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Does Anyone Have The Power?


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Does anyone have the power to do something about puppy farms?

The only thing I can think of is that if some of the news laws were bought in then RSPCA for example

would be able to act upon them.

For example, when they wanted to bring in the law that every dog should be walked.

Surely they weren't aiming at the average dog owner, but to have grounds to fine or close down PF.

I cannot believe that people, whether it be councils or RSPCA inspector don't have any compasion for these animals.

If you didn't, why bother?

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If I'm reading the OP right, then it does beggar belief that puppy farms and their horrendous activities, continue to thrive. I think the OP is suggesting that there must be a stance taken against these farms...but who is responsible/has the muscle to do it. Obviously the RSPCA aren't sorting it, so who should be....?

I just wish that someone would do it...but that's a big wish.

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Does anyone have the power to do something about puppy farms?

The only thing I can think of is that if some of the news laws were bought in then RSPCA for example

would be able to act upon them.

For example, when they wanted to bring in the law that every dog should be walked.

Surely they weren't aiming at the average dog owner, but to have grounds to fine or close down PF.

I cannot believe that people, whether it be councils or RSPCA inspector don't have any compasion for these animals.

If you didn't, why bother?

I think only public shunning of these places would be the only way.

Like Jamie Oliver and his expose on chickens and pigs - pushed many people into sourcing and buying free range pork and chickens. I wouldn't mind puppy farms so much if the animals were not kept in cages for the whole of their lives (a longer life than a battery hen), and had free running on grass etc.

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Like Jamie Oliver and his expose on chickens and pigs - pushed many people into sourcing and buying free range pork and chickens. I wouldn't mind puppy farms so much if the animals were not kept in cages for the whole of their lives (a longer life than a battery hen), and had free running on grass etc.

TV, especially when a 'celeb' of some kind gets involved really does help an issue.

I think (please don't flame me - just my thoughts!!) due to shows like A Current Affair, Today Tonight and the RSPCA show on 7 and shows on Foxtel, the puppy farm issue is being seen more and more.

Despite the misleading nature of these programs some of the time (ok more often than not) at least the shocking images and footage of the horrible conditions they are kept in are getting into the public. Sadly it's not quite enough but at least it's something. At work I often do the whole spill I am sure most of you know and do also, when talking about getting a puppy or something and advise against pet shops and to do breed research etc etc and a few weeks ago after seeing something on the RSPCA show, one lady brought it up and said she rarely watched it but found herself able to and was shocked and disgusted by it. I sent her some links to sites like "say no to pet shops" and "where do puppies come from" Her response after this was why is it not more of a common knowledge thing?!

But at least it got through to her and maybe someone else had a breakthrough that night as well. If high advertisers like the RSPCA directed more of their time to such things then maybe it will become more 'common knowledge' as it would be harder for people to tune out and not pay attention.

Just my 2c worth :laugh:

edits: typed quickly, bad spelling. sorry!

Edited by Jenni87
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New laws not needed.

RSPCA have enough power already to seize ill treated/neglected animals. also to prosecute if desired.

Many are seized that are ok & others are left when they should be seized, as in the recent disgusting raid in Victoria.

Hard to figure out the logic isn't it ?

Its not about more useless dog laws that do not discriminate between good & bad owners/breeders etc.

Its about the above & getting the message into the heads of people who won't see the reality or don't want to know that you buy a puppy from a good home, with the relevant info on breed/background, care, health & environment.

People buy a puppy like a loaf of bread often.

Bread from bread shop/baker

Puppy from puppy shop/farm

Education not more laws that make no difference.

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