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Jack Jumper Sting


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Just a quick request for any tips on dealing with a Jack Jumper sting. My girl dally Pepper got bitten earlier today. SHe was holding her back leg out when we has stopped during our walk and when I looked at her foot I saw a nasty JJ digging it's sting into her pad. I smacked the little sucker off her foot and squished it. She is limping a little and I'm just a little concerned she might have a reaction - she's currently battling a bit of an immunity slump that's caused her to develop bumps on her skin and her hair to fall out a bit so she's not at her best as it is.

ANyway, I put ice on the bite when we got home, sprayed calendula and CS on the bite and then put aloe vera on it. I gave her some Vit C and manuka honey. ANy other thoughts or ideas welcome. SHe seems a little out of sorts but nothing too serious atm and the bite is quite swollen and clearly painful.


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Rotten bitey jumpy stingy awful ANTS in Tassie. Saw a program on them once. Has sometimes caused serious problems in people, almost like anaphylactic shock at times. Some people have been 'ambulanced' to hospital almost at deaths door!! Dont mean to scare you and don't know what the effect on dogs is but I'd be googling re the ants and maybe ringing your vet for advice. Good luck, hope she's okay.

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Thanks Iggy. I've been keeping a close eye on her and she seems to be okay - it's been about 8 hours so I'm not unduly worried now. I've been giving her doses of Vit C and using ice etc on the swelling so either I just had the right remedies or she isn't effected by JJ stings :dunce:

Yes, apparently it IS anaphylactic shock and their sting can be fatal to some people/animals.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oops sorry IM. Forgot to let you know!! She was fine - obviously. In fact, a couple of days later she did the same thing when I was visiting a friends property. Lifted her back leg and flicked it a lot. I checked her foot and - sure nuff - another rotten jumper. This time nothing happened at all - it didn't even swell up LOL She seems to have a built-in immunity to the things. Wish I did!!!

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You could try a piece of onion...cut it (the onion I mean :thumbsup: ) and rub it onto the bite so the juice covers the bite. This remedy also works on bee and wasp stings as well as sandfly (midge) bites.

I use it when the dogs (or us) get bitten by those mongrel green ants..they really hurt!

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Thanks Boronia - I'll keep that one in mind for all of us. Green ants??? Never heard of those. Do they bite or sting? Just curious because the Jack Jumper is fairly unique for an ant coz it has a sting so treatment and symptoms etc are closer to wasp/bee stings than for insect bites.

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Oops sorry IM. Forgot to let you know!! She was fine - obviously. In fact, a couple of days later she did the same thing when I was visiting a friends property. Lifted her back leg and flicked it a lot. I checked her foot and - sure nuff - another rotten jumper. This time nothing happened at all - it didn't even swell up LOL She seems to have a built-in immunity to the things. Wish I did!!!

Glad to hear she is fine and seems to be immune to them now, how lucky is she! :)

You could try a piece of onion...cut it (the onion I mean :rofl: ) and rub it onto the bite so the juice covers the bite. This remedy also works on bee and wasp stings as well as sandfly (midge) bites.

I use it when the dogs (or us) get bitten by those mongrel green ants..they really hurt!

Interesting, never heard of using onion juice before for stings/bites. Wish I had known as I could've used this remedy when I got eaten alive by midges when living in Mackay. :)

Green Ant Link

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I think the green ant is this one.... http://cms.jcu.edu.au/discovernature/misc/JCUPRD_025038 I always thought it bit but it appears to sting.

Regarding the onion for sandfly/midges, we went camping at Poona (on the coast between Tin Can Bay and Maryborough) one time, and were nearly carried away with the midges, one of the other campers said that onion rubbed on the bites was good AND IT IS!!!! it takes away the itch nearly straight away.

Edited to add...

iggy mum...thanks for the link though it is to the really mean North Qld green ant, the one we have here in SE Qld is smaller and lives in the ground under bark (and garden mulch!) and nips out with it's mates when you least expect it and bites you on tender places

Edited by Boronia
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I think the green ant is this one.... http://cms.jcu.edu.au/discovernature/misc/JCUPRD_025038 I always thought it bit but it appears to sting.

Regarding the onion for sandfly/midges, we went camping at Poona (on the coast between Tin Can Bay and Maryborough) one time, and were nearly carried away with the midges, one of the other campers said that onion rubbed on the bites was good AND IT IS!!!! it takes away the itch nearly straight away.

Edited to add...

iggy mum...thanks for the link though it is to the really mean North Qld green ant, the one we have here in SE Qld is smaller and lives in the ground under bark (and garden mulch!) and nips out with it's mates when you least expect it and bites you on tender places


Sorry, couldn't help it :cry::cry::rofl:

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Coming in late - but what else is new. :D

Glad she's OK, Spottychick - but I worry about jackjumpers too. I keep OTC antihitsamines for myself - and have given a previouis BC a Polaramine after he was bitten.

Asked my vet - he says for the BCs - keep 10mg Phenergan tablets on hand - so that's for 15-20 kg dogs.

I'm not so worried about anaphylactic reactions in the dogs - don't know if that's been reported - and if they had one the antihistamine would only be a stopgap till they could get adrenaline - but more worried about the pain, and local reaction. The antihistmine knocks that right back for me, so I guess it shold hep the dogs too. The jackjumper bites really, really hurt :mad .

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Thanks Tassie

My previous boy had a terrible reaction to JJ stings and would swell up and limp for a long time after being bitten. But he was highly allergic and reacted to most things. I got him from a rescue group in WA who had been told by their vet that because the boy was starved and hadn't seen daylight in 12 months of his young life and was being kept in a shed 24 hours a day he would always have problems with allergies, he had no resistance. That vet also recommended Polaramine - but I had forgotten the doggy dosage so thanks for that. Your BC is around the same weight as my dogs so that works for us too.

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:D glad to help. Coincidentally, there is a good doggy first aid kit article in the new TCA Gazette - that includes Phenergan - but I'm pretty sure you could substitute Polaramine - your vet could help with the dose for that.

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