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I would like to congratulate all the winners too and also the nominees (as that is also an achievement to be proud of).

It was a honour to receive the Dianne Gunn-Scarcella memorial award. Thanks for the congrats.

To all the people who I met from the forum .... you guys are great! Special thanks to the people sitting at my table for making it a relaxed enjoyable night :cry: .

If you didn't make it this year, do yourself a favour and try to make it to Melbourne next year.

Congratulations on the award Troy, it was well deserved. You have done so much for the purebred dog world in so many ways. Your support of the MDBA Awards shows your commitment even more so.

PS - Phew, so glad I didn't scare you off too. :mad

It was an awesome night! Congrates to all the winners!!!

Unfortunately I didn't get to meet a lot of DOLer... even if I did, I wouldn't know it! :( I just mainly talked to the people sitting at my table and they are great!

Next time... next year in Melbourne does sound HUGE though!

It was fabulous to meet you!! I was so glad when I heard you were coming and sitting at the same table as I was.

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I'm just starting to realise how many DOLers I didn't meet :thumbsup:

Me too. I saw a few that I know & had the pleasure of meeting a few more. We arrived right before everyone was seated so didn't get to mingle at the beginning & had to get Chloe home at the end before she fell asleep standing up :( .

We had no idea who would be on our table, but we got the biggest & best surprise ever :eek: . 3 of the amazing staff members at Hawkesbury Pound had secretly purchased tickets and came along to support Nic B in her nomination for the work she does at HP. It was such an amazing gesture for them to show their appreciation to Nic. Not only did the night start with a brilliant surprise but it continued with good company.

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I'm just starting to realise how many DOLers I didn't meet :thumbsup:

Me too. I saw a few that I know & had the pleasure of meeting a few more. We arrived right before everyone was seated so didn't get to mingle at the beginning & had to get Chloe home at the end before she fell asleep standing up :( .

We had no idea who would be on our table, but we got the biggest & best surprise ever :eek: . 3 of the amazing staff members at Hawkesbury Pound had secretly purchased tickets and came along to support Nic B in her nomination for the work she does at HP. It was such an amazing gesture for them to show their appreciation to Nic. Not only did the night start with a brilliant surprise but it continued with good company.

Yes I thought it was fantastic for them to sneak in as support for Nic and surprise her too. Even though Nic didnt win she must have felt very much appreciated by them being there with her.

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Our first ---not our last - Well done to all involved - and thank you so very much. With out a doubt a magnificent evening. :eek:

As with so many others - We did not have the opportunity to meet others - next time :(

Bring on Melbourne :thumbsup:

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I missed meeting some people too :walkdog: Pax, Klaus and Nancy, and many others. My only excuse is that it was a big room and the organisers kept the pace going throughout the evening.

Congratulations to all the nominees and winners. I warned people on our table that it was likely I would need tissues, and yes, I sniffled through some of he nominations. I might be a big sook, but some of them were truly heartwarming. If you did not at least sniff when listening to the story when Lesley took the stage with her companion then you weren't listening properly :( I will run the risk of offending some, but my standouts were Chloe and Troy plus Patricia and her very supportive family.

Team Sway/Megz :take a bow: :eek:

....and a HUGE hug to Steve, truly a wonderwoman :thumbsup:

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Yep When I saw her walk up those stairs with that absolutely awesome dog full of confidence with the steps etc knowing what she has recently been through and how she couldn't walk or speak for a while only a few months ago had me choking back the tears.

That dog was absolutely perfect wasnt it? Completely bomb proof - it even put up with this and never flinched from its job. post-199-1269347878_thumb.jpg

Edited by Steve
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Hey !!! Congratulations to all those who took out an MDBA Award and of course to all those who were nominated for an Award in the first place. Glad to hear you all had a great time at the dinner and well done, Julie - I know from what you have told me and also from some small experience in organising events just how much work (and stress) is involved in pulling these things together so that they can run well and so that people can enjoy them.

Excellent work. :eek:

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We were next to your table and the dog was probably the best guest of the night, certainly quieter than us :)

TeamLesley encompassed, for me anyhow, what the night was about.

Yes - For those of you who dont know Dr Lesley Levins is a Professor of Science Education and was teaching at Armidale University when she first joined the board of the MDBA.She had been breeding Labs for over 30 years and had been highly involved with the show ring and training. Most of her puppies went to Guide dogs NSW. She bred horses and competed internationally in horse events. She is responsible for the academy side of our organisation and taught us loads of things to help us put the courses on the map. I remember when I first read the first unit of the canine genetics course she had written and thought"Oh my God - this is way too hard " but the way its set up by the time I worked through it I had learned heaps and it had lead me through the learning process I needed to understand it all. She pushed and pulled me with the things I wrote to go out in public and made me pick up my writing skills and forever nagged me about where I put my fullstops. :D

