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Tail Docking Legislation Changes In Wa


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Definatly another nail in the coffin of dog ownership. Now lets watch as they slowly begin to attack the breeds whos... ears are too long, whos legs are too short, whose faces are to flat, whos fur/hair grows too long (sucks to be 'you' DD breeders.... not even your million $$ mutts will be safe.)

Hmm I predict that it will be Dachshunds, Basset Hounds, Frenchies & English Bulldogs next to be snuck onto the chopping block.... And so dog owner ship will slowly fall away from around us and only when there are barely any dogs left will somone speak up and go "Why??" - Course the only glimmer of hope that will save dog ownership in anyform is commercialism.... If someone besides the rspca is going to loose money... then there will be an outcry.

very sad... :mad

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Breeding the Scottish Fold Cat is out in Victoria. Now they have had such an easy win with that one, the way is open to banning dog breeds.

PDE has already proven that purebred dogs are unhealthy, so they should be banned.

Why the government would take a biased documentary of evidence of anything probably shows the mentality of our politicians!!

Cavaliers first.

They suffer from syringo. Of course, many other breeds, and people do too. I wonder if they will prevent people who have syringo from breeding? In the dogs, it must be due to that horrible in breeding, but how does that explain it in people. I cannot believe that EVERY PERSON who is afflicted by syringo is so because his mother is his sister!! :mad

Although it might be the pekinese - minority breed, not many breeders, no one much to kick up a fuss, cause sure as eggs, no one else in purebred will be bothered to stand with the peke breeders.

Edited by Jed
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i have a boston and i despair because i have just started to love this breed. i agree this is going very badly.

what would it cost for everyone to support this even if they dodnt really think it was going to happen...nothing would be lost doing this and a lot could be gained.

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i have a boston and i despair because i have just started to love this breed. i agree this is going very badly.

what would it cost for everyone to support this even if they dodnt really think it was going to happen...nothing would be lost doing this and a lot could be gained.

The problem is not everyone cares, people are so focused on their own that they fail to even notice what is happening around them.

Jed is right, no one will stand up for the other breeds, it doesn't affect them so they don't care a damn.

We saw this with Taildocking, we saw it again with BSL, will we see it when breeds are targetted.

I have never owned a PBT or anything that resembles one, but it didn't stop me fighting BSL, lots of my showie mates laughed, who cares they said they will leave our breeds alone.

They wont leave our breeds alone none of them. Not one Breed is safe, and until the people who claim to be dog lovers pull their heads out of their own butts and realise where this is heading, then we have no hope.

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So what can we do?

Little short of trying to find a sympathetic member for parliament,petitions etc.Takes money for tv advertising etc,which unlike the rspca most of us dont have.

Suggestions anyone?

My breed is already targeted in the uk-ears,eyes ,wrinkles ,weight etc.

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I have no idea.

It seems to me pretty obvious that people could

write to their stateCC (if they are members)

write to their state/federal MP

join their state RSPCA and go to AGMs. Run candidates

Get the combined force of the CCs to find someone to approach the TV channels with a series of 1/2 hour shows on the great things about purebred dogs. Flyball, agility, junior handlers, whelping, raising pups, conformation shows, the rationale behind judging, people breeding guide dogs, people breeding assistance dogs, guide dogs being trained, dogs being prepared for shows - grooming, training, bathing, loading up the dog trailer, setting up at the show, the camaraderie at shows; taking a pup from birth to the ring .... all that stuff, split into 1 minute segments, would, I think be rivetting to people who love dogs and have no idea about pedigree dogs. RSPCA show is popular, how popular would a show about good dogs doing good things be?

And it wouldn't cost much, if one of the TV channels took it up. If someone knew a student doing film, he would probably love to do a pilot. If not, maybe one of the channels would like it.

Petitions? No point. What exactly do you petition against? Think about it. Whatever you write, it's going to sound like spoilt kids who have dogs with a problem and don't want to change.

Once the public knew the truth about breeders, and registered dogs, the animal rights loonies would have no hope, because popular opinion would be against them. Remember, the RSPCA spend $M1.2+ telling the public how cruel docking was, and what bad baskets the breeders were for cutting through "bone, sinew and muscle".

All these things have been discussed in various places, and there is a lot of talking and rah rahing, but nothing is done.

I've been pushing this ever since the danger became apparent.

People wouldn't support BSL because they didn't have a pitbull/didn't like pitbulls. Some of us, some no longer here, put the truth about pitbulls in front of the forum, and most of the members accepted the truth.

And they still do, but few fought for the pitbulls. Now we have people coming to the forum glorifying pit fighting, so the advantage we got for the pitbulls will soon be gone, and this forum will be like most of the others - anti pitbull. Even the people who own bloody pitbulls wont s tand up for them. They are too busy bignoting themselves.

A pitbull would be a breed I would never own, but I was happy to stand up for them, and do all I could. By our efforts, we had some of the legislation changed in Qld.

People wouldn't support anti docking, because they either didn't have a docked breed, or they didn't approve of docking.

No one supported the Scottish Fold cat, because they didn't own one.

No one will support those of the breeds who will be banned, except the owners, and there aren't enough of them in any breed to be effective.

Very few seem to see the big picture --

Every time another ban is enforced, more walk. And finally, those who are left will look around and wonder where everyone has gone. In the beginning, they will be happy to get 10 point BOB, but as more clubs fold, and fewer shows are held, they wont find 10 shows to title their dogs.

Queues for registered pups will be longer than they are now, and buyers will buy crossbred, rather than wait 2 years. "The public" will realise that hardly any purebreds are being bred, and blame the breeders.

The CCs, as far as I can see, are about as much use as a bicycle to a fish. DogsQld used it's usual limp wristed opposition to the mandatory desexing bill in Qld. Thank God the DPI asked for submissions. The submissions (mostly by breeders) turned the tide, because by the time DogsQld realised they were about to be mandatorily desexed out of existence, it was far too late.

I really don't have any idea. I'm sick of fighting. I'm sick of being accused of being paranoid, and then finding the people I fought tooth and nail about what I believe suddenly were on my side.

I'm at the end of my life in dogs. Many of those who can see the forest have stopped breeding. Only a minority will do anything, it will happen. And that minority are all the breeders who have been in it for a long time, can see, in hindsight, what HAS happened, and understands what will happen. That minority is passionate, and will fight for the others - but there aren't enough of us, and we're too old, and tired of fighting for others.

We are being driven through a race with a 10000m fall at the end. Like lemmings, we're going over.

How you make others understand, and do something effective, I have no idea.

Some years ago, members of this forum, by contacting a TV channel, had an investigation done into puppy farms and their practices.

Maybe we should all get writing??

Edited by Jed
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