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Cowering Chi


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My 6 month old Chi cowers everytime anyone goes to pick him up. I got him when he was nearly 5 months so I dont know how he was treated by the previous owner (just quietly she seemed like a moron) but I of course have never harmed him in any way....I might be guilty of too many cuddles but thats it!

If I need to pick him up I always try to make him feel safe but I cant seem to get him out of this habit and the look on his face breaks my heart everytime as he looks like he thinks Im going to hurt him :cheer:

Anyone have any ideas how I can remedy this?

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I can't really help you much, but just want to suggest that you look at it from his perspective.......

He's only a little dot and you come swooping down on him to pick him up from great heights, he may not be expecting it or he might be looking elsewhere....you'd probably cower too. :cheer:

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he could have been stepped on or just roughly handled. True he is a tiny tacker and it's rather daunting for a dog to be reached down to

sit on the floor and do a bit of play when you're at his level so he gains some confidence. I would just be ignoring the ducking behavior it's probably just residual. Show him there's nothing to be afraid of, dont grab him quickly or swing him about. If you dont fulfil expectations for him and in face create a new happy situation he will grow out of it.

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I would also suggest that you don't just

pick him up.

Why do you need to pick him up?

Is it just so you can cuddle him? maybe sit on a low chair, or on the floor/ground, and call him to you. Let him climb/jump up into your lap..THEN pat /cuddle him- without actually putting your hands around him and lifting.

If you need to get him onto a higher object- what about a little set of steps? that way he can be independent, learn something new, and perhaps gain confidence :cheer:

maybe have his own bench/table.. where he can climb to have collar put on/be groomed, whatever?

IMO ,being lifted up is amazingly different for a dog- they just don't have any equivalent in their canine behaviour!

If a puppy is handled correctly from birth- yes, they get used to it, and some crave it.... however, it is not a natural thing, and is threatening/scary to some dogs.

Also when he DOES cower/cringe- ignore it- don't pat him or even speak soft and caring words :cheer: In his mind, this is reward for his cowering .. :cheer:

Hope this makes some sense :mad

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I would also suggest that you don't just

pick him up.

Why do you need to pick him up?

Is it just so you can cuddle him? maybe sit on a low chair, or on the floor/ground, and call him to you. Let him climb/jump up into your lap..THEN pat /cuddle him- without actually putting your hands around him and lifting.

If you need to get him onto a higher object- what about a little set of steps? that way he can be independent, learn something new, and perhaps gain confidence :)

maybe have his own bench/table.. where he can climb to have collar put on/be groomed, whatever?

IMO ,being lifted up is amazingly different for a dog- they just don't have any equivalent in their canine behaviour!

If a puppy is handled correctly from birth- yes, they get used to it, and some crave it.... however, it is not a natural thing, and is threatening/scary to some dogs.

Also when he DOES cower/cringe- ignore it- don't pat him or even speak soft and caring words :o In his mind, this is reward for his cowering .. :(

Hope this makes some sense :)

I really only pick him up to go up and down the stairs, they are tiled and too high for him to climb up and down....yes he's really THAT small!!!

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i have a little dog... i kind of give him a heads up when I want to pick him up (i say 'stop') and he stands still and wait for me to pick him up. He even prepare his body for me to pick him up. I only pick him up when we use the stairs too.

Our cuddles are down on the floor or bed :laugh:

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I would also suggest that you don't just

pick him up.

Why do you need to pick him up?

Is it just so you can cuddle him? maybe sit on a low chair, or on the floor/ground, and call him to you. Let him climb/jump up into your lap..THEN pat /cuddle him- without actually putting your hands around him and lifting.

If you need to get him onto a higher object- what about a little set of steps? that way he can be independent, learn something new, and perhaps gain confidence :eek:

maybe have his own bench/table.. where he can climb to have collar put on/be groomed, whatever?

IMO ,being lifted up is amazingly different for a dog- they just don't have any equivalent in their canine behaviour!

If a puppy is handled correctly from birth- yes, they get used to it, and some crave it.... however, it is not a natural thing, and is threatening/scary to some dogs.

Also when he DOES cower/cringe- ignore it- don't pat him or even speak soft and caring words :D In his mind, this is reward for his cowering .. :laugh:

Hope this makes some sense ;)

I really only pick him up to go up and down the stairs, they are tiled and too high for him to climb up and down....yes he's really THAT small!!!

Dont allow strangers to pick the dog up either,

The little needs time & patience to bring it to a level off tolerating or enjoying.Give it time.

I agree sit on the floor or a seat & allow pup to make the first move even if that means feet up wanting cuddles just dont pick but make a fuss of the first step 7 do tjis for awhile.

