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hi guys

new poster here, was wondering if i could get some tips.... i have a beautiful mini schnauzer, who i love to bits. he has a wonderful nature and is a credit to his breeder. However when we go on walks he gets extremely excitable and barks, he also pulls. i have tried many suggestions by trainers, vets etc such as haltis, harnesses, food rewards but so far nothing has worked for long. he is a highly trainable dog as even through his excitment and excessive barking he still sits and waits to get his lead clipped on and sits and waits at roads.

i have discouraged the "excitment" of a walk by not talking to him, just getting him to sit(to get his lead on) but that hasnt helped either. i feel terrible because i cannot walk him in the mornings (as i would like to as the neighbours would kill me) and sometimes i am too exhausted at night to take him out (and get my arm ripped off), so he has to miss out :rolleyes: so any ideas i am willing to give it a go!


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Hi - welcome

I had the exact problem when I first had Edward - standard poodle size - he pulled me over and dragged me along the street once, skinning my knees much to the horror of some poor older man walking his little dog. Not that he was aggressive either, just excited and barking his head off. I stopped walking him too because it was just too stressful.

I tried all the things you've written about but in the end it was personal sessions with a behaviourist/trainer that worked. It took lots of work (well worth it) and I can't tell you the relief I felt the first time I walked him with no dramas :rolleyes:

After some sessions and practise we could join an obedience club where working in a group was beneficial too.

Good luck.

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thankyou. no i havent been to any obeidence classes as he would just bark at the other dogs :coffee: so it would have to be private classes. can anyone recommend anyone in the hunter valley area? (will post this in the training topic as well.

thanks again :o

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I wouldn't be worried about his barking at an obedience club, they will help you to train him to stop this. I have a girl that was a shocker when we first started, she barked at everything but with time and training she only occasionally barks now.

Never feel embarrassed about any issues you have with you dog, i can assure you the trainers have seen it all and will give you credit for trying to resolve the problems.

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thankyou. no i havent been to any obeidence classes as he would just bark at the other dogs :eek: so it would have to be private classes. can anyone recommend anyone in the hunter valley area? (will post this in the training topic as well.

thanks again :(

If that is the case, then obedience classes may be just the thing for you as:

1. The trainers will see your dog doing the behaviour you want to avoid and can assess him

2. you will be able to practice around other dogs in a controlled environment, which may be easier than practicing out on walks

3. The more other dogs your dog sees, the less excited he will get by them

4. The more fun you have with him at training (games, treats etc) the more he will realise that YOU are more interesting than other dogs.

I would enroll in group obedience ASAP, and explain your problem when you enrol and again to the trainer at your first session.

DONT be embarassed! I spent ALL 8 weeks of puppy class in the CAR PARK with my pup, as she got too worked up and barked her head off if she was any closer to the dogs at the club. Each week we got a little closer to the class without her barking, and by the time we went to the next class she was in the ring with the other dogs :love:

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thankyou. no i havent been to any obeidence classes as he would just bark at the other dogs :love: so it would have to be private classes. can anyone recommend anyone in the hunter valley area? (will post this in the training topic as well.

thanks again :eek:

If you are near Raymond terrace there is a dog club there every Sunday morning from 8.30am

at boomerang park

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thanks everyone :rofl:

i shall look into it and see how we go :eek: i've been reluctant to go to one before as my mum had a very bad experience :D however i am willing to do whatever it takes for us to be able to go on ENJOYABLE morning walks.

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My dog was barking his head off the first obedience classes...but the acceptance of dogs with all issues was so good when I went to the club. I got great advice and as another poster said, they could see the trouble in action!! It gave me the confidence to persist with certain measures that helped immensely ove time.

Yesterday I was in the park and walked thru to watch the other dogs training. Tonka listened to my commands and didn't bark...it took me back to when I first went and he was out of control, and I had been in tears! I was so pleased to see how far we have come...it was work!!

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