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No Neuter Ch In Qld


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I was reading the new "dogblog" sent out to Dogs QLD members and it stated that there will be no classes offered for Neuter Champion title in QLD!

Apparently it's against our code or something..............

Edited by t-time
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No joke....... :laugh:

It's not really for me as I've not got neutered dogs but I really think it's a great idea to pet people involved or for retired champions to have a bit of fun. It's a shame...that's all.

I'll see if I can cut and paste from my dogblog.

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here is the extract from Dogs Qld website....


The ANKC October 2009 decision to introduce a neutered champion

cannot be supported or introduced in Queensland as it is contrary to

our charter which promotes pure bred dogs and our status as a breed

organisation. Our Constitutional charter is "to promote in every way

the general improvement of the standard, breeding and exhibition of

pure bred registered dogs" whilst our Code of Ethics states that

breeders ‘shall breed only for the purpose of improving the standard

of the breed’.

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i agree t-time... there is no where in that statement that you can really see where having a neuter class is against the rules.. in fact, the opposite... by having a neuter class you ARE promoting breeding and exhibition of purebred dogs, and the fact that they are not entire means that they were bred with improvement in mind, but will not be bred because they are not necessarily an improvement (or were neutered for other reasons)...

just weird...

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Maybe KC Qld should crack down on the hundreds of registered backyard breeders that are just breeding crap for the pet market... somehow I don't think these 'breeders' are improving the breed!

I'll bet that it's a few old timers that can't see the forest for the trees stopping neuter showing from happening. we need to be forcing them to promote it.

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I am so disappointed by this stupid archaic stand. Why are we always so backwards in Qld? I think Capanash may have hit the nail on the head. I am sure the introduction of Neuter Champ, especially if promoted, would be a real boost for the sport. Do you think we should all write in and complain, or start a petition or something?

Edited by badboyz
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I am so disappointed by this stupid archaic stand. Why are we always so backwards in Qld? I think Capanash may have hit the nail on the head. I am sure the introduction of Neuter Champ, especially if promoted, would be a real boost for the sport. Do you think we should all write in and complain, or start a petition or something?

Yep I will be in to that.

Qld is so backward in coming forward.

I will add my name to a petition.

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I don't think it is just Qld that won't be running it a friend of mine in NSW has told me that they aren't going to run it either.

on the show entry forms there are neuter classes listed I think they are 15-18 but not many clubs run them. Mayde if more clubs did the CC's may change their minds.

Edited by Dracdog
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I don't think it is just Qld that won't be running it a friend of mine in NSW has told me that they aren't going to run it either.

I think you will find the NSW is running it - however they are not making it compulsory for Clubs to offer neuter classes.

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As metioned if CCCQ was so concerned about improving the breeds they would be focussing on the large numbers of litters being produced for cash not improvement by the puppy farmers, I am all for signing a petition. I love how they make these decisions with out consulting their members.

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How hypocritical are the CCCQ? They want more members, more people involved in clubs, more entries and therefore more income. What do they think they would have received from allowing the Neutered Champ to go ahead? :whiteflag: After a long and hard fight with the CCCQ (last state in Australia to do so!!), they finally allow associate register dogs who are non-pedigree, cross-breeds etc to participate in dog sports (and rightly so) and are happy to take the money that dog sports contribute to the coffers....BUT the neutered champ is contrary to the ethos as it doesn't promote pure-bred dogs??? They are only kidding themselves. That does not make sense to publish such a blatantly obvious untrue statement, given the admission of Associate Register dogs to CCCQ sanctioned events.

We lowly members don't get a right to say what we think before the decision is made??? :confused: Obviously not.

Who do we complain to, long and loudly, to get something done about this?

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I think QLD is looking at the original reason for Ch shows - which is the assessment of breeding stock. The CCCQ have obviusly taken the view that a neuter is not breeding stock and therefore not elligible to be shown.

The most succesful way to change the mindset would be to write enmass (individual original letters work much better than petitions) and perhaps state something along the following.

"With declining numbers of entire purebred dogs it is important to increase/maintain numbers of our registered purebred dogs in all public venues. A neuter championship will encourage those who may have a lovely dog to showthat may have been desexed for various reasons and perhaps later on purchase an entire dog. Neuter classes at shows will also benefit breeders in that more projeny of entires will be able to be seen and assessed. This is very important these days when the purebred world is underfire on health issues. The common belief among AR's and other extremists is that show dogs are only bred for the showring and are unsuitable as pets. If dogs sold to pet homes can be encouraged into the show rings what better venue to show that sound fit and healthy dogs from show breeders are the norm."

A bit rough but something along those lines might be convincing.

NSW shows can offer neuter classes now and Ch points will be available after July 1.

The Rylstone Kandos & District Dog Club will be one of the first issuing ch points for neuters at their shows on 24th & 25th July. At this early stage only classes 18 & 18a will be offered - but will be reviewed each year as numbers increase. BOB Neuter trophy trophies will be given for the first 10 breeds entered. See you all there.

Good Luck QLD

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