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Massive Storm In Perth


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My brother sent me some video of the storm and the hails stones were rather large! Lots of shrubbery blown around and there neighbour lost a fence.

Hope everyone is okay :D

They were HUGE! Bigger than golf balls some of them! All our cars at work have hail damage - we had to just stand there and watch :cheer:

I was driving home through the flash flooding and other people had no windscreens and rear windscreens!

Our power was out for 12 hours, has just come back on now. That was certainly the worst storm I have been through.

Bugger GR!!! That sucks about your car :whee:

Does anyone remember the big storm we had back in the early 90's sometime? It was like a cyclone. I remember our parents were in Sydney at the time so my sister's boyfriend stayed over with us kids, and we're all camping out in the most unsafe room in the house, the loungeroom with cathedral ceilings! :) Lucky we didn't lose our roof, but many people did. That was the worst storm I've been through. Though the one yesterday was pretty damn scary, I was on the train when the brunt of it hit, I was convinced that the train was going to be struck by lightening and I was a goner! :thumbsup:

From where we come from the storm wasnt that bad yesterday, we are used to much louder thunder and way more lightening, every house my mum has owned has been struck, its as scary as, the plugs on the electrical appliances actually explode out the electrical sockets and nothing works after that. I think here in Ellenbrook we had the mild bit but I do believe some schools are closed around here.....

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When they were evacuating the flats at the mud slide they couldn't contact the man who lives in one of the flats on the 1st level. They were referring to him as missing but haven't heard any more on that.

We went to coles to get some stuff for dinner (can't cook anything because we haven't got power so just got rolls and stuff) and there's a street that had some construction work and the site has just been wrecked. The ground caved in around the site too and there were lots of big trucks and men standing there scratching their heads.

Just now one of my neighbours has their sprinklers going......umm?

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Well I made the mistake of trying to drive out of Midland Gate shopping centre because the centre was flooded and drove into water about 1 metre high. Tried to reverse but my engine died and when I opened the door to get out my car filled with water. I had to wait 2 hours in wet clothes waiting for my husband to get to me as he was stuck in traffic. I'm just waiting to hear if my 18 month old car will be written off :cry:

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Wow Candice it was like you guys in Ellenbrook were in a world of your own! Look at that sky :cry:

Hey it was like that out our way too Rubystar, if I knew how to resize I would post the pics, you'll just have to check out my facebook site to see them :mad

Luckily my son who lives in Nedlands phoned me to warn me so had time to call a couple of family members, warn a couple of neighbours and make sure all the animals were saftly in and had their ID on just it case. Even poor Jojo the cocky got grabbed out of his avairy and chucked in a dog crate so that he could be safely inside with the rest of us.

With the power going out, a phone that relyed on electricity and no mobile charged or with credit (keep his number in the mobile too) I was cut off from the family and abit worried about my son that had called as we had been cut of just as he said he had hailstones in his kitchen as well as water damage so I was imagining all sorts of senareos. Thankfully nothing to worry about there and my sister got her son to use his FIL's 4 WD to come check I was ok as that was the only way to reach me as there was so much flooding even though we are only three KM apart.

Glad that no one lost their lives, I felt so sorry watching some person on a moterbike get pelted with hailstones on the TV, would have thought someone would have told them to ditch the bike and get in their car for abit of safety. I guess we are all too scared of being mugged to worry about our fellow human beings. I think in this case I would take the risk.

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OMG!!! :eek:

And there's a missing man?!

Mim, haven't seen your other thread, but hope everything is fixable or claimable!!

Missing man has been found - he'd got stuck at work, and come home to find his building evacuated and his apartment full of mud :(

Hope everyone who has damage is okay (and doggies are safe), but I think there will be a long wait for repairs.

News just said Windscreens O'Brien are flying in 16 people to cope with the repairs.

I'm so lucky I had the day off work - so are the doggies. We watched through the door whilst their beds were filled with hailstones. The water came from everywhere :walkdog:

How about the footage of the library flooding at UWA - amazing :thumbsup:

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Guest Willow

Our power was out for another 7 hours today....must have been due to repairs I'm guessing. They reckon it was the worst storm in 50 years!!!!

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Our power came back on at 5pm yesterday after being off for 24 hours - yay! Unfortunately half of our suburb is still out, including 2 sets of traffic lights. It is wierd, about 6 houses have power then about 6 houses dont for about 6 blocks.

Our car has been in for repair for 8 weeks with the panel beater. It is now with the suspension people so we hopefully shouldnt be held up by all the storm damage work.

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My power came back on about 10 o'clock last night. Everything in the freezers and fridge will have to be chucked :( Zedley went crazy mad, he is terrified of thunder and lightening and at the worst of the storm he tried to headbut his way out of the front security screen door, ran in and out of his own dog door at the back until I locked it. I ended up having to drug the poor sod. I had dinner at my son's place last night as their electricty had come back up and they had aircon :rainbowbridge: . DIL's parents came over too. One neighbour was flooded as the drains overflowed, thankfully no other damage to this street.

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Well for once, we didnt get a battering here in the hills. It was no different to any other wild blustery winter day for us - lots of rain, no hail and very windy, but that was it! We have views across to the coast from our loungeroom window and it was pretty impressive to watch it roll in.

I had to do night shift that night and i swear every pregant woman in Perth went into labour that night and we were on a code yellow at King Eddies - not a peaceful easy night at work!! :rainbowbridge:

I hope everyone gets back to some sort of normality soon.






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Poor Zedley :( Does he normally freak out in storms? Or was this one just a bit big for him?

I used Emergency Essence with good effect on my storm phobic dog when he was alive, I can highly recommend it. :rainbowbridge:

GR he always gets antsy when there is lightening and thunder, and rescue rememdy and another miix of the herbals stuff does him no good at all. The vet has given me some Promax to give him, but I try not to do it too often as it really knocks him out. The storm was another matter, I just felt I had to calm him down.

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