Anyway, Lesley began to loose her sight and her health deteriorated so she was forced to retire from her teaching position at the Uni and she continued to work her heart out for the MDBA. Like all of the people who had started the MDBA she felt dog people needed more education and that we should concentrate on the good things people did rather than anyone we had no control over.She slugged it out with us every step of the way and is a very valued member of the MDBA board. She was instrumental in the start up of MDBA Pacers a charity set up to help domestic animal owners when they hit hard times.Her sight faded [currently about 1% ]and she had to go to Sydney to learn how to handle a guide dog - one she bred ! We spoke often about how Jenny - the dog - had become so much more to her than she could have ever imagined possible and soon her and Jenny became part of the scenery when Lesley refused to let blindness keep her back. In the early stages of her working with Jenny the dog wrapped its lead around her legs and pulled her off her feet - resulted in a broken leg for Lesley. :laugh:

Over the last 9 months she has had her heart valves replaced - life threatening for her as the meds she had been on for the pain of immune related arthritis and type A diabetes which she has had since a teenager had weakened her blood vessels needed to stitch the valves in place and whilst in surgury she suffered a stroke which left her unable to walk or speak.We were told to expect the worst and that she probably would not recover. In typical Lesley form she has fought her way back - learned to walk again , speak again become independent again until they gave Jenny back to her. She has pushed herself and is now in such a short time back to a point where she was able to attend the awards and walk up those steps and hand over the Best MDBA Student of the Year award.

Each time I begin to feel sorry for myself I remember Lesley who I have never ever, not once heard complain.

But - when Jenny first came to live with Lesley as a guide dog Lesley was just so much more determined that breeders needed to get it right.That we needed a way to tell the good from the not so good and push for more breeders to become more educated on how to get it rght. Even though she had sucess in the showring [better than most] over the years she saw this as nothing compared to the health and temperament of the dog. We spoke about how wonderful Jenny was and with all of Lesley's other accomplishments [for her] breeding such a marvellous dog far outweighed any other. It made her Phd fade into the background.She knew her dogs changed her life and so many others.That without her skills as a breeder the dogs would never have been as good as the one she completely depends on.She more fully understood how dogs - any dogs had the power to enrich people's lives and why it was so important for breeders and rescue to work at what they do in a professional manner.

When Lesley was escorted to the stage on Saturday night and confidently walked up the stairs and presented Amanda with her award for Best MDBA student I fought back tears.Amanda had worked hard on her course and did us proud with her approach to the Introduction To Canine Breeding Course Lesley has set .It wasnt just because I knew Lesley was impressed by the quality of Amandas assignments but how much Lesley has fought for her life back and because I knew that when she bred that dog she didnt know it would be her who was holding the lead. That dog was truly bombproof, it did everything right even after it was trodden on a couple of times.

The next time any professor wants to tell us how to breed dogs who cant say they have equalled Lesley in education and experience and who cant show us dogs like Jenny with zero hips scores,zero elbow scores , cleared by parentage for PRA ,heart and eye perfect and 100 percent made for the job they have been bred for we should stand up to them and laugh.

Our Professor - Dr Lesley Levins is a true hero and that is most demonstrated by watching the dogs she bred,the breeders she has taught the dogs she will continue to breed herself and the contribution she has made to the future of her breed way into the future.

Thats what brings me to tears and what makes me more passionate about predictible purebred dogs and makes me more determined to make the MDBA something that all dog people, breeders, rescue, owners and professionals can use to promote who they are and what they do over those who dont have a clue about how important it is to get it right. Because they understand how very important it is and its not just about money or wins in the show ring or the paddock - its about understanding how the decisions they make impact on not only the dogs but also the people who live with them.

Im so very proud to call Lesley my friend but I cant begin to explain how I am moved when I look at our members and know each and every one of them,the breeders, rescue, dog owners and those who work with dogs get how important what they do is and I cant tell them often enough or tell the world about how much that impacts on the lives of those who come in contact with them.

The Awards help us to put focus on all of that and it was all of those things that were running through my mind when I watched her take her place beside Lesley Stewart and I on that stage.

Edited by Steve
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What a wonderful night the MDBA Awards night and I have to say how proud I was of the professionalism and the quality of the venue and presentations for the evening.

Like Julie a lump came to my throat when I saw Leslie L walk onstage. My husband and I are proud and honoured to owned now two of her Labradors as part of our breeding program. The beautiful Invergowrie Lara and as of tomorrow Invergowrie Mia.

As a breeder of service dogs also I have to say the intelligence and the temperament of Les's dogs are exceptional their health unquestionable - qualities I value above conformation traits however they are damn fine examples of the breed also. What Les has gone through in the last 6 months has been beyond any reasonable persons ability to cope with and despite Les's diabilities she has chosen to live life on life's terms. Les is an inspiration and Peter and I are honoured and proud to have her as our mentor for the Labs and a friend. Les you rock :D

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Just a reminder Steve about the two books of raffle tickets that are to be sent to us...we can't sell them if we don't have them....and believe me....we can sell them. We had a lot of people asking where they were at Tumba.


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Just a reminder Steve about the two books of raffle tickets that are to be sent to us...we can't sell them if we don't have them....and believe me....we can sell them. We had a lot of people asking where they were at Tumba.


Might be easier to email her :D

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