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Breeder Websites


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I like to see info/pictures about each of their dogs if possible, not just show achievements but also info about their temp and personality.

It's also nice to see photos of previous puppies in their new homes - shows the breeder has kept in contact with their previous buyers and vice versa.

Info on the breed in general and their requirements (exercise, diet etc). I like websites that have a description of the breed standard, too.

I think information on health issues/testing relating to the breed is also important - shows the breeder is up to date and has these issues in mind when breeding.

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Hi ellz, on a breeder's website I like to see a lot of whats have stated, but also...

pedigrees on each stud and bitch, including photographs of the other dogs within the pedigree, all showing each dog's hip/elbow and any other relevant scores and ratings.

Also, in another section, any bred puppies that have later on had hip/elbow xrays and other relevant scores/ratings done, all displayed.

Achievements of course, but also unusual and cute or slightly out of the ordinary achievements.

All information to be honest, and not misleading.


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As a "pet home" owner I would like to see a bit of information about the breeder. How long they have been breeding for, why they got into breeding etc etc.

I like easy to navigate websites.

Photos of their dogs. Not just show photos, but photos of them being dogs. I want to see them down and dirty in the mud. :( Laying on the couch if that's what they enjoy doing, but really i want to see them as part of the family. And past dog photos.

A short pedigree is always good as well. I don't need to see a long in depth one. I think that if people are interested in the lines of the dog or for a dog for showing they will do their research and chat to the breeder anyway.

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If you are looking for a cheap AND easy option, I recommend the DOL sites. Less than $90 for a year, and its very very easy to work it out. Best part is that you decide on the content and can put up/take down what you want, so that saves big $$$. Troys's designs are quite simple and clean and are fine for an initial website, esp if you are learning how to do it. If you get stuck, or the website does something weird with the coding (and that does happen) you can give Troy a quick email and he will sort it out. For value for money, its unbeatable - esp when the fee includes the domain hosting too. And I haven't had any problems with people finding my site, it gets several hits a day usually!


Pssst....My current site is template based and hosting and domain cost me less than $90 per year. But yes, I agree that for somebody who doesn't want to go it alone, the DOL sites are cheap and easy.

Is there a limit on page numbers? A few I saw were cheaper, but you were limited a bit.

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oh yeah I cant STAND music and funny cursors ... AND SPARKLES ... american websites seem to be drenched in it. Sparkly banners, little gifs everywhere jeezus it's like an epileptics nightmare


sorry not much else to contribute :)

except when looking at websites for puppies / potential sire etc

I dont think much of show stacked photos - boring and dont show you much

I prefer free standing photos of the dogs, dogs at hme or at work, and photos showing the features that are important to the breed.

ie some breeds are a head breed, gait breed etc

so I like to see photos of the dogs that depict the breed emphasis.

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Very interesting reading!

I also do my own website and I think it fits in nicely with what people like to see. I hope anyway.

My site costs me about $40 a year all up including hosting and domain, but its not template based. But its not that hard, and I am always happy to help people out. I will also do complete websites for a few select people for a pretty damn cheap price.

Click my banner if you want to check out my site :(

Edited by Rysup
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The mobile only thing is interesting, i have not had a home phone in 3 years.

It's mobile only for all of us.

I can't stand music, sparkles, hidden things or hard to read things on website.

Contact details be it email or phone should be easy to find.

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I haven't looked at many breeder websites but I liked seeing the older photos of dogs that have been part of the family, even if different breeds. Also 'before and after' puppy then grown-up shots. I also want to see dogs in the home and interacting with people and other dogs, not just 'stacked' or set up for pretty puppy shots.

Please please proofread or have somebody else check/edit the content - it looks so unprofessional to have odd apostrophes scattered around.

I also judge sites by their links to other sites - for a breeder, links to DOL or specialist breed assocation sites (especially rescue/rehome, for people looking for older dogs of the breed) - it's a way of sorting puppy farmers from ethical breeders, because the puppy farmers seem to have links to massive pet food supplies or other puppy farms.

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If you are looking for a cheap AND easy option, I recommend the DOL sites. Less than $90 for a year, and its very very easy to work it out. Best part is that you decide on the content and can put up/take down what you want, so that saves big $$$. Troys's designs are quite simple and clean and are fine for an initial website, esp if you are learning how to do it. If you get stuck, or the website does something weird with the coding (and that does happen) you can give Troy a quick email and he will sort it out. For value for money, its unbeatable - esp when the fee includes the domain hosting too. And I haven't had any problems with people finding my site, it gets several hits a day usually!


Pssst....My current site is template based and hosting and domain cost me less than $90 per year. But yes, I agree that for somebody who doesn't want to go it alone, the DOL sites are cheap and easy.

Is there a limit on page numbers? A few I saw were cheaper, but you were limited a bit.

Nope. You add pages as required. My site is quite large, has been larger. You just create extra pages accordingly. I pay for megs not pages.

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I agree with what most have said - keep it simple with simple text and layout. I like websites that educate potential buyers, and if someone doesn't buy from you they leave with a bit of education under their belt. In the long term, more education buyers will lead to less puppy farm purchases.

I'd also like to see:

i) what health testing you do, with a simple, non-doggy person explanation of why it is important. Someone might look at your site, not buy from you, but leave with a bit of education so they ask the BYB/puppy farmer some questions about health testing. This should also include an explanation on the difference between health testing and vet visits.

ii) An explanation of how the puppies are reared and socialised (in detail). I think it was Jed to wrote a post about how her boxer puppies where socialised and it was heart-warming to read. Explanation as to why this is important.

iii) An explanation of HOW your breeding betters the breed. Everyone (even BYB's) say they breed to improve the breed/dog has great lines etc. I'd be impressed if a breeder could explain how their matings improve the breed.

iv) An explanation of how you help rescue/contribute to the welfare of your breed. You might not have the facilities to foster, but I believe that every breeder should contribute in some way to helping their breed - even if it is selling raffle tickets.

v) Most importantly....if you are a poodle breeder, have some fantastic photos of poodles in a pet clip, with a blurb about how your dogs are a better choice than an oodle (without attacking the oodles themselves).

