to tell me he was due for a vaccination. He had come into the pet store at 6 weeks old and at 12 weeks he weighed only 100 grams more than he did when he arrived - at that age they should be putting on 150 grams a week! He was so skinny and very sick - luckily that pet store closed down, though another store just like it has taken it's place. :( The people in the old store put as much food in the cage if there were 2 animals as they did when there were 12 animals - it makes me sick to think that Mow went through that.

I would never buy from either a petshop or a byb - I don't even shop in petshops that sell live animals. I really hope that they eventually pass the law that says noone can sell puppies or kittens, though I hope that it's extended to birds too.

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I knew I was taking a risk with Charlie healthwise or have issues when I bought him home. Aside from his rare disease... he was a perfect puppy and an awesome dog today.

But, I was lucky that the person who looked after Charlie for the first 8 weeks of his life, is a good person and knew what to do with puppies and dogs. Charlie has always been a confident and happy puppy, and became more so when I started training and soicalising him.

The health things sucks big time. Just heartbreaking to see this little fella limping around and in pain on his bad days (although, he hasn't had a bad day in weeks!). Living day by day not knowing if tomorrow is going to be the day that I have to make a very hard decision. Worried constantly about his welfare. I wouldn't wish that one anyone!

Also, my dad will disown me if I ever got an animal from a pet store.

My next dog is coming from a registered breeder for sure!!

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