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Owners Of Big Boofy Rescues!


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Hi all,

A friend of mine is looking to adopt another dog, she has a preference for big boofheads :coffee: and would like to have a "ballpark" figure for weekly costs including monthly treatments, food and possibly insurance costs.

If anyone could help me out with getting some figures for her I'd really appreciate it - oh and if you could post a pic of your gorgeous boof that would be great - just cause I'm a sucker for them too :o

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Introducing Andy. He is a boofer. Eats 1 cup of kibble in the morning and another at night. Not sure of cost for just him since I have so many mouths to feed. :coffee:


Andy is currently looking for his new forever home. He is Mastiff / Pei x

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Hmmm... tell her to look at the average cost for 25kg+ flea and worm treatments - then there are the heartworm tabs (or you can get the flea spot-on that covers heartworm and other things as well).

Feeding a boofer as it grows from a puppy to adulthood can be prohibitive. My current 5.5 month old Ridgey/Dane foster boy eats a kilo of cooked chicken breast for breakfast, and a whole (raw) size 10 chicken for dinner - EVERY day! Lucky for me, the rescue is supplying his food and other things.... I get the best part of providing the cuddles and socialisation... *grin*

Here are a couple of photos of James...




He has 3 brothers - Jethro and Joey are brindle like James, and Jasper is tan...


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I have a rescue Boofer

His name is Digby, and he is 50 kgs.


He eats about 800 grams of kibble per day. So a 15 kilogram bag lasts just over three weeks. Being premium you're looking at about $35 per week give or take. He also gets some fresh meat from the butchers but I find that doesn't really increase the cost that much.

Now I can't remember the specifics for how much I pay for advantage, and worming, and annual heart worm jab. Someone else will have to remember that!

ETA the last worming cost $19

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Depends on what you feed. I can feed a Labrador for around $1/day if I go to the $1/kg biscuits (a mixture of several good quality biscuits, so may be some puppy, some big dog, some small dog) from the seconds pile at the local biscuit factory and feed chicken carcasses, horse carrots, and a bit of left over this and that and some garden veggies. If you need flea treatment, add another $1/day. Heartwork chewies are relatively cheap, and I get my worming tablets by the hundred (at around $2/ea). So the base cost will ring in under $3/day. BUT, add some veterinary bills, say for cruciate surgery or fixing up a car accident (knock on wood), and you end out with $5 to $10 a day on top of the base costs.

Btw. In my experience, some breeds (eg GSP's) eat a lot more than Labradors (without getting . .. not fair, say my Labbies).

No one should take in a dog if they're not in a position to pay, either for insurance, or for an occasional large vet bill.

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What gorgeous boofers! I'm in luuuuurve. My lil fella (4kg) costs me $30 a month to feed - that's BARF patties, good quality (local) sardines in olive oil, chook necks, free range eggs and the odd brisket bone / ox tail. Add in $34 for vet insurance and I'm looking at $64.

I just realised how lucky I am with costs, but oh as OH says ... to have a "proper sized dog". :coffee:

ETA - flea / tick preventatives = $10 per month, plus I do the annual heartworm vac at I *think* around $85?

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I was actually due to sit down and work out our 'animal budget' so - we feed our lab and GR artemis, sardines twice a week, nat yoghurt twice a week, chicken frames weekly, chicken mince daily, pigs ears occassionaly, left over carrots and apples and a tub of peanut butter lasts a few months (added this up on a post-it note while typing and I'm gobsmacked :love: ) - around $250 per/month for the 2 of them (combined weight 60kg give or take) which is around $8 a day - holy moly.

Insurance cost $600 p/yr.

Worming/heartworm/flea treatments = $15 p/month for both of them

oh my goodness no wonder my bank account is always empty

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Dante is a 56kg Dane (He's a very small Dane), he is on a Vets All Natural Diet for his Skin Allergies that is about $50 a week.

When he was on normal kibble, he'd have a cup of Kibble and 250gram of meat per feed and that was 2 feeds a day. Bag of kibble would last about 3 weeks and it was around $120 per bag.

Leila who is a 47kg Dane (She is also a small Dane) gets one Barf patty per feed and that's 2 feeds per day.

I can not for the life of me remember how much a box of BARF is, but if you look it up, it's Dr Billinghurst.

Flea & Worm preventative is expensive for a big dog.

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Our Satchmo is a 37kg boofer mutt!

We use Sentinel Spectrum for worming (and fleas which are not a problem in our area) which costs about $13/month.

I'd say food costs definitely depend on the dog. Satch eats like a supermodel, 1 cup of Royal Canin per day plus chicken frames/wings and treats. I would say about $50/month to feed which is pretty generous.

Our 16 week old Aussie pup costs more to feed than him :love:

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Tess is a 48kg Wolfie x Mastiff. It costs me $80 at the vet for an annual check up including C5 vac. She gets 2 cups of Optimum kibble a day which costs about $20 a week. She also gets chicken necks, sardines, chicken mince & veggies, and a bone, so add about another $20 a week for that.

As someone mentioned already, it's the vet costs that can add up - the bigger the dog the more expensive things are.

It's the incidentals that add up though - mind you these would probably cost the same regardless of the size of the dog. I take mine twice weekly in the car to a big off-leash park, so that's about $20 in petrol that I wouldn't spend if I didn't have them. Squeaky toys - $5 a week. Treats. Xmas presents.

I have to say though, I don't care how much they cost me. My life is so much better & happier for having them in it :love:


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awww tess is gorgeous ;)

Good point about the incidentals, once you have to start buying large size beds, collars, harnesses, tougher toys, etc it can add up very quickly.

Ditto, Tess is a stunner! :)

I didn't even think of "incidentals" - a small trampoline bed to lounge on in the sun cost me $35 and could fit three Lord Mucks. :eek: The XL was over $80! :D

Ditto the cost of harnesses etc.

Buuuuuuut at least you didn't have to cough up for a special small breed car seat as well as car harness so Lord Muck can see out the window! Oh and steps for him to get up and down off our bed and furniture :rofl:

Note to self: Come back as a DOLer's dog! :D

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My Dane girl 67.8 kilo gets spoilt. I give her 1.3kilos of raw meat, 2 cups of eukanuba bickies, either a Chicken carcas/ lamb shank/ Beef bone of some sort and lots of vegies every day, plus sardines, eggs occasionaly ..

The Main expense is the Meat..It works out about to be about $60 a week plus all the other food.

It the vet bills that are the killer... Bigger dogs mean more drugs etc...

Saying all that, Big dogs are the best cause there is more to love and more to cuddle..


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this is great guys - keep the info comming and more piccies definately :rofl: :D :eek:

Has anyone got any info on some of the better budget brands like Bonnie ect? Did anyone find it was false economy because they ended up feeding more?

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