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I like to see info/pictures about each of their dogs if possible, not just show achievements but also info about their temp and personality.

It's also nice to see photos of previous puppies in their new homes - shows the breeder has kept in contact with their previous buyers and vice versa.

Info on the breed in general and their requirements (exercise, diet etc). I like websites that have a description of the breed standard, too.

I think information on health issues/testing relating to the breed is also important - shows the breeder is up to date and has these issues in mind when breeding.

Ditto to all of this.

Also, like to see pedigrees for each of their dogs.

I really like the breeder sites that have good honest information on the breed.

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Out of date information

Glittery rubbish, music and those annoying curser things

only one photo of a dog.

Poorly written info.

People that advertise contacts which you try and contact them through, then never get a reply.

Like to see

Photos stacked and relaxed.

I like to see photos of dogs in every day life

All health testing results


Some photos and comments of puppies in pet homes.

Relevant links

Any show or other titles/results

A litter page with some photos of the babies on it.

A bit of info about the breeder, not a life story but why they got into their breed and the sorts of things they do with their dogs.

And idea on prices - not exact amounts, but something like $800 to $1500 depending on show/pet or any other conditions that may apply. There is nothing worse than trying to research a dog breed then finding out they are way above your price range, or having to waste a breeders time to then find out they are outside your price range.

Edited by Rommi n Lewis
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I love this thread - very timely for me. I'd really love some feedback on our site please :laugh:

For those who havn't done one yet NetFusion Objects is a free web builder program and it's really easy to use. Gives you plenty of options for your site. Ours is hosted by Hostess (sorry DOL) and allows us plenty of traffic.

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I love this thread - very timely for me. I'd really love some feedback on our site please :D

For those who havn't done one yet NetFusion Objects is a free web builder program and it's really easy to use. Gives you plenty of options for your site. Ours is hosted by Hostess (sorry DOL) and allows us plenty of traffic.

I had a look, it took me about 5 pages to find where you are located :laugh: And then the only thing I found was that you are members of SA Dog Association. Maybe a Contact Us Page?

I like the pages about your dogs, good info with the test scores etc and a good insight into their personalities :eek:

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I love this thread - very timely for me. I'd really love some feedback on our site please :D

For those who havn't done one yet NetFusion Objects is a free web builder program and it's really easy to use. Gives you plenty of options for your site. Ours is hosted by Hostess (sorry DOL) and allows us plenty of traffic.

I had a look, it took me about 5 pages to find where you are located :laugh: And then the only thing I found was that you are members of SA Dog Association. Maybe a Contact Us Page?

I like the pages about your dogs, good info with the test scores etc and a good insight into their personalities :eek:

Ooops - thanks amypie - Didn't actually think about our location - I'll put the contact page on..Ta

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I had a quick look too. I like the individual dog pages - I guess chasing birds run in the family :laugh: I did find the font on the home page a little difficult to read and also the black links on the navigation (with the dark brackground buttons) is difficult to read as well.

I love this thread - very timely for me. I'd really love some feedback on our site please :eek:

For those who havn't done one yet NetFusion Objects is a free web builder program and it's really easy to use. Gives you plenty of options for your site. Ours is hosted by Hostess (sorry DOL) and allows us plenty of traffic.

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One other thing I have come across on breeders websites is the demand in how contact is made. NO EMAILS or NO CALLS Retuned to mobiles is bound to turn me off. I prefer email as initial contact and only have a mobile phone.

I prefer email as initial contact to but don't expect me to have a 30 minute conversation on a mobile phone that will cost me $40 (yes it does). So I don't reply to mobile phones for that reason. I don't leave my phone or mobile phone on my webpage for privacy reasons.

I hate music on websites and I hate sparkly pictures that leave me with a headache. I also hate cursors that leave trails (the ones that are kind of like magnadoodles). I also hate one page that has so much information on it that a get finger cramp for scrolling down the page in what seems like forever. Please sub your pages and don't put a zillion photos on one page. gah

This is good reading. Reminds me to add a "whippet info page" to my own website :laugh: .

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iv) An explanation of how you help rescue/contribute to the welfare of your breed. You might not have the facilities to foster, but I believe that every breeder should contribute in some way to helping their breed - even if it is selling raffle tickets.

breeding / importing / health testing /maintaining the breed IS contributing to helping their breed;

how many breed enquiries would a breeder receive each week, advising people if the breed is for them etc

that is helping the breed.

Good breeders are contribting to their breed by doing what they do.

Edited by lilli
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My pet peeve is breeder sites that don't have their location. How do i know where in NSW you are located if you don't tell me. Also i want to know what your main focus is. Health and temperament are very important to me so if you don't even mention these things i'm not sure i'll bother contacting you.

I liked my breeders web site because they talked about how they care about temperament and the health of their dogs and pups. They also had great candid shots.

I love this thread - very timely for me. I'd really love some feedback on our site please :laugh:

For those who havn't done one yet NetFusion Objects is a free web builder program and it's really easy to use. Gives you plenty of options for your site. Ours is hosted by Hostess (sorry DOL) and allows us plenty of traffic.

I think you should have a picture up top on your home page of a bearded collie. my 2c.

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