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Camping Adventures


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It craps me off no end when people pitch right on top of you when theres miles of space around, I hate it, I know why they do it and it's sad, I feel sorry for them even though it gives me the shits.

I think your dog done well for a first experience it would have been very exciting for him.

Edited by GeckoTree
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My dogs have a good recall and they are often off when we are out and about, but they are also on the umbilical system ( our pup is more on than off at present) when on lead at a campsite....So they have a great time. Why not just keep him with you on lead all the time, sothat he is part of it all. keep going, it will get to be more fun and keep working on the obedience. it won't happen overnight, but it will happen. Avoidance does not teach. All dogs ( and owners) have to start somewhere.

I must admit it drives me to distraction when people have to camp right on top of you, when there is a lot of available space. Almost seems they have a fear of space........

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Oh what a pain - I hate it when people do that!

We usually go camping when it is freezing so we tend to avoid others camping on top of us as not many are silly enough to go camping when it is so cold! :(

If I had a dog that was untrustworthy with recall in that situation I would just keep them on lead - the umbilical system that newfsie mentioned - teather him around your waist so you can have two hands to dig your poopie hole or whatever :)

It isn't cruel to keep Charlie on his lead, he will still have a ball and you can relax without worrying that he will disapear. I am sure he will feel better if you are more relaxed about it too - he would have been picking up on your energy and reacting to that also. I know Gypsie gets very stressed when we are stressed.

Another idea is to have a crate or pen for him to go in if need be. It will give him a secure safe place to be.

We usually spend most of the day walking when we go camping, and the dogs are offlead then, they know they are allowed about 20-30 meteres from us without getting called back. They know to hang around when we are at the campsite because usually there is food involved and they are tuckered out from the walk.

Give it another go, I'm sure you and Charlie will enjoy it more :) Here are my two little ones after 4 days camping and being feral :o


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First time is always the hardest... next time, you know how it is and you can relax more on your next adventures.

We take Charlie camping and he if off leash if we are going for walks. When we are at camp, he is tied up or penned. Even though he has really good recall, it's just safer that we do this for him... (we are scared we will drop something on him or someone trips over him).

First time we went... Charlie just stayed IN the tent.. especially at night time. He didn't want to come out.


sorry about the scary eyes

Edited by charleswentworth
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Its the pits when someone camps right on top of you!....It has happened yo us too, 50km gravel road drive in the middle of a state forest .......acres of space & they set up 25m away from us :(

We always take our dogs camping. I use a XXLcrate in the tent for nite time.( not sharing my bed with 3 sandy poo's :) ) and I use a large Xpen during the day. If I had to tether them they would drive me nuts.



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Our 2 last Easter, they normally look happier but it had been raining :rainbowbridge: so they were sulking! Their run line goes from under the annexe, out about 10m so they can go out there to the toilet etc. At night they are crated inside the caravan, they wouldnt deal with sleeping outside! When we go camping we have no power except for the invertors in the cars, a drop toilet and the only water is from the river



Isiss dogs at camp


In the river where they are happiest!


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We go camping a few times a year and always go camping with friends at Easter.

Chaos my red Stafford is off lead as he will not leave my side unless he goes in the boat.

This year will be Lilly's first time and as she is only a baby she will stay on a lead or in the puppy pen.

They both will sleep in the tent at night.

I have taken Bassets camping before and they have either stayed on lead or a puppy pen.





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Hi :hug: Definately keep going camping, as it's soooo great to share that with the dogs!! Your next trip will be better, and hope someone doesn't set up so close :hug: I HATE THAT!!!!!

We often go to Amamoor state forest near Gympie, and it's great, usually no one there (we usually go during the week), lots of walking tracks, lots of creeks to swim in and cows to bark at :cry: . Most times we have 3 dogs with us, who are tied up if there's other campers around, but let off when going walking - again depending how many people are around!! I've just recently taken my pup (well not so much pup anymore) on her first trip and she LOVED it!!!!!

Lottie resting in the hammock....


The three girls enjoying on of the creeks


My sisters staffyx enjoying my swag!!


And just one more.... could go on all day!! :rainbowbridge:


Lets just say, I LOVE CAMPING WITH THE DOGS!!!!!

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Generally the first time camping is the most stressful. I was really worried the first time we took them camping, but since the dogs take everything in their stride. They LOVE camping! Our favourite place to camp is Southend on the Limestone Coast SA in their bush camping grounds. Ours are generally off lead in the camp site as there isn't normally anyone else around and they just hang around the camp site or lie on the sand dune behind the tent [or try to steal food from the car!].

Whilst on the subject of camping - anyone got any good dog camping pics?? I will have to dig some of ours out!

I have plenty... :rainbowbridge:

Southend SA [Oct 2009]



Greenlake, Sealake VIC [Oct 2009]



Murray Kulkyne, VIC [Oct 2009]


Chatting to a lady who's travelling around Australia in a van with her dog, Southend, SA [Feb 2010]


My fave photo, "The Salmon Hole", Beachport, SA [Feb 2010]


Stopped for a drink, Old Coorong Road, Coorong NP [Feb 2010]


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