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Puppy/doggy Playgroup In Ipswich


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Hi Everyone,

I would like to start a regular meet up in the Ipswich area for our puppies/doggies to play and socialise.

Puppies would need to be FULLY vaccinated as meets would most likely be at a dog park. If your puppy/dog has been to Puppy Preschool and or Obedience/Agility Club but you would like a less structured play time for them then this is for you.

I am open to suggestions of places to meet that may be more friendly for puppies that are not completely vaccinated.

I have a CKCS X who is 15 weeks old. She had her 3rd vac yesterday so will be completely covered in two weeks time.

Poppy (my puppy) is currently attending Puppy Preschool and has had regular playdates with our pet sitters ACD X who is 10 weeks older than her.


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Hi PD,

I am happy to have play dates but I work rotational shift work so I can't commit to a regular time/date. Will certainly turn up when I can with some of the woofers from Peiradise. I can usually accomodate age/fitness level requests to make sure other dogs have appropriate playmates.

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Hi PD,

I am happy to have play dates but I work rotational shift work so I can't commit to a regular time/date. Will certainly turn up when I can with some of the woofers from Peiradise. I can usually accomodate age/fitness level requests to make sure other dogs have appropriate playmates.

That sounds great! :rofl: Will PM you with possible locations when we have more interest! And fingers crossed we do! :laugh:

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I would be interested in coming along, but the malinut would not be allowed to play to begin with. His obedience is great at home and out with no distractions but as soon as there are other dogs around it goes out the window >.<

If you are going somewhere that is fenced we would probably just work outside the fence for a while and then when I get his obedience back under control I will start allowing him some play-based rewards, but will need some time to teach him to be gentle - he looooooves other dogs but just wants to play chasey at a million miles an hour which is generally too much for most other dogs :(

If people would be happy for us to come along and there are some calm dogs that we can gently introduce him to that would be great - but I'd really want people to understand what we're doing and not just rock up to a random dog park session where Joe Public has no idea...

There are a fair few fenced dog parks around the Ipswich area, the one near me in Brassall next to Ipswich High School seems to be pretty good, I haven't really looked that hard at the others. As far as puppies and vacc's go you are running a risk in any public area. Some might be better than others but you just never know who has been down there :(

We also work night shifts so early mornings would be a better time for us, or weekend afternoons around the 3-4pm time (work starts at 4:30 of a weekday and 6 on weekends), but if times don't work out then we'll just give it a miss :)

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I take Goldie and CocoNut to the park at Nth Booval a few times a week. I don't like the park at Raceview, its a bit too large an area to suit my dogs, it is muddy and there are some dogs that go there that are not very friendly.

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I would be interested in coming along, but the malinut would not be allowed to play to begin with. His obedience is great at home and out with no distractions but as soon as there are other dogs around it goes out the window >.<

If you are going somewhere that is fenced we would probably just work outside the fence for a while and then when I get his obedience back under control I will start allowing him some play-based rewards, but will need some time to teach him to be gentle - he looooooves other dogs but just wants to play chasey at a million miles an hour which is generally too much for most other dogs :love:

If people would be happy for us to come along and there are some calm dogs that we can gently introduce him to that would be great - but I'd really want people to understand what we're doing and not just rock up to a random dog park session where Joe Public has no idea...

There are a fair few fenced dog parks around the Ipswich area, the one near me in Brassall next to Ipswich High School seems to be pretty good, I haven't really looked that hard at the others. As far as puppies and vacc's go you are running a risk in any public area. Some might be better than others but you just never know who has been down there :eek:

We also work night shifts so early mornings would be a better time for us, or weekend afternoons around the 3-4pm time (work starts at 4:30 of a weekday and 6 on weekends), but if times don't work out then we'll just give it a miss :(

Weekend afternoons suit me! And I live very close to that dog park too, the one at Brassall! :( Poppy (my 15 week old CKCS X) has only met a handful of dogs. And ACDX who is crazy and loves her so much! The first time they met Poppy took an hour before she would play with him! He was VERY full on and it was too much for her! But she has since warmed up to him completely! She has also met a BIG Irish Setter names Rosie. This is probably the first large dog she has liked. And then all the puppies at puppy preschool.

I would say Poppy is pretty calm, especially when meeting new dogs and especially if they are bigger than her...which most are. The ACDX sounds very similar to your dog. His owner is going to limit puppy playdates as he is SO distracted when other dogs are around that she wants him to be obendient around other dogs not just in a one on one situation.

I am happy to support you in your training with your doggy and I'm sure others are too. I'm by no means an expert when it comes to puppies and dogs and am happy to take direction in terms of the type of play the dogs do with one another...if that makes sense!

I take Goldie and CocoNut to the park at Nth Booval a few times a week. I don't like the park at Raceview, its a bit too large an area to suit my dogs, it is muddy and there are some dogs that go there that are not very friendly.

Would you be interested in coming to Brassall? If Nth Booval is quiet on weekend arvo's I am happy to travel there as I'm not sure how quiet Brassall would be on weekend arvos? I've never taken Poppy to a dog park but I drive past it often and most afternoons there are a dogs or a dog there.

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I often go past the Brassall park around 4pm and I haven't seen that many dogs there (I gotta admit I haven't paid *that* much attention, but when I do see dogs there is often only 1-2). I would need to be leaving about 4 or shortly after to get to work on time, so an early meeting (say 3 or 3:30?) would be great for me, depends how long you want to play for - I'm not sure I'd want to train the malinut for too long at a time...

It'd be nice if there could be more than just the two of us there though, I'd feel kinda bad doing our own thing and leaving you & pup all on your own in the enclosure, LOL, but at the same time I don't want my nutcase bulldozing her straight off :(

I need to get his obedience back up to scratch before we start introductions - which hopefully shouldn't take too long - but I think we will start off with the malinut being held very firmly and just being allowed to sniff and say hello without going totally burko (he is not the sort who gets aggressive when held)... so really all you'd need is to have your dog on a lead so if nutcase starts getting too excited you can gently take her away :)

We'll see how we go I guess :)

EFS :/

Edited by Jake-K9
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I often go past the Brassall park around 4pm and I haven't seen that many dogs there (I gotta admit I haven't paid *that* much attention, but when I do see dogs there is often only 1-2). I would need to be leaving about 4 or shortly after to get to work on time, so an early meeting (say 3 or 3:30?) would be great for me, depends how long you want to play for - I'm not sure I'd want to train the malinut for too long at a time...

It'd be nice if there could be more than just the two of us there though, I'd feel kinda bad doing our own thing and leaving you & pup all on your own in the enclosure, LOL, but at the same time I don't want my nutcase bulldozing her straight off :love:

I need to get his obedience back up to scratch before we start introductions - which hopefully shouldn't take too long - but I think we will start off with the malinut being held very firmly and just being allowed to sniff and say hello without going totally burko (he is not the sort who gets aggressive when held)... so really all you'd need is to have your dog on a lead so if nutcase starts getting too excited you can gently take her away :eek:

We'll see how we go I guess :(

EFS :/

Sounds good! Hopefully greytmate and Ams can come too! I think it would be great for Poppy to meet some great danes as she does tend to be quite wary of BIG dogs!

Poppy won't be completely covered by her vac's until next Thursday (1st of April) so we could plan a meet anytime after that! :(

Why don't you all PM me dates and times that suit you and we can go from there! :confused:

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Went past the Brassall park this arvo about 5:15, there were quite a few people and dogs there but instead of being all clustered together they were well spread across the park and the dogs all seemed to be pretty happy running around together (from what I could tell going past at 50kph lol).

I've allready posted up the times that I can make it, and I'm easy with dates :)

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