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Dogs Of Thailand


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I've just come back from visiting Thailand, and the seeing all the streetdogs of Thailand is amazing and quite sad. They all seem to be so aware of their surroundings and very street smart though you occasionally see the odd dog limping from old injuries :rolleyes:







The last photo i think may have been a fighting dog :o Lots of scars, but a lovely darling who just wanted a pat when i went near.

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I've been to Thailand, and have seen the dogs there. I think you need to remember that Thailand is a Buddhist country and has very different attitudes to animals, including dogs. While in general dogs may not be treated as they are in a western country, and there are many scrawny and unhealthy looking dogs around, Buddhism at least demands that people respect them and their status as living creatures, and there are a number of temples etc which do feed their local groups and involve animal welfare groups that do desexing of males.

I have also been to a Muslim country (Malaysia) where dogs are considered dirty and ungodly creatures. Dogs there get a far worse time.

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I absoloutely understand that lappiemum :rolleyes: sorry if it didn't come across that way! I absoloutely saw alot of the people showing they clearly loved their dogs. It really is special to see the differences between our culture and theirs even though I didn't always like it.

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I actually loved seeing and photographing the dogs in Thailand. While they may not be kept to the standards to which we expect, they all seem to live in harmony.......to the balance of nature, something I think our "Civilised" western societies have mucked up. They know their place without question and I didn't see any "altercations" between any of the dogs themselves (I'm sure at times there would be the normal heirachy behaviour...mum scolding pup etc) and no agression shown towards people. I'd love to spend more time over there observing. In the area we stayed there were lots of donation boxes to help feed the dogs on the street.

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