If you have tp pick up dont feel guilty just do so with confidience & respect

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This kind of behaviour can stem from something as simple as when they were raised in a litter, the breeder loomed over the puppy enclosure and then reached down to pick them/something up.

I have seen breeders do this and also seen the puppies crouch away from the incoming hand. It is a real trap breeders need to be aware of especially in small dogs.

All subsequent hands reaching down to them only serve to reinforce this response, so you have 5months of reinforcements to get rid of.

All puppies should be approached with an outstretched hand under the chin, not on top of the head.

It is as simple as that - so in order to get rid of the undesireable behaviour follow the suggestions others have made here and be careful not to reach down with the 'hand'.

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i have a little dog... i kind of give him a heads up when I want to pick him up (i say 'stop') and he stands still and wait for me to pick him up. He even prepare his body for me to pick him up. I only pick him up when we use the stairs too.

Our cuddles are down on the floor or bed :confused:

He's learning "stay" for each time I need to pick him up.

Other than this cowering he's a really outgoing little boy and often beats my other dogs up....the daxi is his favourite target!

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i have a little dog... i kind of give him a heads up when I want to pick him up (i say 'stop') and he stands still and wait for me to pick him up. He even prepare his body for me to pick him up. I only pick him up when we use the stairs too.

Our cuddles are down on the floor or bed :laugh:

He's learning "stay" for each time I need to pick him up.

Other than this cowering he's a really outgoing little boy and often beats my other dogs up....the daxi is his favourite target!

My aunts chi's are fiesty little things too :laugh:

She has 4 of them..!

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My 6 month old Chi cowers everytime anyone goes to pick him up. I got him when he was nearly 5 months so I dont know how he was treated by the previous owner (just quietly she seemed like a moron) but I of course have never harmed him in any way....I might be guilty of too many cuddles but thats it!

If I need to pick him up I always try to make him feel safe but I cant seem to get him out of this habit and the look on his face breaks my heart everytime as he looks like he thinks Im going to hurt him :shrug:

Anyone have any ideas how I can remedy this?

Can I ask why you need to pick him up? Can you just treat him like a bigger dog who can't be picked up by its' owner?

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My 6 month old Chi cowers everytime anyone goes to pick him up. I got him when he was nearly 5 months so I dont know how he was treated by the previous owner (just quietly she seemed like a moron) but I of course have never harmed him in any way....I might be guilty of too many cuddles but thats it!

If I need to pick him up I always try to make him feel safe but I cant seem to get him out of this habit and the look on his face breaks my heart everytime as he looks like he thinks Im going to hurt him :rainbowbridge:

Anyone have any ideas how I can remedy this?

Can I ask why you need to pick him up? Can you just treat him like a bigger dog who can't be picked up by its' owner?

as mentioned above i only pick him up when i need to take him upstairs as the stairs are too big/slippery for him :hug:

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All my dogs will hit the deck in one way or another if I am aiming to pick them up :rofl:

The little Havanese will crouch down and the Tibetan Terriers which are a fair bit bigger in size will roll on their backs to be picked up like babies :laugh: (some of the Havs will do this too.) Sometimes they will just stand still with their head down waiting resignedly.......

Some were whelped by me, others weren't and most have lived here for the majority of their lives - I'm not a "swooper" LOL. ;)

I tend to think it's more of a "submissive" behaviour so unless you absolutely KNOW your dog has been previously abused, I wouldn't be too worried about it :o

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Can I ask why you need to pick him up? Can you just treat him like a bigger dog who can't be picked up by its' owner?

Sas - it's a *toy* dog and that's what they are for!! :laugh::o

If you can't pick them up, they must be broken! ;) :rofl:

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I got a question... have you taught your dog not to use the stairs?

I did with Charlie. So, at the bottom or on top of the stairs, he knows he has to stand there and wait till we pick him up to go downstairs? He expects to be picked up.

(then, again, Charlie has never cowered from me before)

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My current chi and my previous one tended to do this I think they are very aware of how tiny and fragile they are compared to us :(

With my boy I have taught him to raise up his front end when I want to pick him up so that he is ready for it and he wants to come up for a pat/cuddle or be carried around - nothing wrong with that they are the perfect size for carrying around! :dunce:

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I got a question... have you taught your dog not to use the stairs?

I did with Charlie. So, at the bottom or on top of the stairs, he knows he has to stand there and wait till we pick him up to go downstairs? He expects to be picked up.

(then, again, Charlie has never cowered from me before)

I havent really taught him not to use the stairs, he simply cant as they're too high. The most he will do is reach up and put his front paws on the first step.

He's decided he's found a fun new "game"...hiding under the bed when its time for me to go to work in the mornings, he wont come out not even for a treat so I have to lift the matress up and he comes flying out...funny but highly annoying lol

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