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Letter Template For Rspca's Anti Pedigree Campaign


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I don't understand how the RSPCA's recommendations are a bad thing for dogs, the only outcome I can see is healthier dogs. Given my recent experience with bad breeders I would fully support the RSPCA as somebody needs to do something about the unethical breeders in this country. What is wrong with you people?

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The only way to reign in the R$PCA is to make it a socially unacceptable organisation and hit it in the hip-pocket, the only thing it listens to, money. It is not just pedigree dogs that are at risk but dog ownership per se. The link between animal welfare groups and anti-pet groups is well and truly proven overseas. Anyone who thinks such links end at the border are living in fantasy land and probably believe the TV stars who claim to care about the animals they then kill - to save them of course.

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I don't understand how the RSPCA's recommendations are a bad thing for dogs, the only outcome I can see is healthier dogs. Given my recent experience with bad breeders I would fully support the RSPCA as somebody needs to do something about the unethical breeders in this country. What is wrong with you people?

Bizarrely, members' responses to the RSPCA document are not confined to your perspective and knowledge of the breeding practises and status of ANKC pedigree dogs, and as such we require that our CCs address the misinformation distributed.

Edited by lilli
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I don't understand how the RSPCA's recommendations are a bad thing for dogs, the only outcome I can see is healthier dogs. Given my recent experience with bad breeders I would fully support the RSPCA as somebody needs to do something about the unethical breeders in this country. What is wrong with you people?

Perhaps when you have been around this forum as long as some of the rest of us you will understand our disgust with the RSPCA - maybe you should READ some of the garbage they are putting out as fact before you rush in to defend them and denigrate us!

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Rottperth, I feel so awful for you. You have had such a bad experience with the dog world that your attitude doesn't surprise me. The reality is though that no other organisation in this country would legally be allowed to publicly state comments that border on slander so why should the RSPCA? The majority of breeders do try very hard to do the right thing but until the government makes an exemption for the ANKC and the CCs under the free trade laws legally the CCs can not do a great deal about people who put their head in the sand and go ahead and do what they want anyway. Encouraging people who want a puppy to look for one from health tested parents is one thing but to denigrate and publicly shame anyone with a pedigreed dog based on what has proven to be either an exaggeration, manipulation of the truth or in at least one case pure nonsense is really just not acceptable.

I wish so much I could do something positive for you and the horrid situation in which you find yourself. But your experience doesn't make us all evil which is what the RSPCA wants everyone to think. Some breeders will not admit fault because they are afraid to, they may feel if they do they will be sued and loose everything or that by admitting that something went wrong due to lack of forethought or just one of those things that will some how make them bad people. This is true of people in every facet of life, and it is everywhere. The breeders I know would not even dream of repeating the breeding that gave your girl her health problems unless it was for a scientific study. Why should they who try so hard be made to look so bad? And why should they hang their heads in shame and shuffle off to a dark corner in silence while 1000s of dogs are bred in puppy farms with never a single health test in sight.....never mind a vet check half the time!

The dog world isn't saying we are perfect, we are not. Nor might I add is any other part of society but most of us for the most part (and that is what counts!) do our very best and continually try to learn more so that our best becomes better.

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I think I have sent all the templates out but if I have missed anyone please let me know :laugh:

A big thankyou :laugh::laugh::cry:

to all those helping

the reponse has been really great,

I was hoping for maybe a few

but 30+

is :D :laugh: UNREAL :)

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I don't understand how the RSPCA's recommendations are a bad thing for dogs, the only outcome I can see is healthier dogs.

Unfortunately the RSPCA are basing their policy on opinions rather than sound science and this will not result in the best outcome for dogs.

I have some concern that this endeavour is also outside their mandate, which would be taking resources away from the job which they have been entrusted to carry out.

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I'm surely not sober enough, and may not be intelligent enough, to put everything that's going on in this thread together. A few key points:

  1. Some parts of the RSPCA are being pretty whacky about pedigree vs. X-breed
  2. Definitive objective data are not available and the best data available are hard to interpret.
  3. In my experience, organisations are pretty quick to bin letters that are clearly adaptations of a 'form' letter. .. .but that may not be true of all organisations and may have been worked out by the relevant persons in this case.
  4. the RSPCA are in a position to gain sympathy because there are some shonky pedigree breeders out there . . . and some of them think they're doing the right thing and think they are acting in the best interests of 'the breed'.

I'd say if you have thoughts, it's probably better to write them out yourself rather than send a form letter . . . if you feel strong enough to do so. . . .or take the form letter and hack it so that it clearly represents your personal opinion.

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I'd say if you have thoughts, it's probably better to write them out yourself rather than send a form letter . . . if you feel strong enough to do so. . . .or take the form letter and hack it so that it clearly represents your personal opinion.

I've considered this and decided that it does not matter.

If say Dogs Victoria are the recipient of 20 letters stating the same -

it is no different to the protocol required to request a special meeting, whereby a letter is written by one member outlining the issue with signatures from supporting members.

So the more letters received by the State CCs, the better.

I have received an initial reply from Dogs Victoria - they agree the document is negative and will take up the matter directly with the RSPCA.

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I'd say if you have thoughts, it's probably better to write them out yourself rather than send a form letter . . . if you feel strong enough to do so. . . .or take the form letter and hack it so that it clearly represents your personal opinion.

I've considered this and decided that it does not matter.

If say Dogs Victoria are the recipient of 20 letters stating the same -

it is no different to the protocol required to request a special meeting, whereby a letter is written by one member outlining the issue with signatures from supporting members.

So the more letters received by the State CCs, the better.

I have received an initial reply from Dogs Victoria - they agree the document is negative and will take up the matter directly with the RSPCA.

If you know the way inforation is processed, it's likely you are right. I'm in WA and the RSPCA here seems to pretty much stay out of pedigree dog breeders' way.

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I'm surely not sober enough, and may not be intelligent enough, to put everything that's going on in this thread together. A few key points:

  1. Some parts of the RSPCA are being pretty whacky about pedigree vs. X-breed
  2. Definitive objective data are not available and the best data available are hard to interpret.
  3. In my experience, organisations are pretty quick to bin letters that are clearly adaptations of a 'form' letter. .. .but that may not be true of all organisations and may have been worked out by the relevant persons in this case.
  4. the RSPCA are in a position to gain sympathy because there are some shonky pedigree breeders out there . . . and some of them think they're doing the right thing and think they are acting in the best interests of 'the breed'.

I'd say if you have thoughts, it's probably better to write them out yourself rather than send a form letter . . . if you feel strong enough to do so. . . .or take the form letter and hack it so that it clearly represents your personal opinion.

Finally we agree :)

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I sent my e-mail off to Dogs NSW this morning. This is the reply I received 20 minutes ago

Dear Susan

Attached is your e-mail which has been sent to me for comment by the office .

Can you please respond so I am sure I got your e-mail adress correct and then I will get back to you,


Frank Pieterse

President Dogs NSW

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Sounds to me they are simply verifying your address to make sure it is bona fide - and perhaps to make sure that the one letter isn't coming at them at multiples from the one source. ???

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